High Definition TV Trainer Kit:
This trainer kit is useful for BTech students of Electronics and Telecommunication Program to understand about the Digital TV. Scanning techniques, different resolutions, comparison between SDTV, EDTV and HDTV, different TV connectors including HDMI are learned by students.
- Screen size: 19”
- Resolution: 1440 X 900
- Sound output: 3W
Titan 2 Board for Microcontroller P89V51RD2:
Memory: SRAM 32KB, FLASH 512 KB
UART, CAN Interface
Four 7-segment displays
4x$ Push button keypad
Matrix-II FPGA Development Kit:
MATrix-II comes along with various adaptors, which are optional to user. Every adaptor is pluggable with baseboard with the help of connectors.
1. Dot matrix rolling display card
2. Relay card, 8-bit ADC/DAC add-on card
3. Packages supported PLCC84, TQ144 and PQ208
4. Upto 140 user I/Os