Students Publications:
International Journal
Journal Papers
AY- 2017-18
1 |
Harshal Patil, Vaibhav Tripathi, Sujata Patil, Shreyan Gedam, Prof (Dr) Vijay Gaikwad, “Credit card digits recognition using open CV and template machine”, IJARCSMS, vol. no 5, page no. 40-45, 2017-18. |
2 |
Ravindra Ramtekkar, Hruturaj Shendge, Prannay Shiwankar, Prof (Dr) Vijay Gaikwad, “Advanced driver assistance system”, IJASRT, vol. no. 3, page no. 116-124, 2017-18. |
3 |
Aishwarya Bhosale, Sachin Deshpande, Prof (Dr) Vijay Gaikwad, “Chatbot for Business Organization: Utility, Processes and Significance”, IJSART/CSEIT, Vol no. 2, page no 872-881, 2017-18. |
4 |
Sumit Mene, Arshey Dhangekar, Abhijeet Gurav, Harshal R. Randad, Rupali Tornekar and Prof. (Dr.) Vijay Gaikwad, “Image based Search Engine for Online Shopping”, International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, vol no 5, page no 62-66, 2017-18. |
5 |
Prof. S. V. Kurundkar, Kapil Mulchandani, Shubham Bannore, Pranita Mor, Akshay Aserkar. “PLAWATOS-An Automatic Plant Watering IOT Based System Using ESP8266”, IJSART, vol. no 3, page no 757-762, 2017-18. |
6 |
Gauri Kakade, Prof. S. V. Kurundkar, “Home Automation System And Security System Using GSM”, IOSR Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IOSR-JEEE), vol no 12, page no 78-86, 2017-18. |
7 |
Prajyot Mehta, Prof. (Dr.) A.B. Barbadekar, “Capacitive Discharge Ignition for Two Wheelers”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Electronics and Communication Engineering,vol no 6, page no 1361-1364, 2017-18. |
8 |
Snehal Jadhav, Pooja Sarode, Anmol Sharma, Suraj Gend,Prof. (Dr.) A.B. Barbadekar, “Adaptive Driver Assistance Using Automatic Headlights”, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research,vol no 11, page no 1674-1677, 2017-18. |
9 |
Chaitanya KulkarniProf. (Dr.) A.B. Barbadekar, “Real time text detection and recognition system to assist visually impaired”, International Journal of science and research(IJSR), vol no 6, page no 2112-2115, 2017-18. |
10 |
Kapil Mulchandani, Shubham Bannore, Shilpa Lambor, VrindaParkhi, Vikrant Bhalerao, “Static Voltage Stabilizer”, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, vol no 5, page no 86-90, 2017-18. |
11 |
Ketan Rathod , Rambabu Vatti, Mandar Nandre , SanketYenare, “Optimization Of Campus Wide Wlan”, International Journal Of Current Engineering And Scientific Research, vol no 4, page no 1-6, 2017-18. |
12 |
Roshan Shripad, Rambabu Vatti, “Detection of Vegetarian Areas from Satellite Images”, International Journal for Science and Advance Research In Technology, ,vol no 3, page no 498-501, 2017-18. |
13 |
Rohit Bante, PranjanBhure, Kshitij Raut, Rambabu Vatti, “GSM Based Home Automation and Gas Leakage detection”, International Journal of Advanced Computing and Electronics Technology, ,vol no 4, page no 17-19, 2017-18. |
14 |
Anant Gawali,RambabuVatti, Shraddhe Gupte, “Positioning of Wi-Fi Access points for optimum coverage of campus wide network”, International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, ,vol no 5, page no 15515-15520, 2017-18. |
15 |
ShardulKharalkar, Rambabu Vatti, RuchaKaranje, “Optimization of WLAN for higher data rate”, International Journal for Research In Applied Science & Engineering Technology, vol no 5, page no 302-304, 2017-18. |
16 |
Yashwant Kapgate, Rambabu Vatti, Sneha Jadhav, “Wi-Fi Tools and Signal Strength Analysis”, Global Research and Development Journals For Engineering ,vol no 2, page no 17-21, 2017-18. |
17 |
SaloniBurad, Rambabu Vatti, Chaitanya Patil, Nikhil Zambare, Umesh Jagtap, “To measure Wi-Fi signal strength and solution to increase the signal strength”, International Publisher for Advanced Scientific Journals-IPASJ International Journal of computer science, , vol no 5, page no 88-91, 2017-18. |
18 |
Yogesh Gadade, Rambabu Vatti, “Data Logger for Green house using Cloud Computing”, International Journal for Scientific Research &Development ,vol no 5, page no 608-610, 2017-18. |
19 |
Anjum Tadmod, SnehalPandkar, Prof.A.K.Talele,Prof Shilpa Lambor, “Study of BLDC Motor Controller Using Adriano”, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, , vol no 6, page no 22545-22550, 2017-18. |
20 |
ShreeyashGhodke, Pushkar Chaudhari, Neha Chumbalka , Arpit Gupta, Shilpa Lambor, “IOT Based Home Security System Using Raspberry Pi”, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, , vol no 6, page no 22830-22835, 2017-18. |
21 |
KrushnakantKalaskar, M.E. Rane, “Programmable Power Supply”, International Journal of Advanced research in Electronics and Communication Engineering, vol no 6, page no 1348-, 1351. 2017-18. |
22 |
Ajay Kumar, Vipul Dubey, M.E. Rane, “Number Plate Detection Using Opencv”, International Journal of Advanced computing and Electronics Technology, vol no 4, page no 1-3, 2017-18. |
23 |
Pooja R. Sarode, Snehal A. Jadhav, M.E. Rane, “Recognition Of Vehicle Number Plate Using Mat lab”, International Journal of Advanced computing and Electronics Technology, vol no 4,page no. 4-7. 2017-18. |
24 |
Chiragsingh Patil, Madhuri Sali, Vishwabharti Patil, Prameya Deshpande, M.E. Rane, “Traffic Sign Recognition Using Image Preprocessing”, International Journal of Advanced computing and Electronics Technology, ,vol no 4, page no 8-10, 2017-18. |
25 |
VedantTaide, Ram Warutkar, Nihal Nitnaware, M.E. Rane, “Recognition Of Vehicle’s Number Plate Using Mat lab”, International Journal of Advanced computing and Electronics Technology, ,vol no 4, page no 25-30, 2017-18. |
26 |
Shailendra Somani, SiddheshBangade, M.E. Rane, “Number Plate Recognition”, International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, Vol no 5, page no 1-3, 2017-18. |
27 |
Yash Chaurasia, M.E. Rane, “Method for Creating Uniqueness of a Brand Color”, International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication,vol no 5, page no 20-23, 2017-18. |
28 |
Adil Shaikh, Akash Ninawe, Nihal Nitnaware, Prof. S.P. Ballal,” IEEE 754 Single Precision Floating Point Arithmetic Unit using VHDL”,IJRSET, vol no 6, page no 22342-22348-, 2017-18 |
29 |
Pooja Virwani, Siddhi Shetye, Prof. R.V. Tornekar, “Intelligent Classroom Attendance System”, IJARAS, vol no 4, page no 49-52,2017-18 |
30 |
Ankita Pawar, Pradnya Shinde, Prasad Parsodkar, Abhishek Pande, Prof. D.G. Kanade,”COMPUTER VISION BASED HOME AUTOMATION”, Technical Research Organisation India, vol no 4, page no 20-24, 2017-18 |
31 |
Prajwal Langde, Omkar Nikte, Siddesh Patil, SanketYenare, Sagar Janokar,”Smart Energy Meter Using Android Application”,IJSART, vol no 3, page no 1012-1014, 2017-18 |
32 |
Sagar Janokar, Mr. Aditya Naik, Mr.Jitesh Patil, Mr.SamarthRathiand, Mr.VikrantNaik,”Knock Based Security System”,IJSART, vol no 3, page no 1009-1011, 2017-18 |
33 |
Digambar Pabale, Rohini Godbole, Shubham Sapkal,Prof. Sagar Janokar, “Farm Watering Automation”,IJTRD, vol no 4, page no 544-546, 2017-18 |
34 |
Aniket Jadhav, Diraj Naik, Gaurav Lakhotiya, Tejas Mahajan, Sagar Janokar, “Triage System Using Face Recognition”, Technical Research Organization India,vol no 4, page no 11-16, 2017-18 |
35 |
Snehal Kolte, Amruta Tathe “Stocker conveyer using programmable logic controller” , International Journal of Recent Scientific research vol. 8 page no. 22414-22416.December 2017-2018 |
36 |
Rohit Sonavne, Sachin Doge, Dr. Rambabu Vatti.” Wi-Fi Peer-To-Peer Communication in Disaster Management”, IJEECSE,Vol-4, issue 6, pp85-87,2017-18. |
37 |
Shubham Kolvekar,Dr. Rambabu Vatti, Tejas Latne,” Anatomy on Wi-Fi”, Vol6, issue 1,pp1994, IJRASET,2017-18. |
38 |
Ram A. Warutkar, Dr. Rambabu Vatti, Vipul Dubey, Vedant Taide, Jayanto Mitra, “ Teachers Assistance System” , TROI,Vol5, issue 1, pp14-18,2017-18 |
AY- 2016-17
1 |
Priya Date, Vijay Gaikwad, “Vision Based Lane Detection and Departure Warning system for advanced driver assistance”, International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering (IJETAE),vol no 8, page no299-306. 2016-17 |
2 |
Ashwinee Barbadekar, Prajakta Kulkarni,”MIFARE: A New Technique for Smart Shopping Cart”,IJIREEICE, vol no 4, page no 95-98, 2016-17 |
3 |
A Chopde, D Magare, M Patil, R Gupta, OS Sastry,“Parameter extraction for dynamic PV thermal model using particle swarm optimization”, IJLRET, vol no 2, page no 74-, 2016-17 |
4 |
Chaitanya R. Kulkarni, Ashwini B. Barbadekar,”Text detection and recognition: A review”,IRJET, vol no 4 , page no 179-185-, 2016-17 |
5 |
Pankaj Ipar, S. M. Lambor, S. M. Joshi,”Development of Radio Frequency Energy Harvesting module”,INDICON 16,vol no , page no -, 2016-17 |
6 |
Chinmay Bhimanwar, RupeshBiradar, Nikhil Bhole, Milind Rane,”Face Identification”,IJESC, vol no 7, page no 11923-11928, 2016-17 |
7 |
Kunal Jaiswal, SanketMarkad, Milind Rane,”Face Recognition”,IJRDT, vol no 2, page no 697-699, 2016-17 |
AY- 2015-16
1 |
AshwineeBarbadekar, Prajakta Kulkarni, “A survey of face recognition from sketches”,IJLTET,vol no 4, page no 150-158, 2015-16 |
2 |
Nishit Shetty, S. M. Lambor, S. M. Joshi, “Empirical Analysis and Performance Evaluation of a Generic Re-Linking Technique for Robust Route Maintenance”,IBSS – 15,vol no 4, page no 179-182, 2015-16 |
3 |
Sampada S. Upasani, Adarsh N. Khandate, Ankita U. Nikhare, Rupali A. Mange, R.V.Tornekar, “Robust Algorithm for Developing Barcode Recognition System using Web-cam”,IJSER,vol no 4, page no 82-86, 2015-16 |
4 |
Sangeeta Kurundkar, Sanket Ghate,” Real Time Smart Waste Management System”, RACEM 15. |
AY- 2014-15
1 |
Ashwinee Barbadekar, AbhaPhatak, “Classification of “Mr Images of Cervical Cancer Using SVM and ANN”, International journal of scientific Research, vol no 4, page no 3-6, 2014-15 |
2 |
Usham V. Dias, Milind E. Rane,”Block-Based Compressive Sensed Thermal Image Reconstruction using Greedy Algorithms”,IJIGSP, vol no 4, page no 36-42, 2014-15 |
AY- 2013-14
1 |
Ashwinee Barbadekar, Shrinivas Kadam, ”Face Detection Methods: A survey”, International Journal of Research in Information Technology, vol no 1, page no 282-289, 2013-14 |
2 |
Ashwinee Barbadekar, Shrinivas Kadam, “Face Recognition Using PCA Method”, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research, vol no 3, page no 304-310, 2013-14 |
3 |
Aishwarya P.Mulmule, Rambabu A.Vatti, Pratik M. Porwal, “Microcontroller based data acquisition system for wind solar hybrid system”, IJEECS,vol no 3, page no 20-24, 2013-14 |
4 |
Akhilesh, Patil, RambabuVatti, “MPPT Technique to Improve Efficiency in Wind-Solar Hybrid System”, IJEET,vol no 4, page no 74-82, 2013-14 |
5 |
Akhilesh Patil, Rambabu Vatti, “Scope of Wind-Solar Hybrid System as Renewable Energy Systems in India”, IJEET,vol no 4 page no 60-67, 2013-14 |
6 |
Anup K. Kawathekar and Rambabu Vatti, ”Wireless Sensor Network Simulation Tools: A Survey”,IJRIT,vol no 1, page no 214-219, 2013-14 |
7 |
Sushant S. Nilange , Abhijeet S. Kolhe , Saurabh U. Kulkarni, Sagar S. Sawai, S. M. Lambor, S. M. Joshi, “E_LEACH: An Enhanced LEACH protocol for minimal data loss”,IJSER,vol no 5, page no 140-144, 2013-14 |
8 |
Pallavi V. Lengare, KishoriDegaonkar, Rupali Tornekar, “Comparison of ECG Signal Denoising using FIR and IIR filter Techniques”, International Journal of Research in Information Technology, vol no 2, page no 263-271, 2013-14 |
9 |
Prajakta Kulkarni, KishoriDegaonkar, Rupali Tornekar, “Wavelet transform and Adaptive threshold based compression of ECG signal”,International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research, vol no 3, page no 94-104, 2013-14 |
10 |
Somvanshi Priyanka, Usham Dias, and Rupali Tornekar, “Tumor Preserving Medical Image Compression”, International Journal of Computer Applications, vol 54 no 2, page no 41-45, 2013-14 |
11 |
Jacob Nathanael, Priyanka Somvanshi, and Rupali Tornekar, “Comparative Analysis of Lossless Text Compression Techniques”, International Journal of Computer Applications,vol no 56, page no 17-21, 2013-14 |
12 |
Kshitij Bhagwat, Dhanshri More, Sayali Shinde, AkshayDaga, Assistant Prof Rupali Tornekar, “Comparative Study of Brain Tumour Detection Using K means, Fuzzy C Means and Hierarchical Clustering Algorithms”, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, vol no 4, page no 626-632, 2013-14 |
AY- 2012-13
1. |
Rambabu Vatti, Dr. A. N. Gaikwad, Bhooshan Humane, “ Throughput Improvement in Medical Ad-Hoc Sensor Networks: A Review, Challenges, Future scope for Research,” International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering & Technology (IJECET), Volume.3, Issue1. January-June (2012), pp. 23-28. |
2. |
Milind Rane, Usham Dias, “Motion Based Object Detection And Classification For Night Surveillance”, ICTACT Journal on Image And Video Processing, volume: 03, issue: 02 , pp:518-521, November 2012. |
3. |
Milind Rane, Kaliprasad A. Mahapatro, “A Novel Approach For Internet Congestion Control Using An Extended State Observer,” International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering & Technology Volume 4, Issue 2, pp.80-92, March – April (2013). |
4. |
Milind Rane, Apurva Puranik, Rahul Patil, Sharayu Kirad, Varsha Patil, “A Survey of Palmprint Recognition,” International Journal of Innovative Research and Studies, Volume 2, Issue 4,pp.177-192, 2013. |
5. |
Milind Rane, Apurva Puranik, Rahul Patil, Varsha Patil, “Touch Less, Camera Based Palmprint Recognition,” International Journal of Applied Research and Studies (iJARS), Volume 2, Issue 4 pp.1-7, 2013. |
6. |
Medha Wyawahare, Nathanael .E. Jacob, “Survey of Bone Fracture Detection Techniques,” International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 71– No.17, June 2013. |
7. |
Pooja Kulkarni, Abhishek Chandak, Ketki Gosavi, Shalaka Giri, Sumeet Agrawal, “Path Planning for Mobile Robot Navigation using Image Processing,” International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, vol.4, issue 6, 2013. |
8. |
Rupali Tornekar, Somvanshi Priyanka, Usham Dias, “Tumor Preserving Medical Image Compression,” International Journal of computer application, vol. 54, issue 2,pp. 41-45, 2012. |
9. |
Rupali Tornekar, Jacob Nathanael, Priyanka Somvanshi, “Comparative Analysis of Lossless Text Compression Techniques,” Journal of computer application, vol. 56, issue 3, pp. 17-21, 2012. |
10. |
Rupali Tornekar, Joshi S.L., Vatti R.A., “A Survey on ECG Denoising Techniques,” Communication System & Network Technologies (CSNT) pp.60-64, 2013. |
11. |
Vijay Mane, Gaurav V. Chalkikar, Milind E. Rane, “Multiscale Iris Representation for Person Identification,” June Special Issue of International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) on Advanced Computing and Communication Technologies for HPC Applications - ACCTHPCA, pp- 18-22, June 2012. |
International Conference
1. |
Suraj Khade, Padmini Pandhare, Sneha Navale, Kuldeep Patil, Vijay Gaikwad, “Fruit Quality Evaluation using k-means Clustering Approach,” 49th IRF International Conference, 21st February 2016, Pune, India, pp. 11-15. |
1. |
Vijay Gaikwad, Akshara Jorigal, Deepali Sanap, “Human Detection and Tracking: Algorithms, Systems and Future scope”, 3rd International Conference on Competency Building Strategies in Business and Technology for Sustainable Development, Shri Ganesh School of Business Management, Attur Main Road, Mettupatti, Salem 636 111, 25th February 2014. |
2. |
Vijay Gaikwad, Pranoti Joshi, Jayshree Waykole, “Human Detection, Tracking and Its Applications in Defense”, 3rd International Conference on Competency Building Strategies in Business and Technology for Sustainable Development, Shri Ganesh School of Business Management, Attur Main Road, Mettupatti, Salem 636 111, 25th February 2014, [2013-14] |
3. |
L.G. Sole, A.S. Sonawane, S.R. Shinde, V.M. Mane, “Video Analytics for Abandoned Object Detection and its Evaluation on Atom and ARM Processor,” 2013 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research, Madurai, Tamilnadu, INDIA, 2013. |
4. |
Sudhir D. Zaware, Prajwal G. Awade, Chinmay A. Joshi, R. V. Tornekar, “Image processing Algorithms for Robotics on Embedded System,” International Conference on Industrial Electronics and Electrical engg., Proceedings of 11th IRF International Conference(AS-ICIEEEPUNE),Pune, 2014. |
1. |
Vijay Gaikwad, Nikita Racheti, PreranaPurvant, “An Approach for Contrast Enhancement Using The Fusion of Sharpening Filter and Gamma Correction Filter”, International Conference on Competency Building Strategies in Business and Technology for Sustainable Development, Shri Ganesh School of Business Management, Attur Main Road, Mettupatti, Salem 636 111, 22nd February 2013. |
2. |
Vijay Gaikwad, Shashikant Lokhande, Prerana Purvant, Nikita Racheti, “Pedestrian Detection Using Edgelet Features and Cascaded Adaboost Structure”, International Conference on Competency Building Strategies in Business and Technology for Sustainable Development, Shri Ganesh School of Business Management, Attur Main Road, Mettupatti, Salem 636 111, 22nd February 2013. |
3. |
Joshi Sarang.L, Vatti. Rambabu A., TornekarRupali V., “A Survey on ECG Signal Denoising Techniques”, International Conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies (CSNT)-2013, 6-8 April 2013, Gwalior, India, pp. 60-64. Publisher: IEEE Computer Society, editor: Geetam Singh Tomar |
4. |
Deepali S. Deshpande, S.M.Lambor, S.M.Joshi, “Survey on Cluster Based Routing Protocols in Sensor Network for Reliable Data Transmission,” MULTICON-W, International Conference and Workshop on Emerging Trends in Technology, pp.101-105, 2013. |
National Conference
AY 2015-16
1. |
Vijay Gaikwad, Abhishek Desai, Priyanka Injmulwar, Siddhi Karakhedkar, “Detection of Microcracks in Soolar Cell Images,” National Conference on Advancements in Communication, Computing and Electronics Technology [ACCET-2016]. 11-12 Feb, 2016, Pune, India, page 5, held at Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering, Modern Education Society’s College of Engineering, Pune 411001. |
2. |
Vijay Gaikwad, Gargi Beri, Pankaj Ganjare, Amruta Gate, Ashwin Channawar, “Intelligent Ambulance with Traffic Control,” National Conference on Advancements in Communication, Computing andElectronics Technology [ACCET-2016]. 11-12 Feb, 2016, page 8, held at Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering, Modern Education Society’s College of Engineering, Pune 411001. |
AY 2014-15
1. |
Kalyani Kulkarni, Abha Dixit, “Wheezing Detection in lung sounds,” National Conference on Modelling, Optimization and Control (NCMOC-2015), 4-6th March 2015, VIT, Pune. |
2. |
Milind Rane, Gaurav Gandhi, Ankur Garg, Aakash Anchalia, Ganesh Doifode, “Illumination Normalization for face recognition using Discrete cosine transform,” National Conference on Modeling, Optimization and Control (NCMOC-2015), 4-6th March 2015, VIT, Pune. |
3. |
Sneha Vivian, Rajendra Patrikar, “Simulation of Gate All Around Nanowire Transistor”, National Conference on Modeling, Optimization and Control (NCMOC-2015), 4-6th March 2015, VIT, Pune. |
Students Sponsored Projects:
AY 2015-16
1. |
Prof. K. B. Ingale guided Walture Shantanu, Mandviya Mehul for Industry Sponsored Project under Power Electronics specialization titled , “SUN TRACKING SOLAR TRACKING SYSTEM”, sponsored by Asian Power Systems, Pune. |
2. |
Prof P. A. Kulkarni guided, Bobde Mukul, Zade Rushikesh, Pimprikar Saurabh for Industry Sponsored Project under Signal Processing specilization,” SPEECH TO TEXT WITH EMOTIONS”, sponsored by Aeron Systems, Pune. |
3. |
Prof P. A. Kulkarni guided, Bhor Shubhangi, Doke Chhaya, Shinde Anuja, Kumbhar Rajendra, for Industry Sponsored Project under Signal Processing specialization titled, ” VOICE OPERATED WHEEL CHAIR”, sponsored by Aeron Systems, Pune. |
4. |
Prof M. B. Tirmare guided, Bagade Akshay, Bawane Akshay, Dama Abhishek, Darekar Priyesh, for Industry Sponsored Project under Signal Processing specialization titled, ” GESTURE RECOGNITION”, sponsored by Aeron Systems, Pune. |
AY 2014-15
1. |
Prof A.M. Chopde guided, Tanmay Wani, Abhinav Ranjan, Dhiraj Sawale, Rohan Deodhar for Industry Sponsored Project under VLSI Design specialization titled, “Development of verification IP of AXI Protocol using system verilog and OVM”, sponsored by Technolexis, Hyderabad. |
2. |
Prof T. D. Bhatti guided, Kamble Pragati, Kulkarni Pradnya, Momin Aliya, Neve Disha, for Industry Sponsored Project under area Power Electronics and Embedded Systems titled, “Programmable power supply”, sponsored by EATON technology, Pune. |
3. |
Prof K. S. Degaonkar guided, Janrao Pradip, Tapkir Vivek, Devrukhakar G., for Industry Sponsored Project under Wireless Network area titled, ” MULTIPOINT WIRELESS DATA ACQUISITION SYSTEM FOR VECHICLES”, sponsored by Billion Ants Tech, Pune. |
4. |
Prof K. S. Degaonkar guided, Monika Shinde, Shruti Ghodke, Ruchi Chitnis, Arpit Sapre, for Industry Sponsored Project under area Mechatronics titled, ” Oil Purifier Safety System”, sponsored by Aber Ahmed Equipment Est, Abudhabi, UAE |
5. |
Prof A. Dixit guided, Vidya Anuse, Sayali Chinchole, Sayali Gaikwad, Kalyani Kulkarni, for Industry Sponsored Project under area Signal Processing titled, ” Whizzing Detection in Lung sounds”, sponsored by Yashwantrao Chavan Memorial Hospital, Pune. |
6. |
Prof M. M. Kulkarni guided, Gupta Rashmil, Mirakhur Rohan, Bhat Sanchita, Raj Rohin, for Industry Sponsored Project under area Biomedical, Image Processing was sponsored titled, ”Accessible home vital signs monitoring system”, sponsored by Honeywell, Pune. |
7. |
Prof P. A. Kulkarni guided, AherNilesh, LatneAnagha, BorthakurMohit, for Industry Sponsored Project under area Embedded Systems & Image Processing titled, ” Automatic PCB verification software”, sponsored by Bharat Electronics Ltd, Pune. |
8. |
Prof P. A. Kulkarni guided, Payal Munot, Kalyani Rajas, Sneha Sonje, Purva Zanwar, for Industry Sponsored Project under area Embedded Systems titled, ” Navigation System for Blind”, sponsored by AERON Systems Pvt Ltd, Pune. |
9. |
Prof M.V. Kamble guided, Keshub Bhubal, Palash Vadnere, for Industry Sponsored Project under area Mechatronics titled, ” Energy conservation in machining”, sponsored by Bharat Forge, Pune. |
10. |
Prof M.M. Shidore guided ,Raje Ameya, Tawde Gauri, Ghodke Pranav, for Industry Sponsored Project under area Embedded Systems titled,” Electronic condensate recovery meter.”, sponsored by Forbes Marshall, Pune. |
11. |
Prof S. N. Shilaskar guided, Sethi Ashwini, Shaikh Salma, Thute Neha, Verulkar Pooja, for Industry Sponsored Project under area Embedded Systems titled, ”Data logger using 32-bit micro controller”, sponsored by Jambhekar Automation, Pune. |
12. |
Prof S. N. Shilaskar guided, Badwaik Pranali, Bothe Aruna, Chitale Kavita, Dhawan Jagriti, for Industry Sponsored Project under area Automation titled,” Upgradation of old machine using PLC and automation”, sponsored by Cummins India Ltd., Pune. |
13. |
Prof S.M. Tayde guided, Vishwakarma Amit, More Samadhan, Tayade Atul, Surve Harshwardhan, for Industry Sponsored Project under Embedded Systems specialization titled, ” Automated industrial power saving system and security system”, sponsored by Alfa Laval (India) Ltd., Pune. |
14. |
Prof M. V. Wyawahare guided, Y. Ayush, Shubham Jain, Mahesh Juja, Gurupavan Mazumdar, for Industry Sponsored Project under area Embedded Systems specialization titled” Applications of Embedded systems and Image processing in smart city”, sponsored by sponsored by DRDO, Ministry of Defence Govt. of India. |
AY 2013-14
1. |
Prof. A.S. Marathe guided Shinde Pritee D, Kokare Rani B, Kamble Supriya, Ghorpade Snehal K, for Industry Sponsored Project under Signal Processing specialization titled,”3D MODEL WATERMARKING”, sponsored by Paragon Technolog, USA. |
2. |
Prof. R.B. Vatti guided, Morankar Anuja, Mulmule Aishwarya, Patil Akhilesh, Porwal Pratik, for Industry Sponsored Project under Embedded Systems specialization titled, ”PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF WIND-SOLAR HYBRID SYSTEM”, sponsored by Blue Chip Power Energy, Nashik. |
3. |
Prof. A.B. Barbadekar guided Mayuri Gajrushi, Anushri Parve, Prachiti Kulkarni, Sayali Mali; Industry Sponsored Project under specialization Power Electronics titled,” Brush DC Motor Drive system”, from Honeywell Automation India Ltd., Pune. |
4. |
Prof. M. E. Rane guided group of four students F S C Clement, Gupta Shreya, Vashistha Aditya, Waghmare Pranati; for Industry Sponsored Project under Biomedical automation specialization titled, “Driver Fatigue Detection System”, from Neowatt Energy Solutions Co Pvt Ltd. Pune. |
5. |
Prof. D. G. Kanade guided group of four students; Londhe Pravin R, Ranaware Akshay R, Karpe Sachin B, Warad Mahesh S, sponsored by industry Sponsored Project under Embedded Systems specialization titled, “DIAGNOSTIC DATA LOGGER SYSTEM”, from Forbes Marshall, Pune. |
6. |
Prof. V. M. Mane guided Bhise Amar, Bhutte Tushar, Devnale Vishal, Varkhede Vishal, for industry sponsored project under Embedded System, Image Processing and communication titled,” PLC WITH CO-ORDINATOR” sponsored by Digitech Engineers, Pune. |
7. |
Prof. A. Dixit guided Shweta Pananjape, Mayuresh Patil, Ashwini Salunkhe for industry sponsored project under Mechatronics specialization titled, ”ENGINE ASSEMBLY ASSISTANCE SYSTEMS”, sponsored by Tata Motors, Pune. |
8. |
Prof. S. N. Raut guided Deshmukh Rohit S, Kale Supriya S, Dhane Shreelekha C, Basakare Rajendra D, for Industry Sponsored Project under Power electronics and Embedded Systems specializations titled, “PRECISION POSITION CONTROL FO DC MOTOR USING EMBEDDED SYSTEMS”, sponsored by G.M.R.T. Pune. |
9. |
Prof. M. M. Shidore guided Patil Surbhi P, Salvi Sumit S, Kulkarni Rucha R, Kalaskar Sanket for Industry Sponsored Project under Automation and Embedded Systems specialization titled,” SMART BODY CONTROLLER”, sponsored by Mahindra Engineering Services, Chinchwad, Pune. |
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Prof. R. V. Tornekar guided Joshi Chinmay A, Zaware Sudhir D, Awade Prajwal G, for Industry Sponsored Project under Digital Image Processing and Embedded Systems specialization titled,” IMPLEMENTATION OF IMAGE PROCESSING ALGORITHM FOR ROBOTICS IN EMBEDDED SYSTEM“ sponsored by SPJ Embedded Tech., Pune. |
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Prof. V.D. Gaikwad guided Lele Shreyas, Jalkner Sourabh, for Industry Sponsored Project under Embedded Systems specialization sponsored by Forbes Marshall, Pune. |