Ria Sarkar.
I’m a Lieutenant in the Indian Army.
College was one of the best times of my life. From the extra courses like philosophy, aerobics, business law to the various fests and competitions, it really brought out the best in us.
In my final year, when I had so many exams to give and I had broken my foot and there were submissions and major projects to do, the faculty was immensely helpful in accommodating my issues. It very generously gave me time to prepare for external exams, go for my interviews and yet be back for timely submissions.
Professors like Dr Bailke and Mr Tarapore had guided me throughout.
The thing I liked best about VIT was that the campus although small, gave a sense of togetherness with the entire faculty as well as students from all branches. No one felt disconnected. Plus the various Extra courses made me the person that I am today.
Thank you so much.
Ria Sarkar Information Technology BTECH IT 2017