Confernce Papers / Books/ Book Chapters -
Sl. No. | Name of the teacher | Title of the book/chapters published | Title of the paper | Title of the proceedings of the conference | Year of publication | ISBN/ISSN number of the proceeding | Whether at the time of publication Affiliating Institution Was same Yes/NO | Name of the publisher |
1 | Mrs.M.V.GhamandeAarya Mulay, Shreyas Mankar, Abhishek Kakani, Atharva Khutale, Avinash Nair. | Plastic out of milk | 11th International Conference on Recent Innovations in Science, Engineering and Management (RISEM-18) | 2018-19 | 978-93-87793-02-6 | Yes | | |
2 | Jayant Kulkarni | Ocular Artifact detection in EEG using Wavelet Analysis | 2018 3rd IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics, Information & Communication Technology (RTEICT) | 2018-19 | 978-1-5386-2440-1 | Yes | IEEE | |
3 | Jayant V. Kulkarni | Bearing Fault Detection using Thomson Multitaper Periodogram | 2018 Second International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems (ICICCS) | 2018-19 | 978-1-5386-2842-3 | Yes | Springer | |
4 | Jayant V. Kulkarni | Determination of Deformation of Steel Plate Using Welch’s Periodogram Estimate | 2018 Second International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems (ICICCS) | 2018-19 | 978-1-5386-2842-3 | Yes | Springer | |
5 | J V Kulkarni | Text identification from handwritten English script | 2018 3rd IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics, Information & Communication Technology (RTEICT) | 2018-19 | 978-1-5386-2440-1 | Yes | IEEE | |
6 | Mangesh Chaudhari, | Air flow detection in data cooling center: different approaches | 2018 IEEE Punecon | 2018-19 | 978-1-5386-7278-5 | Yes | IEEE | |
7 | Sujit Deokar | Classification and Recognition of Arabic License Plates | Third IEEE International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computer Technologies and Optimization Techniques | 2018-19 | 978-1-5386-5130-8 | Yes | IEEE | |
8 | Jayant Kulkarni | Prominent Face Region based Gender Classification using Deep Learning | 2018 International Conference on Computing, Communication, Control and Automation (ICCUBEA) Scopus | 2018-19 | 978-1-5386-5257-2 | Yes | IEEE | |
9 | Jayant Kulkarni | Investigation of Effect of Noise Parameter on Brain MR Image Restoration | IEEE Sponsored 5th International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT) 2019”. Pune ,Maharashtra, India.Scopus | 2018-19 | 978-1-5386-8075-9 | Yes | IEEE | |
10 | Prof. Avdhoot Rajurkar | Effect of change in focal plane position on hole characteristics of nano second pulsed laser micro-drilled holes | ICIME 2019- Recent Trends in Mechanical Engineering. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Singapore. | 2018-19 | 978-981-15-1123-3 | Yes | IEEE | |
11 | Jayant Kulkarni | Classification and Recognition of Arabic License Plates | Third IEEE International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computer Technologies and Optimization Techniques | 2018-19 | 978-1-5386-5130-8 | Yes | IEEE | |
12 | Jayant Kulkarni | Prominent Face Region based Gender Classification using Deep Learning | 2018 International Conference on Computing, Communication, Control and Automation (ICCUBEA) Scopus | 2018-19 | 978-1-5386-5257-2 | Yes | IEEE | |
13 | SangeetaKumari, Nitish PolKe | Implementation Issues of Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality: A Survey | International Conference on Intelligent Data Communication Technologies and Internet of Things (ICICI) 2018, pp.853-861 | 2018-19 | 978-3-030-03145-9 | Yes | Springer | |
14 | SangeetaKumari, Nitish PolKe | Avatar Manager System for Online Fashion Clothing App | 2018 International Conference on Information, Communication, Engineering and Technology (ICICET 2018) | 2018-19 | 978-1-5386-5510-8 | Yes | IEEE | |
15 | Ganesh Bhutkar, AdityaMehetre, UdaySagale, Akash Kendre, DhananjayBhole, Nikhil Jathar | M4D Conference | Heuristic Evaluation of an Eye-Free Android Application | Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on M4D Mobile CommunicationTechnology for Development — M4D 2018, 15-16 November 2018, Kampala, Uganda | 2018-19 | 978-91-7063-886-2 | Yes | Universitetstryckeriet, Karlstad 2018 |
16 | DhirajJadhav, YogeshDeshpande, Ganesh Bhutkar | M4D Conference | Deaf in India (Poster) | Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on M4D Mobile CommunicationTechnology for Development — M4D 2018, 15-16 November 2018, Kampala, Uganda | 2018-19 | 978-91-7063-886-2 | Yes | Universitetstryckeriet, Karlstad 2018 |
17 | NileshNavghare, Dinesh Kulkarni | Data Privacy and Prediction using Neural Network and Homomorphic Encryption | ICCS-2018 | 2018-19 | 978-1-5386-2842-3 | Yes | IEEE | |
18 | Abhilash PAtil, Ganesh Bhutkar, Mihir Pendse, Amod Tawade, Anuiraddha Bodke, Shubham Shah, Shahaji Deshmukh | Spinger Book Series | Prototype Design of Android App for Mothers of Preterm Infants | Spinger Book Series | 2018-19 | 978-3-030-05296-6 | Yes | Springer |
19 | M L Dhore, Trutiya Kapadnis | Ransomware Attack Detection and Prevention for Android Devices | 2018 International Conference on Advanced Computation and Telecommunication (ICACAT), Bhopal, India | 2018-19 | 978-1-5386-5367-8 | Yes | IEEE | |
20 | M L Dhore, Rajshree Landage | A Secure Deduplication of Encrypted Data In Cloud | 2018 International Conference on Advanced Computation and Telecommunication (ICACAT), Bhopal, India | 2018-19 | 978-1-5386-5367-8 | Yes | IEEE | |
21 | M L Dhore, Karishma Zambre | Emotion Detection based on Images and Captions on Social Media | 2018 International Conference on Advanced Computation and Telecommunication (ICACAT), Bhopal, India | 2018-19 | 978-1-5386-5367-8 | Yes | IEEE | |
22 | M L Dhore, GauriLokhande | Transliteration Tool: For Residential Addresses having Hindi, Urdu and English Context | 2018 International Conference on Advanced Computation and Telecommunication (ICACAT), Bhopal, India | 2018-19 | 978-1-5386-5367-8 | Yes | IEEE | |
23 | Archana Chaudhari | Ocular Artifact detection in EEG using Wavelet Analysis | 2018 3rd IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics, Information & Communication Technology (RTEICT) | 2018-19 | 978-1-5386-2440-1 | Yes | IEEE | |
24 | Jitendra A. Gaikwad | Bearing Fault Detection using Thomson Multitaper Periodogram | 2018 Second International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems (ICICCS) | 2018-19 | 978-1-5386-2842-3 | Yes | Springer | |
25 | Vijaykumar Bhanuse | Determination of Deformation of Steel Plate Using Welch’s Periodogram Estimate | 2018 Second International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems (ICICCS) | 2018-19 | 978-1-5386-2842-3 | Yes | Springer | |
26 | Sanika Patankar | Text identification from handwritten English script | 2018 3rd IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics, Information & Communication Technology (RTEICT) | 2018-19 | 978-1-5386-2440-1 | Yes | IEEE | |
27 | Gaurav BandalPramod Kanjalkar | Optimization for development of P & ID: time efficient approach | 2018 3rd IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics, Information & Communication Technology (RTEICT) | 2018-19 | 978-1-5386-2440-1 | Yes | IEEE | |
28 | Mashmoom PathanPraveen Pol | Local operator interface testing using intelligent systems | 2018 3rd IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics, Information & Communication Technology (RTEICT) | 2018-19 | 978-1-5386-2440-1 | Yes | IEEE | |
29 | Shivam Chavan,Pranav Shinde, Rishabh Rai, Himanshu Kunwar, and Prof.Vivek Nagnath | Hall Effect Fluid/Petrol Measurer | International Conference on Energy and Environment (ICEE-2019) | 2018-19 | Yes | IEEE | ||
30 | Sahil MotlaniShilpa Sondkar | Vibration analysis of rotating machines using Vold Kalman filter | 2018 3rd IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics, Information & Communication Technology (RTEICT) | 2018-19 | 978-1-5386-2440-1 | Yes | IEEE | |
31 | Madhuri JarangAnil Kadu | Performance comparison of PID and SMC controller for TITO system | 2018 Fourth International Conference on Computing Communication Control and Automation (ICCUBEA) | 2018-19 | 978-1-5386-5257-2 | Yes | IEEE | |
32 | Manisha Mhetre | Air flow detection in data cooling center: different approaches | 2018 IEEE Punecon | 2018-19 | 978-1-5386-7278-5 | Yes | IEEE | |
33 | Santosh GuptaManisha Mhetre | Remote Diagnostics and Monitoring of Sucker Rod Pump System (RDMSRP System) | 2018 IEEE Punecon | 2018-19 | 978-1-5386-7278-5 | Yes | IEEE | |
34 | Vinod Madhare Kapil Mundada, | Wireless Telemetry system for Pipeline leakage detection and monitoring | Energy and Environment ICEE 2019 | 2018-19 | Yes | IEEE | ||
35 | Kalyani Bhore Shilpa Sondkar | Identification of Prandtl-Ishlinskii Hysteresis Model and Its Inverse for Varying Hysteresis Nonlinearities | 2018 9th IEEE Control and System Graduate Research Colloquium (ICSGRC) | 2018-19 | 978-1-5386-6321-9 | Yes | IEEE | |
36 | Popat BangarManisha Mhetre | Development of Sensor for Measurement of Various Parameters in Data Centre | 7th International and 45th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power | 2018-19 | Yes | IEEE | ||
37 | Vedant Shukla Kapil Mundada | MR Image Restoration using non-Linear filtering | 2018 2nd IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics, Information & Communication Technology RTEICT-2018 | 2018-19 | 978-1-5386-2440-1 | Yes | IEEE | |
38 | Sanika Patankar | Classification and Recognition of Arabic License Plates | Third IEEE International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computer Technologies and Optimization Techniques | 2018-19 | 978-1-5386-5130-8 | Yes | IEEE | |
39 | Sujit Deokar | Prominent Face Region based Gender Classification using Deep Learning | 2018 International Conference on Computing, Communication, Control and Automation (ICCUBEA) Scopus | 2018-19 | 978-1-5386-5257-2 | Yes | IEEE | |
40 | Kapil MundadaJ | Investigation of Effect of Noise Parameter on Brain MR Image Restoration | IEEE Sponsored 5th International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT) 2019”. Pune ,Maharashtra, India.Scopus | 2018-19 | 978-1-5386-8075-9 | Yes | IEEE | |
41 | Prof. Dr. Ganesh Dongre | Effect of change in focal plane position on hole characteristics of nano second pulsed laser micro-drilled holes | ICIME 2019- Recent Trends in Mechanical Engineering. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Singapore. | 2018-19 | 978-981-15-1123-3 | Yes | IEEE | |
42 | PremanandGhadekar | Handwritten Digit and Letter Recognition Using Hybrid DWT-DCT with KNN and SVM classifier | International Conference (ICCUBEA-2018), | 2018-19 | 978-1-5386-5257-2 | Yes | IEEE | |
43 | PremanandGhadekar | Content based sentiment Analysis by using Machine Learning | IEEE Conference | ICACAT-2018 ,LNCT- | 2018-19 | 978-1-5386-5367-8 | Yes | | |
44 | RanjanaJadhav | MENTAL DISORDER DETECTION BIPOLAR DISORDER SCRUTINIZATION USING MACHINE LEARNING, | IEEE Conference| Confluence-2019, Amity University, Delhi | 2018-19 | 978-1-5386-5933-5 | Yes | IEEE | |
45 | Dr. PriyadarshanDhabe, Mukesh .P. Chugwani and Vaibhav.B. Kahalekar , | Modified K- Nearest Neighbour Fuzzy Classifier Using Group Prototypes and Its Application To Skin Segmentation | International Conference on Big Data Innovation for Sustainable Cognitive Computing, | 2018-19 | 978-3-030-19561-8 | Yes | IEEE | |
46 | PriyadarshanDhabeSanmanSabane | Improved UFHLSNN (IUFHLSNN) for Generalized Representation of Knowledge and its CPU Parallel Implementation using OpenMP, | International Conference on Big Data Innovation for Sustainable Cognitive Computing, | 2018-19 | 978-3-030-19561-8 | Yes | IEEE | |
47 | Debabrata SwainPuran Singh | Dynamic Weight Ranking algorithm using R-F score for Efficient Caching | ICACT-2018,Bhopalorganised by LNCT,Bhopal. | 2018-19 | 978-1-5386-5367-8 | Yes | IEEE | |
48 | Debabrata Swain | PREDICTION OF H1B VISA USING MACHINE LEARNING ALGORTHIMS | ICACT-2018,Bhopalorganised by LNCT,Bhopal. | 2018-19 | 978-1-5386-5367-8 | Yes | IEEE | |
49 | Debabrata Swain | Predicting the occurrence of Parkinson’s Disease using various Classification Models | ICACT-2018,Bhopalorganised by LNCT,Bhopal. | 2018-19 | 978-1-5386-5367-8 | Yes | IEEE | |
50 | Debabrata Swain | A Metaphoric Investigation on Prediction of Heart Disease using Machine Learning | ICACT-2018,Bhopalorganised by LNCT,Bhopal. | 2018-19 | 978-1-5386-5367-8 | Yes | Springer | |
51 | Debabrata Swain | A Symmetrical Encryption Technique for Text Encryption Using Randomized Matrix Based Key Generation | ICDSM-2019- Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, vol 37. Springer, Singapore. | 2018-19 | 978-981-15-0977-3 | Yes | Springer | |
52 | ShitalDongre and Y S Rao | Dynamic Clustering and GPU Based Parallel Processing Approach to Accelerate Circuit Simulation | IEEE Sponsored 3rd International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT) 2018, | 2018-19 | 978-1-5386-8075-9 | Yes | IEEE | |
53 | ShitalDongre | Click-Through,Rate Prognostication using Nonlinear Machine Learning Model with Concept Learning | International Conference on Smart Computer Applications and Innovations 2018 (ICSCAI-2018) | 2018-19 | 978-0-7354-4017-3 | Yes | IEEE | |
54 | S R SatputeDurgesh Bonde, Prachi Deshmukh | Generation of electicity from waste polyenthyelene-A feasiblity study | International conference on Energy and Environment-ICEE-2019 | 2018-19 | Yes | IEEE | ||
55 | S R SatputeGaurav R Mirajkar, Nilesh Mali | Innovative reactive divided wall column distillation for dimethyl adipate prouction | International conference on Energy and Environment-ICEE-2019 | 2018-19 | Yes | IEEE | ||
56 | S R SatputeRushikesh Chimkar | Application of Mechanically sand reclaimed fines as an adsorbent | International conference on Energy and Environment-ICEE-2019 | 2018-19 | Yes | IEEE | ||
57 | S R SatputeManthan Jivtode, Umesh Pawar, Prachi Mahajan, Debismita Dutta, Durgesh Bonde | Study of plastic to energy | International conference on Energy and Environment-ICEE-2019 | 2018-19 | Yes | IEEE | ||
58 | S R InamdarSharayu Rajput | Agnihotra a non-conventional solution to pollution | International conference on Energy and Environment-ICEE-2019 | 2018-19 | Yes | IEEE | ||
59 | Dhananjaya bhatkhandeYashashri Pankar | Investigation of performance of reverse osmosis for minerals removal and retention of potable water | International conference on Energy and Environment-ICEE-2019 | 2018-19 | Yes | IEEE | ||
60 | Dhananjaya bhatkhandeVaishnavi Gohokar | Removal of COD usin RDC aerobic oxidation process | International conference on Energy and Environment-ICEE-2019 | 2018-19 | Yes | IEEE | ||
61 | P G NakadeBhargavi Hirde, SOham Sunthankar, Gauri Undegaonkar | Preparation of edible cutlery, eat your way out of plastic pollution | International conference on Energy and Environment-ICEE-2019 | 2018-19 | Yes | IEEE | ||
62 | G D GawandeVedang Nagre and Kaushik Ware | Study of Degradation of methylene blue dye by NaBH4 using copper nanoparticles as a catalyst | International conference on Energy and Environment-ICEE-2019 | 2018-19 | Yes | IEEE | ||
63 | SR InamdarSairaj Patil, Prasad Khapare, Siddhart Afre, Aditya Mande | Numerical computations and optimisation of condesation of steam-gas mixture by derivation of transport phenomena model for multiphase flow | International conference on Energy and Environment-ICEE-2019 | 2018-19 | Yes | IEEE | ||
64 | H U KarneSumedha Burande, Pratiksha Bhagat, Shivam Walaskar | Modeling of Biogas productionplant | International conference on Energy and Environment-ICEE-2019 | 2018-19 | Yes | IEEE | ||
65 | T BhattacharjeeAshutosh Anand, Swaraj Karnawar, Chaitanya Munde, Prachi Latwade, Akshay Bade | Estimation of enthalpy of vaporisation of organic compounds: A Review | International conference on Energy and Environment-ICEE-2019 | 2018-19 | Yes | IEEE | ||
66 | Prof. Bhakti Kadam | e-Vision | International Conference on Electrical, Communication, Electronics, Instrumentation and Computing (ICECEIC) 2019. | 2018-19 | 978-1-7281-0173-6 | Yes | IEEE | |
67 | Prof. Shital Raut | Study and Design of Microstrip Patch Antenna for WLAN Frequency Application with Rectangular Slot | International Conference on Electrical, Communication, Electronics, Instrumentation and Computing (ICECEIC-2019), Tamil Nadu | 2018-19 | 978-1-7281-0173-6 | Yes | IEEE | |
68 | Prof. Dr. Medha Wyawahare | Automated Health care assistant, Medical Dispenser for the elderly | International Conference on Electrical, Communication, Electronics, Instrumentation and Computing (ICECEIC-2019) | 2018-19 | 978-1-7281-0173-6 | Yes | IEEE | |
69 | Prof. Jaishree Tawade | 2D Gesture Recognition using PIC32MZ Controller | 2nd International Conference on Information Processing ICIP-2018 | 2018-19 | 978-8-1906-9424-7 | Yes | IEEE | |
70 | Prof. M.V. Kamble | An Overview on Human Activity Recognition Using Deep Learning | 2nd International Conference on Information Processing ICIP-2018 | 2018-19 | 978-8-1906-9424-7 | Yes | IEEE | |
71 | Prof.Jyoti Madake | Productivity Assessment & System Analysis (PASA) A Generic IOT Platform | 2nd International Conference on Information Processing ICIP-2018 | 2018-19 | 978-8-1906-9424-7 | Yes | IEEE | |
72 | Prof.Jyoti Madake | Leaf Recognition Using Image Processing Techniques: An overview | 2nd International Conference on Information Processing ICIP-2018 | 2018-19 | 978-8-1906-9424-7 | Yes | IEEE | |
73 | Mangesh Deshpande | English Text to Speech Synthesizer using Concatenation Technique | Communications in Computer and Information science | 2018-19 | 1865-0929 | Yes | IEEE | |
74 | Pritish Mahendra VibhuteProf.Dr.M.S.Deshpande | Optical Character Recognition (OCR) of Marathi printed documents using statistical approach | Communications in Computer and Information science | 2018-19 | 1865-0929 | Yes | IEEE | |
75 | Seema Arote Prof.Dr.M.S.Deshpande | Multimicrophone Based Speech Dereverberation | Communications in Computer and Information science | 2018-19 | 1865-0929 | Yes | IEEE | |
76 | Prof.S.B.Bhorge Deepak Bedase | Multi View Human Action Recognition using HODD | Communications in Computer and Information science | 2018-19 | 1865-0929 | Yes | IEEE | |
77 | Rupali V. PawarProf.Dr.R.M. Jalnekar, Prof.Dr. J.S.Chitode | Segmental Analysis of Speech Signal for Robust Speaker Recognition System | Communications in Computer and Information science | 2018-19 | 1865-0929 | Yes | IEEE | |
78 | Ayush GuptaPrasham Bhargava, Bhakti Kadam | Comparative study of different Approaches to Inverse Kinematics | Communications in Computer and Information science | 2018-19 | 1865-0929 | Yes | IEEE | |
79 | Prof.A.U.MandeGayatri Gurav, Kanchan Ajgaonkar | Detection of Fruit Ripeness Using Image Processing | Communications in Computer and Information science | 2018-19 | 1865-0929 | Yes | IEEE | |
80 | Milind E. RanePrameya P. Deshpande | Multimodal Biometric Recognition System Using Feature Level Fusion | 4th International Conference on Computing Communication Control and Automation (ICCUBEA-2018) | 2018-19 | 978-1-5386-5257-2 | Yes | IEEE | |
81 | Milind E. RaneAbhishek J. Pande | Multi-Modal Biometric Recognition of Face and Palm-Print Using Matching Score Level Fusion | 4th International Conference on Computing Communication Control and Automation (ICCUBEA-2018) | 2018-19 | 978-1-5386-5257-2 | Yes | IEEE | |
82 | Milind RaneAseemPatil, BhushanBarse | Real Object Detection Using TensorFlow | International Conference on Communication and Cyber Physical Engineering, Pune. | 2018-19 | 978-981-13-8714-2 | Yes | IEEE | |
83 | Mayur R. DeogadeMilind Rane | Range Performance Validation Trials by changing RF Data Rate | International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT) | 2018-19 | 978-1-5386-8075-9 | Yes | IEEE | |
84 | Milind RaneRohini Godbole, Pradnya Choudhary | Estimating real time lifespan of nonrechargable coin cells by parameter measurements | International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT) | 2018-19 | 978-1-5386-8075-9 | Yes | IEEE | |
85 | Milind RaneTejas Latne | Biometric Recognition Using Fusion | International Conference on Data Science and Machine learning and Applications(ICDSMLA-2019) | 2018-19 | 978-981-15-1419-7 | Yes | Springer | |
86 | M. L. Dhore, P. H. Rathod | Chapter 1 PP1-20, Hindi and Urdu to English Named Entity Statistical Machine Transliteration using Source Language Word Origin Context | Applied Machine Learning for Smart Data Analysis | 2018-19 | 978-042-94-4095-3 | Yes | ||
87 | Premanand Ghadekar | Communications in Computer and Information Science book series , ICIP-2018 | Modeling Nonlinear Dynamic Textures using ISOMAP and GPU | 2018-19 | 978-981-13-1809-2 | Yes | ||
88 | Shital Jadhav, Y S Rao | Clustering and Parallel Processing on GPU to Accelerate Circuit Transient Analysis | International Conference on Advanced Computing Networking and Informatics , Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 870. Springer, Singapore. | 2018-19 | 978-981-13-2672-1 | Yes | Springer | |
89 | Ranjana.S. Jadhav | Content Based Facial Emotion Recognition Model using Machine Learning Algorithm | International Conference on Advanced Computation and Telecommunication (ICACAT) |
2018-19 | 978-1-5386-5367-8 | Yes | IEEE | |
90 | RanjanaJadhav | Content based sentiment Analysis by using Machine Learning | IEEE Conference | ICACAT-2018 ,LNCT- | 2018-19 | 978-1-5386-5367-8 | Yes | IEEE | |
91 | Deepali Joshi | Click-Through,Rate Prognostication using Nonlinear Machine Learning Model with Concept Learning | International Conference on Smart Computer Applications and Innovations 2018 (ICSCAI-2018) | 2018-19 | 978-0-7354-4017-3 | Yes | IEEE | |
92 | Vedant Shukla Kapil Mundada | MR Image Restoration using non-Linear filtering | 2018 2nd IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics, Information & Communication Technology RTEICT-2018 | 2018-19 | 978-1-5386-2440-1 | Yes | IEEE | |
93 | RanjanaJadhav | Click-Through,Rate Prognostication using Nonlinear Machine Learning Model with Concept Learning | International Conference on Smart Computer Applications and Innovations 2018 (ICSCAI-2018) | 2018-19 | 978-0-7354-4017-3 | Yes | IEEE | |
94 | Dr.R.M. Jalnekar | Segmental Analysis of Speech Signal for Robust Speaker Recognition System | Communications in Computer and Information science | 2018-19 | 1865-0929 | Yes | IEEE | |
95 | Premanand Ghadekar | Content Based Facial Emotion Recognition Model using Machine Learning Algorithm | International Conference on Advanced Computation and Telecommunication (ICACAT) |
2018-19 | 978-1-5386-5367-8 | Yes | IEEE | |
96 | Mrs.M.V.GhamandeUnmesh Sinde, Namit Chintawar,Sejal Pawar | Purificaion of water using activeted charcoal | 11th International Conference on Recent Innovations in Science, Engineering and Management (RISEM-18) | 2018-19 | 978-93-87793-02-6 | Yes | IEEE | |
97 | Mrs.M.V.GhamandeArpit Shah, Divya Potkule, Aniket Nake, Ashish Biswal, Maithili Jayale, Shrushti Dindokar | Cultivation of Barren land | 11th International Conference on Recent Innovations in Science, Engineering and Management (RISEM-18) | 2018-19 | 978-93-87793-02-6 | Yes | IEEE | |
98 | Mrs.M.V.GhamandeGaurav Kulhare, Sachin Rajput, Siddhi Deshmukh | Extraction of Soya Milk and analysis | 11th International Conference on Recent Innovations in Science, Engineering and Management (RISEM-18) | 2018-19 | 978-93-87793-02-6 | Yes | IEEE | |
99 | Mrs.M.V.GhamandeShweta Bhujbal, Prathamesh Vaidya, Yashaswini Dhakade,Rohit Narawade | Test for starch in plant | 11th International Conference on Recent Innovations in Science, Engineering and Management (RISEM-18) | 2018-19 | 978-93-87793-02-6 | Yes | IEEE | |
100 | Mrs.M.V.GhamandeVrushabh Modi, Rohan Rao, Adesh Lawand, Vikalp Nama, Vinayak Vipradas | Bio-plastic Synthesis | 11th International Conference on Recent Innovations in Science, Engineering and Management (RISEM-18) | 2018-19 | 978-93-87793-02-6 | Yes | IEEE | |
101 | Mrs.M.V.GhamandeYogam Oswal | Waste Management and Recycling | 11th International Conference on Recent Innovations in Science, Engineering and Management (RISEM-18) | 2018-19 | 978-93-87793-02-6 | Yes | IEEE | |
102 | Mrs.M.V.GhamandeYogam Oswal ,Yash Chaudhari,Komal Mekla, Saurabh Badale | Natural Hair Oil | 11th International Conference on Recent Innovations in Science, Engineering and Management (RISEM-18) | 2018-19 | 978-93-87793-02-6 | Yes | IEEE | |
103 | Shripad DeshmukhAmegh Deshmukh, Shrut Desai , KaustubhRathi , Soham Sunthankar , PradnyeshDangat , Prof. Vivek Nagnath | Energy drink from hibiscus flower | 11th International Conference on Recent Innovations in Science, Engineering and Management (RISEM-18) | 2018-19 | 978-93-87793-02-6 | Yes | IEEE | |
104 | Pramod GhaleTanmay Chinchanikar, Preksha Jain, TeenaKavitake, AnkurTembhurnikar, Tushar Kamale, Prof.Vivek agnath | Homemade bioplastic | 11th International Conference on Recent Innovations in Science, Engineering and Management (RISEM-18) | 2018-19 | 978-93-87793-02-6 | Yes | IEEE | |
105 | NimiSh WagaleGitesh Gunjal,Gauri Undegaonkar,Aditya Godse, Onkar Kahate, Swami Dhamane, Prof. Vivek Nagnath | Face-wash from Cow Urine | 11th International Conference on Recent Innovations in Science, Engineering and Management (RISEM-18) | 2018-19 | 978-93-87793-02-6 | Yes | IEEE | |
106 | Prathamesh PhadnisAshish Dongarjal, Rohan Patil,Shalmali Bhave, Shruti Runwal, Chandraj Ketkale, Rohit Godbole, Prof. Vivek Nagnath | Paper from Coconut husk | 11th International Conference on Recent Innovations in Science, Engineering and Management (RISEM-18) | 2018-19 | 978-93-87793-02-6 | Yes | IEEE | |
107 | AbhiShekThiteAadeesh Kurde, Laxman Gawade, Anushka Kale, Vaibhav Chitale, Prof. Vivek Nagnath | Fermented Strawberry drink | 11th International Conference on Recent Innovations in Science, Engineering and Management (RISEM-18) | 2018-19 | 978-93-87793-02-6 | Yes | IEEE | |
108 | Dolly DhumavatMadhuri Gade, Sujit Sirmanwar, Kundan Khade,Madhavi Murarkar, Prof. Vivek Nagnath | Fermentation of carrot | 11th International Conference on Recent Innovations in Science, Engineering and Management (RISEM-18) | 2018-19 | 978-93-87793-02-6 | Yes | IEEE | |
109 | SalilVaidyaSuyog Ghadge, Devashish Rathod, Vaibhav Kamble, Varad Wattamwar, Prof. Vivek Nagnath | Reduction of alcoHol from human body through esterification reaction | 11th International Conference on Recent Innovations in Science, Engineering and Management (RISEM-18) | 2018-19 | 978-93-87793-02-6 | Yes | IEEE | |
110 | Prachi LatwadeAshish Sadamate, Aman Tembhekar, Omkar Patil, Nikhil Bagul, Akshay Bade, Prof. Vivek Nagnath | Cost effective method for the production of Turmeric powder | 11th International Conference on Recent Innovations in Science, Engineering and Management (RISEM-18) | 2018-19 | 978-93-87793-02-6 | Yes | IEEE | |
111 | Mihir Tanksale Prof. Mrs. Surekha Dixit | Home automation using arduino | 11th International Conference on Recent Innovations in Science, Engineering and Management (RISEM-18) | 2018-19 | 978-93-87793-02-6 | Yes | IEEE | |
112 | Riya PandeMangesh Jamnik, Siddharth Patil, Kush Mahajan ,Princess Bella, Prof. Mrs. Surekha Dixit | Laser light security alarm system | 11th International Conference on Recent Innovations in Science, Engineering and Management (RISEM-18) | 2018-19 | 978-93-87793-02-6 | Yes | IEEE | |
113 | Ashlesh ShethKartik Kapgate Rishav SahSaurav Sangle Prof. Mrs. Surekha Dixit | Seven segment one digit object counter | 11th International Conference on Recent Innovations in Science, Engineering and Management (RISEM-18) | 2018-19 | 978-93-87793-02-6 | Yes | IEEE | |
114 | Yash Sali Aditya Holkar, Suraj Nagargoje, Harshavardhan Patil Prof. Mrs. Surekha Dixit | Water level controler | 11th International Conference on Recent Innovations in Science, Engineering and Management (RISEM-18) | 2018-19 | 978-93-87793-02-6 | Yes | IEEE | |
115 | Dhanaji DeshmukhPranam Sharma, Joy Mendonca, Talal Albatsh, Prof. Mrs. Surekha Dixit | Automated lamp ontrol | 11th International Conference on Recent Innovations in Science, Engineering and Management (RISEM-18) | 2018-19 | 978-93-87793-02-6 | Yes | IEEE | |
116 | Shruti BandsodRishita Jaiswal,Priyanka Sargam,Prajakta Survase,Prof. Dr. Sachin Sawant | Arduino Based water irrigation System | 11th International Conference on Recent Innovations in Science, Engineering and Management (RISEM-18) | 2018-19 | 978-93-87793-02-6 | Yes | IEEE | |
117 | Neha ChaudhariSuhani Ghorpade , Mandar Gondane , Akshay Sargar , Shubham Bharti Prof. Dr. Sachin Sawant | Key controled door and window closing system | 11th International Conference on Recent Innovations in Science, Engineering and Management (RISEM-18) | 2018-19 | 978-93-87793-02-6 | Yes | IEEE | |
118 | Aishwarya Phirke Sakshi Rathi, Ankit Kumar, hubham Jain, ManthanMahindrakar, shish Ghonsikar,Prof. Dr. Sachin Sawant | Automatic vehicle identification for Access to parking area in offices | 11th International Conference on Recent Innovations in Science, Engineering and Management (RISEM-18) | 2018-19 | 978-93-87793-02-6 | Yes | IEEE | |
119 | SaranSh Kulkarni Sameer Agarwal, , Sakshi Nagpure, Ajit Biradar,Harshal Goyal, Prof. Dr. Sachin Sawant | Remote gesture controled (rgc) multipurpose vehicle | 11th International Conference on Recent Innovations in Science, Engineering and Management (RISEM-18) | 2018-19 | 978-93-87793-02-6 | Yes | IEEE | |
120 | Uddhav Papalkar Rohan Chaudhari, Ashutosh Anand, Brijesh Bihani,Asawari, Shirale, Aditya Kudale, Prof. Dr. Santosh Mukkawar | Thermocol Cutter Based on Beam Engine Mechanism | 11th International Conference on Recent Innovations in Science, Engineering and Management (RISEM-18) | 2018-19 | 978-93-87793-02-6 | Yes | IEEE | |
121 | Vishal FalkeVedali Chandane,Yashaswini Dhakade, Rohit Narwade, Prof. Dr. Santosh Mukkawar | Slider rank Mechanism | 11th International Conference on Recent Innovations in Science, Engineering and Management (RISEM-18) | 2018-19 | 978-93-87793-02-6 | Yes | IEEE | |
122 | Prof. Dr. Santosh MukkawarAarya Mulay, Shubham Mathur, Abhishek Kakani, Atharve Khutale, Avinash Nair, Shrey Merchant | Mini Conveyor Using Geneva Mechanism | 11th International Conference on Recent Innovations in Science, Engineering and Management (RISEM-18) | 2018-19 | 978-93-87793-02-6 | Yes | IEEE | |
123 | Prof. Dr. Santosh MukkawarShreyash Mankar, Shweta Bhujbal, Prathamesh Vaidya, Vipin Bankar, Omaid Ahmad, Khaled Aswad | Electricity Generation using Speed Brakers | 11th International Conference on Recent Innovations in Science, Engineering and Management (RISEM-18) | 2018-19 | 978-93-87793-02-6 | Yes | IEEE | |
124 | Prof. Rajesh aikwar Prathamesh Sardeshmukh, Niranjan Kakade | Sucessor of today’s electricity housePiezo electricmaterial | 11th International Conference on Recent Innovations in Science, Engineering and Management (RISEM-18) | 2018-19 | 978-93-87793-02-6 | Yes | IEEE | |
125 | Nilam Upasani, Sharvari Shirke, Pallavi Jagdale, Pranjal Siraskar, Jaydeep Patil, Vision Shinde | Application for curing ailments through mudra science | 11th International Conference on Recent Innovations in Science, Engineering and Management (RISEM-18) | 2018-19 | 978-93-87793-02-6 | Yes | IEEE | |
126 | Harsh SamanpureRudreSh Gaynar, Anmol Sodeja, Viraj Joshi, Jayant Sawarkar,Arnav Oke ,Prof.Vivek Nagnath | Moringa olifiera leaves as anti Microbials | 2nd International Conference on New Frontiers of Engineering | 2018-19 | 1240 011001 | Yes | IEEE | |
127 | Samarth KohirkarShreyas Wakchaure, Madhur Kamble, Shubham Mali, Prof. Vivek Nagnath | Wine from rose petals | 2nd International Conference on New Frontiers of Engineering | 2018-19 | 1240 011001 | Yes | IEEE | |
128 | Manasi GhamandeSacchidanand Gogawale, Dr. Sanjeevani Gogawale | Industry Academia Knowledge Bridge: A case Study | International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management | 2018-19 | 978-0-9855497-5-6 | Yes | IEEE | |
129 | Mrs.M.V.GhamandeChaitanya Bidkar, Bhagrav Pawar , Shreyas Khare , Arya Patil, Jayna Medtia , Sudarshan Hon , Dhanraj Kore , Yogesh Metkari | Hydrophobic Coating And Its Applications | 2 nd International conference on emerging trends in science, Engineering & Technology | 2018-19 | ISSN NO : 2249-7455 | Yes | IEEE | |
130 | Mrs.M.V.GhamandeDr. Priya Deole, Nachiketa Deole | Detection & Diagnosis Of Malignancy By Synchronou Luminescence Spectroscopy | 2 nd International conference on emerging trends in science, Engineering & Technology | 2018-19 | ISSN NO : 2249-7455 | Yes | journal- | |
131 | Mrs.M.V.GhamandeAtharva Sule, Mihir Yardi,, Aditya Tarte, Latasha Ukey, Neer Pathak, Saurabh Solanke, Ashutosh Thombare, Rahul Biradar. | Study and Development of Chloroform Based Riot Control Grenades (RCG) | 2 nd International conference on emerging trends in science, Engineering & Technology | 2018-19 | ISSN NO : 2249-7455 | Yes | IJAMTE | |
132 | AddviJa Medhe-karSanketBendre, ManasNagaraj, RohanAshra, AstutoshSabale, PratikshaGhundre,KunalChandak, Prof. Vivek Nagnath | Ayur-vedic Cold and Cough Syrup | 2 nd International conference on emerging trends in science, Engineering & Technology | 2018-19 | ISSN NO : 2249-7455 | Yes | IJAMTE | |
133 | VedPrakashNeel Doifode,Rohit Honde, GovindShirude, ShaikhMohamm-edAhsan,Prof. Vivek Nagnath | Health+ Bar using Green Peas and Brinjals | 2 nd International conference on emerging trends in science, Engineering & Technology | 2018-19 | ISSN NO : 2249-7455 | Yes | IJAMTE | |
134 | Raj RajhansVarun Khalate, SamruddhiJadhav, Utkarsh Shendge, Kshitija Dale, Prof. Vivek Nagnath | Increa-sing the Longe-vity of Coconut Water | 2 nd International conference on emerging trends in science, Engineering & Technology | 2018-19 | ISSN NO : 2249-7455 | Yes | IJAMTE | |
135 | HarshalDande-karShrawani Tare, Pranav Srusti, Akshay Joshi, Mihir Prajapati, Harsh Pandey,Naman Chandak, Prof. Vivek Nagnath | Preparation of Organol (Beve-rage with medici-nal proper-ties) | 2 nd International conference on emerging trends in science, Engineering & Technology | 2018-19 | ISSN NO : 2249-7455 | Yes | IJAMTE | |
136 | SandeshMankarAadityaSarma, AnuradhaLohar, SushrutThete, Sahil Gupta, Sameer Deshmukh, Prof. Vivek Nagnath | Prepara-tion of Coconut Honey (Alter-native for Sugar) | 2 nd International conference on emerging trends in science, Engineering & Technology | 2018-19 | ISSN NO : 2249-7455 | Yes | IJAMTE | |
137 | Zeshaan SheikhUditNahata, Pranav Annam, PranavBelgaon-kar, Prachi Tapadia, ShreenivasTelkar, Prof. Vivek Nagnath | Edible Water-Bottles | 2 nd International conference on emerging trends in science, Engineering & Technology | 2018-19 | ISSN NO : 2249-7455 | Yes | IJAMTE | |
138 | ArchitHadgeSnehalVarne, Aayush Agarwal, Chaitanya Pathak, BipinChinta-kindi, Ameya Desh-mukh, Ganesh Mesare, Prof. Vivek Nagnath | Extrac-tionof Pectin from Potatoes and Pears | 2 nd International conference on emerging trends in science, Engineering & Technology | 2018-19 | ISSN NO : 2249-7455 | Yes | IJAMTE | |
139 | PranavMoholKaushal Amrutkar, MihirRabade, Akshay Kamble, Pradyu-mna Kulkarni, Prof. Vivek Nagnath | Face Wash made using Coffee | 2 nd International conference on emerging trends in science, Engineering & Technology | 2018-19 | ISSN NO : 2249-7455 | Yes | IJAMTE | |
140 | AnkitaKar-wankarPranay Kumar Singh, Purva Kabra, Ameya Uplanchi, KartikTiwari, PiyushGarate, Aayush Mehta, Prof. Vivek Nagnath | Making Grease Proof Paper from Pseudo Banana Stem | 2 nd International conference on emerging trends in science, Engineering & Technology | 2018-19 | ISSN NO : 2249-7455 | Yes | IJAMTE | |
141 | Raj Bhan-dariOmkarGandhal, Pranav Ughade, PrajaktaShinde,Durgesh Gupta, Prof. Vivek Nagnath | Mint Flavored Calcium Tablets from Egg shells | 2 nd International conference on emerging trends in science, Engineering & Technology | 2018-19 | ISSN NO : 2249-7455 | Yes | IJAMTE | |
142 | Mrs.M.V.GhamandeChaitanya Bidkar ,Bhagrav Pawar ,Shreyas Khare, Arya Patil, Jayna Medtia Sudarshan Hon , Dhanaraj Kore, Yogesh Metkari | Hydrophobic Coating And It’s Applications | 2 nd International conference on emerging trends in science, Engineering & Technology | 2018-19 | ISSN NO : 2249-7455 | Yes | IJAMTE | |
143 | Mrs.M.V.GhamandeBalaji Padamwar, Gaurav Shilimkar, Nikita Borole, Nikita Patil, Ashwini Mamulwar, Hemraj Jeure | Biomass briquettes do not produce as much carbon dioxide as coal produces. | 2 nd International conference on emerging trends in science, Engineering & Technology | 2018-19 | ISSN NO : 2249-7455 | Yes | IJAMTE | |
144 | Mrs.M.V.GhamandeAjinkya Chaudhari, Shubham Teli, Prashil Jambhulkar, Sakshi Kulkarni, Akash Suryawanshi, Sharwari Daware, Ashutosh Bhosle, Shivam Agrawal | Biomass Briquettes | 2 nd International conference on emerging trends in science, Engineering & Technology | 2018-19 | ISSN NO : 2249-7455 | Yes | IJAMTE | |
145 | Mrs.M.V.GhamandeAnkitha Chate, Vipul Doshi, Kshitij Rengade, Darshan Lohade, Sameer Pimparkhede, Laulesha Naigade, Anvesh Pandey. | Cost effective Pollution Free Modular Stove | 2 nd International conference on emerging trends in science, Engineering & Technology | 2018-19 | ISSN NO : 2249-7455 | Yes | IJAMTE | |
146 | Mrs.M.V.GhamandeAshutosh Kardure, Aayushi Kharat , Jayrajanant Kulkarni, Pratiksha Kulkarni, Prathamesh Kudale, Aditya Kulkarni, Shivani Kinnake | Onion Peel And Apple Cider Vinegar Drink | International Conference on the contribution of Engineering, Sciences and Humanities for the development of Society | 2018-19 | Yes | IJAMTE | ||
147 | Mrs.M.V.GhamandeShrishailya Chavan, Ritwik Shah, Atharva Shinde, Anurag Ranade, Umesh Shirke, Piyush Shinde, Prashant Patle, | Manufacture Of Fiber Board From Areca Spathe And Husk | International Conference on the contribution of Engineering, Sciences and Humanities for the development of Society | 2018-19 | Yes | IJAMTE | ||
148 | Mrs.M.V.GhamandeSanket Bijawe, Pradunya Maladhari, Ishika Mahajan Prachi Pandey, Siddharth Saoji, Malhar Satre, Aniket Sonaje, Saptarshi Roy. | Preparation of Activated Charcoal from Coconut Shell and its Domestic Applications | International Conference on the contribution of Engineering, Sciences and Humanities for the development of Society | 2018-19 | Yes | IJAMTE | ||
149 | Mrs.M.V.GhamandeJanak Kanade, Suyog Jare, Vaishnavi Jaiswal, Shivam Kajawe, Onkar Jagtap, Prajwalit Kamble, Nidhi Kamble. | Preparation of Paper from Banana fiber | International Conference on the contribution of Engineering, Sciences and Humanities for the development of Society | 2018-19 | Yes | IJAMTE | ||
150 | Mrs.M.V.GhamandeApoorva Landge, .Sagar Sikchi, Adarsh Kandewar, Anup Kumar Pandey, | Cleaning action of soap | International Conference on the contribution of Engineering, Sciences and Humanities for the development of Society | 2018-19 | Yes | IJAMTE | ||
151 | Mrs.M.V.GhamandeShantanu Pathak, Sanket Veer, Preeti Oswal, Janhvi Upganlawar, Ipsita Padhi, Chaitanya Malegaonkar, Gaurav Bagale, Om Patil | AUTOMATIC FIRE EXTINGUISHER | International Conference on the contribution of Engineering, Sciences and Humanities for the development of Society | 2018-19 | Yes | IJAMTE | ||
152 | Mrs.M.V.GhamandeAbbas Umrethwala, Adnan Imtiyaz, Pranjal Ahire, Ajitesh Jachak, Atharva Gangad, Sanika Bandre, Harish Chaudhari. | SOLAR-POWERED SALT REMOVAL MECHANISM | International Conference on the contribution of Engineering, Sciences and Humanities for the development of Society | 2018-19 | Yes | IJAMTE | ||
153 | Mrs.M.V.GhamandeSameeran Zingre, Kaustubh Wakodkar, Rohit Asegaonkar, Chanchal Mal, Vaishnavi Mal, Riya Kaktikar, Rohan Muley. | Fluid braking system:-using incompressible fluid | International Conference on the contribution of Engineering, Sciences and Humanities for the development of Society | 2018-19 | Yes | IJAMTE | ||
154 | Mrs.M.V.GhamandeShrishailya Chavan, Ritwik Shah, Atharva Shinde, Anurag Ranade, Umesh Shirke, Piyush Shinde, Prashant Patle, | Manufacture Of Fiber Board From Areca Spathe And Husk | International Conference on the contribution of Engineering, Sciences and Humanities for the development of Society | 2018-19 | Yes | IJAMTE | ||
155 | Mrs.M.V.GhamandePranav Jadhav, Harsh Gwalani, Hritika Aacharya, Pratik Gare, Umesh Gaikwad Abhay Gaikwad, Sanket Gaikwad, Swaraj Kothekar | Developing model to convert heat generated on the roof into electricity using concept of See beck effect | International Conference on the contribution of Engineering, Sciences and Humanities for the development of Society | 2018-19 | Yes | IJAMTE | ||
156 | Mrs.M.V.GhamandeAkash Gajbhiye, Chinmay Jagtap, Ishwar Bamane ,Rutuja Jadhav, Samarth Srivastava, Rudreshwar Wankhede, Saurabh Jadhav | ODOUR NEUTRALIZER SPRAY-A SOLUTION TO MINIMIZE THE SOLID WASTE | International Conference on the contribution of Engineering, Sciences and Humanities for the development of Society | 2018-19 | Yes | IJAMTE | ||
157 | Mrs.M.V.GhamandeSugat Bhagat, Malhar Surangalikar, Omkar Varhadi, Rushikesh Chounde, Sumit Varghat, Kishor Deshmukh, Shubham Bansode | RICE SCRUB ( PIMPLES FIGHTER ) | International Conference on the contribution of Engineering, Sciences and Humanities for the development of Society | 2018-19 | Yes | IJAMTE | ||
158 | Mrs.M.V.GhamandeShruti Date, Atharva Kulkarni, Mihir Mahajani, Neeraj Sahastrbudhe, Soham Bhure, Shreya Sonawane, Devarshi Talewar7, | ORGANIC INK | International Conference on the contribution of Engineering, Sciences and Humanities for the development of Society | 2018-19 | Yes | IJAMTE | ||
159 | Mrs.M.V.GhamandeShivangi Deo, Sakshi Kodgirkar, Vedika Patil, Tusshar Furange, Vedant Savalajkar, Aditya Rasal, Rohit Pawar, Girish Raut | Biodegradable Plastic | International Conference on the contribution of Engineering, Sciences and Humanities for the development of Society | 2018-19 | Yes | IJAMTE | ||
160 | Mrs.M.V.GhamandeAtharva Chitnis, Shreeya Gadgil, Bhushan Deore Yashraj Desai, Devyani Deshmukh, Kunal Deshmukh, Tejas Kadam | Herbal Shampoo | International Conference on the contribution of Engineering, Sciences and Humanities for the development of Society | 2018-19 | Yes | IJAMTE | ||
161 | Mrs.M.V.GhamandeNachiket Deole, Sachin Chole, Shreenath Naikwade, Ashutosh Jha , Nithin V, Shray Tyagi, Prashant Kumar, Susmit Hongekar. | Say bye to soda, say bye to tooth decay | International Conference on the contribution of Engineering, Sciences and Humanities for the development of Society | 2018-19 | Yes | IJAMTE | ||
162 | Mrs.M.V.GhamandePratik Nidre, Krishna Malani, Swaraj Laddha, Alfarhan Pachwadkar, Kunal Mutha, Adarsh Patil, Vaishnavi Mundada. | FUEL CELL | International Conference on Latest Innovations in Engineering, Management, Social Science and Education | 2018-19 | Yes | IJAMTE | ||
163 | Mrs.M.V.GhamandeVinayak Kokane, Vedant Katti, Saumitra Godbole, Sunil Sonwane, Maseer, Sayyed, Sidhodhan Kamble Priyanka Dane, Esha Shivdas. | SHATTERPROOF GLASS AND ITS APPLICATIONS | International Conference on Latest Innovations in Engineering, Management, Social Science and Education | 2018-19 | Yes | IJAMTE | ||
164 | Mrs.M.V.GhamandeSayed Abdul Rahim Hyder, Patil Akash Subhash, Sawant Satyajeet Dayanand, Patil Indrajit Nagnath, ThombareOnkar Suresh, Pokharkar Abhijit Prashant, Lokhande Swapnil Keshav. | PLANT PIGMENT PAPER CHROMATOGRAPHY | International Conference on the contribution of Engineering, Sciences and Humanities for the development of Society | 2018-19 | Yes | IJAMTE | ||
165 | Mrs.M.V.GhamandeSidra Shaikh, Bhavishya Sharma, Favin Fernandes , Abhiram Patil , Salas Dongaonkar , Shubhankar Manve , Fatima Zehrah , Poonam Jangle , Hanzala Jamshed , Saikrishnan Ramesh. | AIR PURIFIER | International Conference on Latest Innovations in Engineering, Management, Social Science and Education | 2018-19 | Yes | IJAMTE | ||
166 | Mrs.M.V.GhamandeJadhav Yash Shankar, Karoshi Sameer Suhas, Shinde Sarthak Rajaram, -Jadhav Mansi Vilas, -Kachare Tejas Vikas, Reure Nagesh Revansiddha ,Patil Maithili Gajanan. | Estimation of cholesterol in different vegetable oils | International Conference on the contribution of Engineering, Sciences and Humanities for the development of Society | 2018-19 | Yes | IJAMTE | ||
167 | Mrs.M.V.GhamandeAnushka Kulkarni, Venkatesh Prasad Kulkarni, Kshitij Patil, Chinmay Jangle, Vedant Patil, Shriya Tarun, Riya Deshmukh, Shaunak Jawalkar, Om Deshpande. | CARBON DIOXIDE ABSORBANT | International Conference on the contribution of Engineering, Sciences and Humanities for the development of Society | 2018-19 | Yes | IJAMTE | ||
168 | Mrs.M.V.GhamandePranav Bapat , Mihir Kulkarni , Vaishnavi Nagde , Aadesh Patil , Saloni Chipade , Abhijit Gawai , Sadhana Cha ndekar ,Sushil Waghmode and Shyam Kawale. | WOOD ASH AS INSULATOR AND ITS APPLICATIONS | International Conference on the contribution of Engineering, Sciences and Humanities for the development of Society | 2018-19 | Yes | IJAMTE | ||
169 | Mrs.M.V.GhamandeAdwait Apte , Hrishikesh , Tejas Pimple, Vanshi Raina , Sunali Dogra ,Neha | Free Energy Generator | International Conference on the contribution of Engineering, Sciences and Humanities for the development of Society | 2018-19 | Yes | IJAMTE | ||
170 | VedangiDesh-pandeVedantYevale, Ajit Karle, SiddhantBobde, RushikeshSonone, Preeti, Prof. Vivek Nagnath | Casein Plastic | International Conference on the contribution of Engineering, Sciences and Humanities for the development of Society | 2018-19 | Yes | IJAMTE | ||
171 | Manasi JesteTejasPradhan, ShreyaLunkad, ShardulPimpal-shende, Prof. Vivek Nagnath | Effects of sodium selenite on growth of Pleuro-tusSajor-Caju | International Conference on Latest Innovations in Engineering, Management, Social Science and Education | 2018-19 | Yes | IJAMTE | ||
172 | Prajwal Rajesh MondheGirirajV. Kokare, Dnyanesh-wariPatil, Kuldeep M.Lokhande, AtharvaGaikwad, Prof.VivekS.Nagnath | Mouth Wash From PsidiumGuaja-vale (Guava) Leaves | International Conference on Latest Innovations in Engineering, Management, Social Science and Education | 2018-19 | Yes | IJAMTE | ||
173 | Karen BaldotaSoham Joshi, KhushLunkad, Sarthak Shelke, artik Batra, Prof. Vivek. S. Nagnath | Herbal Syrup made from Papaya and Giloy Leaves | International Conference on Latest Innovations in Engineering, Management, Social Science and Education | 2018-19 | Yes | IJAMTE | ||
174 | RashiBhan-saliMrunal Mend-gudle, Aditya Pangaon-kar,Prof. Vivek Nagnath | Manufacturing Particle Board from Rice Husk | International Conference on Latest Innovations in Engineering, Management, Social Science and Education | 2018-19 | Yes | IJAMTE | ||
175 | Prof. Manasi Ghamande,Adarsh Sharma,Aryan Gupta, SohamNavandar,Abhishek Pandit Chavan | Cost Effective Hydro Power Plant | International Conference on Latest Innovations in Engineering, Management, Social Science and Education | 2018-19 | Yes | IJAMTE | ||
176 | Mrs.M.V.GhamandeAsawari Sakharkar, Abhishek Hawaldar | Skin Cleansing Solution | 13 th Conference on Emerging Trends in Science, Engineering and Technology | 2018-19 | Yes | IJAMTE | ||
177 | Mrs.M.V.GhamandePatil Ritvik Rajesh Tushar Ranjan S. Abhishek Pranay Shridhar Siddharth Sahoo Karwande, Atharva Sanjay Sara Sanjay Dixit Nandagawali Sylvia Subodh | Study Of Ph Level Of Various Substance Using Natural Homemade pH Indicator | 13th International Conference on Emerging Trends in Science, Engineering and Technology | 2018-19 | Yes | IJAMTE | ||
178 | Mrs.M.V.GhamandeSuyash Gandhi , Rushikesh Magar , Tejas Kolhe , Hrishikesh Patil , Shriram Pareek , Parikshit Wagh , Chaitanya Kurhe | Incense sticks smoke is MORE harmful than cigarette smoke and may cause cancer! | 13th International Conference on Emerging Trends in Science, Engineering and Technology | 2018-19 | Yes | IJAMTE | ||
179 | Mrs.M.V.GhamandeVarad Kulkarni , Chinmay Deshmukh , Mrunali Pawar , Swapnil Jadhav , Suresh Mante , Tanmay Mane , Devesh Jagtap | Homemade And Environment Friendly Incense Stick With Marigold As Raw Material And A Case Study On Variety Ofingriedients | 13th International Conference on Emerging Trends in Science, Engineering and Technology | 2018-19 | Yes | IJAMTE | ||
180 | Mrs.M.V.GhamandeKinjalk Patil ,Nikhil Patil ,Aditya Pawar , Sai Phadtare ,Piyush Khandekar ,Piyush Munshi ,Akshata Pokharkar | Multi-Vitamin Bar | 13th International Conference on Emerging Trends in Science, Engineering and Technology | 2018-19 | Yes | IJAMTE | ||
181 | Shivam Chavan,Pranav Shinde, Rishabh Rai, Himanshu Kunwar, and Prof.Vivek Nagnath | Hall Effect Fluid/Petrol Measurer | International Conference on Energy and Environment (ICEE-2019) | 2018-19 | Yes | IJAMTE | ||
182 | Arjun DesaiAtharvaDixit,SamikshaPatil,VishalMasal,SarthakKole, Prof Vivek S. Nagnath | Biodegradable and edible plate from Tur Dal | International Conference on Energy and Environment (ICEE-2019) | 2018-19 | Yes | IJAMTE | ||
183 | Mrs.M.V,Ghamande Aayush Bendre, winikumar Dohare, Gayatri Potbhare,Devrishi Koul, Siddhant Mane | GS- MS analysis of the Money Plant leaves | International Conference on Energy and Environment (ICEE-2019) | 2018-19 | Yes | IJAMTE | ||
184 | Mrs. Surekha DixitParth Pawar , Sunita Patil, Rushikesh Rathi, Rushabh Pawar, Raghvendra Zarkar | Generation of Electricity using Heat and Water | 5th International Conference on Research Developments in Applied Science, Engineering & Management (AEM | 2018-19 | Yes | IJAMTE | ||
185 | Anuprita U. MandeGayatri Gurav, Kanchan Ajgaonkar, Pooja Ombase, and Vaishali Bagul | Detection of Fruit Ripeness Using Image Processing | Second International Conference, ICACDS 2018 | 2018-19 | Yes | IJAMTE | ||
186 | Mrs. Surekha DixitSurekha Dixit, Mihir Tale, Tanya Agrawal, Shashwati Tidke, Sanket Umredkar, Devesh Taori | Study Of Piezoelectricity And Testing The Efficinecy Using Sound Sensor | 5th International Conference on Research Developments in Applied Science, Engineering & Management (AEM | 2018-19 | Yes | IJAMTE | ||
187 | Arjun DesaiAtharvaDixit,SamikshaPatil,VishalMasal,SarthakKole, Prof Vivek S. Nagnath | Biodegradable and edible plate from Tur Dal | International Conference on Energy and Environment (ICEE-2019) | 2018-19 | Yes | IJAMTE | ||
188 | Mrs.M.V,Ghamande Aayush Bendre, winikumar Dohare, Gayatri Potbhare,Devrishi Koul, Siddhant Mane | GS- MS analysis of the Money Plant leaves | International Conference on Energy and Environment (ICEE-2019) | 2018-19 | Yes | IJAMTE | ||
189 | Sagar G. JanokarNachiket K. Kulkarni ; Saurabh S. Datey ; Kiran P. More | Bluetooth Controlled Agricultural Bot | 2019 International Conference on Nascent Technologies in Engineering | 2018-19 | Yes | IJAMTE | ||
190 | U.S. Chavan, Santosh R Sandanshiv | Vibration suppression effects on rotating wind turbine blade using a particle damping method | Vibroengineering PROCEDIA | 2019-20 | ISSN (Print) 2345-0533, ISSN (Online) 2538-8479 | Yes | IJAMTE | |
191 | Santosh R Sandanshiv U.S. Chavan | Effect of change in position of particle dampers on wind turbine blade for vibration suppression | Vibroengineering PROCEDIA | 2019-20 | ISSN (Print) 2345-0533, ISSN (Online) 2538-8480 | Yes | JVE Journals | |
192 | U.S. Chavan | Surfactant free chemically deposited wheat spike-like nanostructure on Cu foam for supercapacitor applications | International Conference on Nanotechnology: Ideas, Innovations & Initiatives-2017 (ICN:3i-2017), 6th – 8th December, 2017:Materials Today: Proceedings | 2019-20 | ISSN: 2214-7853 | Yes | Elsevier | |
193 | Girish Barpande,Amarjit Singh, S. Pavitran | Using numerical simulation to investigate the effect of injection configurations over the scramjet performance | International Conference on Advances in Materials and Manufacturing Applications:Materials Today: Proceedings | 2019-20 | ISSN: 2214-7853 | Yes | Elsevier | |
194 | S.P. Komble | Experimental investigation of Solar drying characteristics of grapes | Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Advances in Energy Research | 2019-20 | Electronic ISSN 2352-2542 Print ISSN 2352-2534 |
Yes | Springer Link | |
195 | Meghraj Palve, Pramod Kanjalkar | Development and validation of engine start stop strategy for P2 hybrid electric vehicles | International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies: Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems book series | 2019-20 | Electronic ISSN 2367-3389 Print ISSN 2367-3370 |
Yes | Springer Link | |
196 | Bhagyashree Behera, Manisha Mhetre | Real time Health Monitoring system using IoT | International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies ICICIT 2019 |
2019-20 | Electronic ISSN 2367-3389 Print ISSN 2367-3370 |
Yes | Springer Link | |
197 | Ashutosh K. Kedare, Kapil Mundada | Miniaturized Device for SHM using Electromechanical Impedance Technique | International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies ICICIT 2019: Inventive Computation Technologies |
2019-20 | Electronic ISSN 2367-3389 Print ISSN 2367-3370 |
Yes | Springer Link | |
198 | Shilpa Sondkar, Sharada Naik | Random Line segment distance measurement using Image processing | 2019 4th International Conference on Recent Trends on Electronics, Information, Communication & Technology (RTEICT) | 2019-20 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-0630-4 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-7281-0631-1 |
Yes | IEEE | |
199 | Sunil Likhate, Jayant Kulkarni | Determination of extent of Similarity between mimic and genuine voice signals using MFCC | 2019 3rd International conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology (ICECA) | 2019-20 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-0167-5 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-7281-0168-2 |
Yes | IEEE | |
200 | Jayant Kulkarni | Prominent Face Region based Gender Classification using Deep Learning (Best Paper award of Session) |
2018 Fourth International Conference on Computing Communication Control and Automation (ICCUBEA) | 2019-20 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-5386-5257-2 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-5386-5258-9 |
Yes | IEEE | |
201 | Gautami Ghan, Shweta Chavan, Archana Chaudahri |
Diabetic Retinopathy Classification using Deep Learning | 2020 Fourth International Conference on Inventive Systems and Control (ICISC) | 2019-20 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-2813-9 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-7281-2814-6 |
Yes | IEEE | |
202 | Archana Chaudahri, Manasi Jeste, Paresh Gokhale, Yutika Chougule, Shrawani Tare, | Two point security system for doors/lockers using Machine learning and Internet Of Things |
2020 Fourth International Conference on Inventive Systems and Control (ICISC) | 2019-20 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-2813-9 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-7281-2814-6 |
Yes | IEEE | |
203 | Pankaj Gaigole | Simulteneous optimization of machining process parameters of near dry rotary EDM using grey relational analysis | Optimization Methods in Engineering: Lecture Notes on Multidisciplinary Industrial Engineering book series (LNMUINEN) | 2019-20 | Electronic ISSN 2522-5030 Print ISSN 2522-5022 |
Yes | Springer Link | |
204 | Ganesh Dongre | Effect of change in focal plane position on hole characterization of nanosecond pulsed laser micro drilled holes | Recent Trends in Mechanical Engineering: Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering | 2019-20 | Electronic ISSN 2195-4364 Print ISSN 2195-4356 |
Yes | Springer Link | |
205 | Shriram Sane | Impact of temrature on recovery heart rate | HWWE 2019: Productivity with Health, Safety, and Environment: Design Science and Innovation book series (DSI) | 2019-20 | Electronic ISSN 2509-5994 Print ISSN 2509-5986 |
Yes | Springer Link | |
206 | Mahesh R. Dube | Critical Non-functional Requirements Modeling Profiler with meta-model semantics | Machine Learning and Information Processing:Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing book series (AISC,volume 1101) | 2019-20 | Electronic ISSN 2194-5365 Print ISSN 2194-5357 |
Yes | Springer Link | |
207 | M L Dhore | Contractual Employee Management System Using Machine Learning and Robotic Process Automation | 2019 5th International Conference On Computing, Communication, Control And Automation (ICCUBEA) | 2019-20 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-4042-1 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-7281-4043-8 |
Yes | IEEE | |
208 | Dr S T Patil, Pranali Seth | Evolutionary Jaya Algorithm for Parkinson’s Disease Diagnosis using Multi-objective Feature Selection in Classification | 2019 5th International Conference On Computing, Communication, Control And Automation (ICCUBEA) | 2019-20 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-4042-1 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-7281-4043-8 |
Yes | IEEE | |
209 | Pushkar S Joglekar,Shreerag Marar, Faisal Sheikh, Debabrat Swain | Humming Based Song Recognition | Machine Learning and Information Processing:Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing book series (AISC,volume 1101) | 2019-20 | Electronic ISSN 2194-5365 Print ISSN 2194-5357 |
Yes | Springer Link | |
210 | Neelam Chandolikar, Pushkar Joglekar, Shivjeet Bhosale, Dipali Peddawad, Rajesh Jalnekar, Swati Shilaskar | Semi Automated Ontology Learning to Provide Domain Specific Knowledge Search in Marathi Language | Data Management, Analytics and Innovation: Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing book series (AISC,volume 1042) | 2019-20 | Electronic ISSN 2194-5365 Print ISSN 2194-5357 |
Yes | Springer Link | |
211 | Sangeeta Kumari,Akshay Akole, Zaid Naikwadi,Purushottam Darshankar | Enhancing Chatbot Assistant With The Help Of Richer Human Computer Interaction And Speech Recoginition | 2020 International Conference on Electronics and Sustainable Communication Systems (ICESC) | 2019-20 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-4108-4,Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-7281-4109-1 | Yes | IEEE | |
212 | Sagar G. Janokar,Nachiket K. Kulkarni ; Saurabh S. Datey ; Kiran P. More | Bluetooth Controlled Agricultural Bot | 2019 International Conference on Nascent Technologies in Engineering (ICNTE):IEEE Explore | 2019-20 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-5386-9166-3 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-5386-9167-0 |
Yes | IEEE | |
213 | Milind Patwardhan, Kimaya Kulkarni,Apoorva Mahajan,Shreya Killedar,Yash Zambre | Locomotion by shortest Path and Obstacle Avoidance | 2019 IEEE Pune Section International Conference (PuneCon):IEEE Explore | 2019-20 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-1924-3,Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-7281-1925-0 | Yes | IEEE | |
214 | Vrinda Parkhi, Akaksha Gund, Manjeet Kuthe, Padmavati Chilveri, Karishma Raiandhi, Sandeep Tembare | Scale down model of electric vehicle using electronic differential | 2019 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Green Technology (ICISGT):IEEE Explore | 2019-20 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-1423-1 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-7281-1424-8 |
Yes | IEEE | |
215 | Ashwinee Barbadekar, | Engagement index for classroom using computer vision | 2019 Global Conference for Advancement in Technology (GCAT):IEEE Explore | 2019-20 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-3694-3, Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-7281-3695-0 | Yes | IEEE | |
216 | ,Avdhoot Rajurkar | Removal of Surface Spatter and Recast layer by Chemical Cleaning | Materials Today procedings | 2019-20 | ISSN: 2214-7853 | Yes | Elsevier | |
217 | Ganesh Bhutkar,Virpi Roto, Torkil Clemmensen, Barbara Rita Barricelli, Jose Abdelnour-Nocera, Alexander Meschtscherjakov, Arminda Guerra Lopes, Pedro Campos, Frederica Gonçalves | User Experiences and Wellbeing at Work | NTERACT 2019: Human-Computer Interaction – INTERACT 2019: Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series (LNISA,volume 11749) | 2019-20 | Electronic ISSN 1611-3349 Print ISSN 0302-9743 |
Yes | Springer Link | |
218 | Ganesh Bhutkar, Aditya Dongre, Shahaji Deshmukh, Lene Nielsen, Jaydeep Joshi | User Persona of Mother of Preterm Neonate | INTERACT 2019: Beyond Interactions pp 34–43 : Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series (LNISA,volume 11930) | 2019-20 | Electronic ISSN 1611-3349 Print ISSN 0302-9743 |
Yes | Springer Link | |
219 | Vijaykumar Bhanuse Kshitija Gaikwad | State of Charge Estimation Using Extended Kalman Filter | Advances in Signal and Data Processing: Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering | 2019-20 | Electronic ISSN 1876-1119 Print ISSN 1876-1100 |
Yes | Springer Link | |
220 | Nilesh Navghare, Pratik Kedar, Prasad Sangamkar, Manas Mahajan | Python and Open CV in Automation of Live Surveillance | Machine Learning and Information Processing:Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing book series (AISC,volume 1101) | 2019-20 | Electronic ISSN 2194-5365 Print ISSN 2194-5357 |
Yes | Springer Link | |
221 | Kimaya Kulkarni, Ashutosh Marathe, Apoorva Mahajan, Yash Zambre, Shreya Killedar and Faisal Belwadi | Text Detection and Communicator using Braille for Assistance to Visually Impaired | 2019 IEEE Pune Section International Conference (PuneCon) | 2019-20 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-1924-3, Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-7281-1925-0 | Yes | IEEE | |
222 | Ashwinee Barbadekar, Vijay Gaikwad, Sanjay Patil, Tushar Chaudhari, Shardul Deshpande, Saloni Burad | Engagement Index for Classroom Lecture using Computer Vision | 2019 Global Conference for Advancement in Technology (GCAT) | 2019-20 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-3694-3, Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-7281-3695-0 | Yes | IEEE | |
223 | Vijaykumar Bhanuse | Integrated Feedback Analysis and Moderation Platform using Natural Language Processing | 2020 Fourth International Conference on Inventive Systems and Control (ICISC) | 2019-20 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-2813-9 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-7281-2814-6 |
Yes | IEEE | |
224 | G. Bhutkar | Prototype design of android app for mothers of preterm infants | HWID 2018: Human Work Interaction Design. Designing Engaging Automation:IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology book series (IFIPAICT,volume 544) | 2019-20 | Electronic ISSN 1868-422X Print ISSN 1868-4238 |
Yes | Springer Link | |
225 | Deepali Joshi, | Automatic Diagnosis of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder | Machine Learning and Information Processing: Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing book series (AISC,volume 1101) | 2019-20 | e 2194-5365 Print ISSN 2194-5357 |
Yes | Springer Link | |
226 | Deepali Joshi | Song Recommendation System Using Hybrid Approach | Proceeding of International Conference on Computational Science and Application: Algorithms for Intelligent Systems book series (AIS) | 2019-20 | Electronic ISSN 2524-7573 Print ISSN 2524-7565 |
Yes | Springer Link | |
227 | Priyadarshan Dhabe, Sadanand Gandewar, Param Mirani and Rahul Chugwani | A New Data Structure for Representation of Relational Databases for Application in the Normalization Process | Machine Learning and Information Processing: Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing book series (AISC,volume 1101) | 2019-20 | Electronic ISSN 2194-5365 Print ISSN 2194-5357 |
Yes | Springer Link | |
228 | Mahesh R. Dube | Enhanced UML Use Case meta-model semantics from Cognitive and Utility Perspectives | International Conference on Advances in Computing and Data Sciences ICACDS 2020: Communications in Computer and Information Science book series |
2019-20 | Electronic ISSN 1865-0937 Print ISSN 1865-0929 |
Yes | Springer Link | |
229 | Jitendra A. Gaikwad, | Design and Development of IOT Based SMART water distribution network for Residential areas | 2019 International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES) | 2019-20 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-1261-9 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-7281-1262-6 |
Yes | IEEE | |
230 | Jitendra Gaikwad, | Acoustic Impedance Matching for Ultrasonic Transducers in Flow Meters | 2019 5th International Conference On Computing, Communication, Control And Automation (ICCUBEA) | 2019-20 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-4042-1 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-7281-4043-8 |
Yes | IEEE | |
231 | Prof. Jitendra Gaikwad | IOT Based Automated Fish Feeder | 2020 International Conference on Industry 4.0 Technology (I4Tech) | 2019-20 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-5003-1,Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-7281-5004-8 | Yes | IEEE | |
232 | Ramkrishna Bharsakade, | Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) for Litter Picking Machine | 2020 International Conference on Industry 4.0 Technology (I4Tech) | 2019-20 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-5003-1 CD:978-1-7281-5002-4 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-7281-5004-8 |
Yes | IEEE | |
233 | Mangesh S. Deshpande | Performance Analysis of Deskewing Techniques for Offline OCR | ICCCE 2019: Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering book series | 2019-20 | Electronic ISSN 1876-1119 Print ISSN 1876-1100 |
Yes | Springer Link | |
234 | Mangesh S. Deshpande | Multichannel Speech Dereverberation using Generalized Sidelobe Canceller and Post Filter | 2019 5th International Conference On Computing, Communication, Control And Automation (ICCUBEA) | 2019-20 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-4042-1 | Yes | IEEE | |
235 | Medha Wyawahare | Statistical Model For Qualitative Grading of Milled Rice | International Conference on Advances in Computing and Data Sciences ICACDS 2020: Communications in Computer and Information Science book series |
2019-20 | Electronic ISSN 1865-0937 Print ISSN 1865-0929 |
Yes | Springer Link | |
236 | Sunil Kuber | Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) for Litter Picking Machine | 2020 International Conference on Industry 4.0 Technology (I4Tech) | 2019-20 | "Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-5003-1 CD:978-1-7281-5002-4 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-7281-5004-8" |
Yes | IEEE | |
237 | Pooja Kulkarni | Statistical Model For Qualitative Grading of Milled Rice | International Conference on Advances in Computing and Data Sciences ICACDS 2020: Communications in Computer and Information Science book series |
2019-20 | Electronic ISSN 1865-0937 Print ISSN 1865-0929 |
Yes | Springer Link | |
238 | Prof. Dr. Manisha Mhetre | IOT Based Automated Fish Feeder | 2020 International Conference on Industry 4.0 Technology (I4Tech) | 2019-20 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-5003-1,Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-7281-5004-8 | Yes | IEEE | |
239 | Abha Dixit | Statistical Model For Qualitative Grading of Milled Rice | International Conference on Advances in Computing and Data Sciences ICACDS 2020: Communications in Computer and Information Science book series |
2019-20 | Electronic ISSN 1865-0937 Print ISSN 1865-0929 |
Yes | Springer Link | |
240 | Medha Wyawahare | Agricultural Field Analysis Using Satellite Surface Reflectance Data and Machine Learning Technique | International Conference on Advances in Computing and Data Sciences ICACDS 2020: Communications in Computer and Information Science book series |
2019-20 | Electronic ISSN 1865-0937 Print ISSN 1865-0929 |
Yes | Springer Link | |
241 | Medha Wyawahare | Prediction of the Most Productive Crop in a Geographical Area Using Machine Learning | Machine Learning for Predictive Analysis: Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems | 2019-20 | Electronic ISSN 2367-3389 Print ISSN 2367-3370 |
Yes | Springer Link | |
242 | Kapil Mundada | Miniaturized Device for SHM Using Electromechanical Impedance Technique | International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies ICICIT 2019: Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems book series | 2019-20 | Electronic ISSN 2367-3389 Print ISSN 2367-3370 |
Yes | Springer Link | |
243 | Sanika Patankar |
Prominent Face Region based Gender Classification using Deep Learning (Best Paper award of Session) |
2018 Fourth International Conference on Computing Communication Control and Automation (ICCUBEA) | 2019-20 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-5386-5257-2, Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-5386-5258-9 | Yes | IEEE | |
244 | Jayant Kulkarni | Investigation of Effect of Noise Parameter on Brain MR Image Restoration | 2019 IEEE 5th International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT) | 2019-20 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-5386-8075-9 | Yes | IEEE | |
245 | S Pavithran | Using Numerical Simulation to Investigate the Effect of Injection Configuration over the Scramjet Combustor | International Conference on Advances in Materials and Manufacturing Applications | 2019-20 | ISSN: 2214-7853 | Yes | Elsevier | |
246 | Milind Rane | Convolutional Neural Networks: An overview and its Applications in Pattern Recognition | International Conference on Advances in Computing and Data Sciences ICACDS 2020:Part of the Communications in Computer and Information Science book series |
2019-20 | Electronic ISSN 1865-0937 Print ISSN 1865-0929 |
Yes | Springer Link | |
247 | Ranjana Jadhav | Smart Sound System Controller for Restricted Zones | Machine Learning and Information Processing:Part of the Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing book series | 2019-20 | Electronic ISSN 2194-5365 Print ISSN 2194-5357 |
Yes | Springer Link | |
248 | Shrishailappa Patil | Brain Tumor classification using mixed method approach | 2017 International Conference on Information Communication and Embedded Systems (ICICES) | 2019-20 | ISBN:978-1-5090-6135-8 | Yes | IEEE | |
249 | Sangeeta Kumari | Image Processing based Tracking and Counting Vehicles | 2019 3rd International conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology (ICECA) | 2019-20 | ISBN:978-1-7281-0167-5 | Yes | IEEE | |
250 | Sangita Lade | Automation of Reliability Warranty Report Using SAS Software for Data Analysis | Machine Learning and Information Processing :Part of the Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing book series | 2019-20 | Electronic ISSN2194-5365 Print ISSN2194-5357 | Yes | Springer Link | |
251 | Sangita Lade | Reconstructing Obfuscated Human Faces with Conditional Adversarial Network | Machine Learning and Information Processing:Part of the Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing book series | 2019-20 | Electronic ISSN 2194-5365 Print ISSN 2194-5357 |
Yes | Springer Link | |
252 | Rupali Tornekar, | Smart soil nutrients analysis and prediction of the level of nutrients using a bot | 2019 3rd International Conference on Recent Developments in Control, Automation & Power Engineering (RDCAPE) | 2019-20 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-2068-3 | Yes | IEEE | |
253 | Shilpa Sondkar | Random Line Segment Distance Measurement Using Image Processing | 2019 4th International Conference on Recent Trends on Electronics, Information, Communication & Technology (RTEICT) | 2019-20 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-0630-4 | Yes | IEEE | |
254 | Debabrata Swain |
Lexical Text Simplification Using WordNet | International Conference on Advances in Computing and Data Sciences:Part of the Communications in Computer and Information Science book series ICACDS 2019: | 2019-20 | Electronic ISSN 1865-0937 Print ISSN 1865-0929 |
Yes | Springer Link | |
255 | Sunil Likhate, Archana Chaudhari, |
Determination of extent of Similarity between mimic and genuine voice signals using MFCC | 2019 3rd International conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology (ICECA) | 2019-20 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-0167-5 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-7281-0168-2 |
Yes | IEEE | |
256 | Debabrata Swain | Automatic helmet detection in real-time and surveillance video | Machine Learning and Information Processing:Part of the Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing book series | 2019-20 | Electronic ISSN 2194-5365 Print ISSN 2194-5357 |
Yes | Springer Link | |
257 | Debabrata Swain | Enhancing multi-level cache performance using dynamic R-F characteristics | Machine Learning and Information Processing:Part of the Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing book series | 2019-20 | Electronic ISSN 2194-5365 Print ISSN 2194-5357 |
Yes | Springer Link | |
258 | Girish Kotwal | Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) for Litter Picking Machine | 2020 International Conference on Industry 4.0 Technology (I4Tech) | 2019-20 | "Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-5003-1 CD:978-1-7281-5002-4 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-7281-5004-8" |
Yes | IEEE | |
259 | Debabrata Swain | An efficient heart disease prediction system using machine learning | Machine Learning and Information Processing: Part of the Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing book series | 2019-20 | Electronic ISSN 2194-5365 Print ISSN 2194-5357 |
Yes | Springer Link | |
260 | Debabrata Swain | A Symmetrical Encryption Technique for Text Encryption Using Randomized Matrix Based Key Generation | Advances in Data Science and Management:Part of the Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies | 2019-20 | Electronic ISSN 2367-4520 Print ISSN 2367-4512 |
Yes | Springer Link | |
261 | Virendra Pawar | Energy Management and Analysis for smart homes using IoT | 2019 5th International Conference On Computing, Communication, Control And Automation (ICCUBEA) | 2019-20 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-4042-1 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-7281-4043-8 |
Yes | IEEE | |
262 | Deepali Joshi, | Behaviour Analysis using ward Embedding and machine learning on Social Media | 2019 5th International Conference On Computing, Communication, Control And Automation (ICCUBEA) | 2019-20 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-4042-1 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-7281-4043-8 | Yes | IEEE | |
263 | Avdhoot Rajurkar | Effect of change in focal plane position on hole characterization of nanosecond pulsed laser micro drilled holes | Recent Trends in Mechanical Engineering: Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering | 2019-20 | Electronic ISSN 2195-4364 Print ISSN 2195-4356 |
Yes | Springer Link | |
264 | Varsha Karandikar, | Impact of temrature on recovery heart rate | HWWE 2019: Productivity with Health, Safety, and Environment: Design Science and Innovation book series (DSI) | 2019-20 | Electronic ISSN 2509-5994 Print ISSN 2509-5986 |
Yes | Springer Link | |
265 | V.S Deshpande | Behaviour Analysis using ward Embedding and machine learning on Social Media | 2019 5th International Conference On Computing, Communication, Control And Automation (ICCUBEA) | 2019-20 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-4042-1 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-7281-4043-8 | Yes | IEEE | |
266 | S Parchande, Aniket Shahane Manikrao Dhore | Contactual Employee Management System using Machine Learning and Robotic Process Automation | 2019 5th International Conference On Computing, Communication, Control And Automation (ICCUBEA) | 2019-20 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-4042-1 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-7281-4043-8 | Yes | IEEE | |
267 | Varsha Karandikar | Impact of temrature on recovery heart rate | International Conference on Humainzing Work and Work Environement HWWE 2019 |
2019-20 | Electronic ISSN 2509-5994 Print ISSN 2509-5986 |
Yes | Springer Link | |
268 | Rohini Godbole | Engagement index for classroom using computer vision | 2019 Global Conference for Advancement in Technology (GCAT):IEEE Explore | 2019-20 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-3694-3, Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-7281-3695-0 | Yes | IEEE | |
269 | Ganesh Dongre, | Removal of Surface Spatter and Recast layer by Chemical Cleaning | Materials Today procedings | 2019-20 | ISSN: 2214-7853 | Yes | Elsevier | |
270 | Vijay Gaikwad, Tushar Jagtap, Saloni Burud, Sanjay Patil, Shardul Deshpande, Rohini Godbole | Engagement index for classroom using computer vision | 2019 Global Conference for Advancement in Technology (GCAT):IEEE Explore | 2019-20 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-3694-3, Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-7281-3695-0 | Yes | IEEE | |
271 | Shriram Sane | Impact of temrature on recovery heart rate | International Conference on Humainzing Work and Work Environement HWWE 2019 |
2019-20 | Electronic ISSN 2509-5994 Print ISSN 2509-5986 |
Yes | Springer Link | |
272 | Sujit Deokar |
Prominent Face Region based Gender Classification using Deep Learning (Best Paper award of Session) |
2018 Fourth International Conference on Computing Communication Control and Automation (ICCUBEA) | 2019-20 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-5386-5257-2 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-5386-5258-9 |
Yes | IEEE | |
273 | Kapil Mundada | Investigation of Effect of Noise Parameter on Brain MR Image Restoration | 2019 IEEE 5th International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT) | 2019-20 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-5386-8075-9 | Yes | IEEE | |
274 | Debabrat Swain,Shreerag Marar, Faisal Sheikh, | Humming Based Song Recognition | Machine Learning and Information Processing:Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing book series (AISC,volume 1101) | 2019-20 | Electronic ISSN 2194-5365 Print ISSN 2194-5357 |
Yes | Springer Link | |
275 | Ranjana Jadhav, | Automatic Diagnosis of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder | Machine Learning and Information Processing: Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing book series (AISC,volume 1101) | 2019-20 | e 2194-5365 Print ISSN 2194-5357 |
Yes | Springer Link | |
276 | Ranjana Jadhav, Sadanand Gandewar, Param Mirani and Rahul Chugwani | A New Data Structure for Representation of Relational Databases for Application in the Normalization Process | Machine Learning and Information Processing: Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing book series (AISC,volume 1101) | 2019-20 | Electronic ISSN 2194-5365 Print ISSN 2194-5357 |
Yes | Springer Link | |
277 | Saraswati Patil | Smart soil nutrients analysis and prediction of the level of nutrients using a bot | 2019 3rd International Conference on Recent Developments in Control, Automation & Power Engineering (RDCAPE) | 2019-20 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-2068-3 | Yes | IEEE | |
278 | Pankaj Gaigole, S. G. Kale, J. K. Bagwan, Rajiv B., Dr. B. B. Ahuja | SIMULTANEOUS OPTIMIZATION OF MACHINING PROCESS PARAMETERS OF NEAR-DRY ROTARY EDM USING GREY RELATIONAL ANALYSIS | CPIE 2019 | 2019-20 | ISBN: 22-06-2023978-981-15-4549-8 (Print), ISBN: 978-981-15-4550-4( Online) | Yes | Springer Link | |
279 | U.S. Chavan | Book Chapter :- Inorganic Electrolytes in Supercapacitor (in the Book Supercapacitor Technology: Materials, Processes and Architectures) | Book Name | 2019-20 | 978-1-64490-048-2 (Print) 978-1-64490-049-9(e-book) | Yes | Material Research Forum LLC | |
280 | U.S. Chavan | Book Chapter :- Conducting Polymer based energy storage devices (in the Book : Conducting Polymers-Based Energy Storage Materials) | 2019-20 | 9780429202261 | Yes | CRC Press | ||
281 | Satchidanand R Satpute, NIlesh A Mali, Sunil S Bhagwat | Book Chapter:- Solar Energy for Green Engineering Using A Multicomponent Absorption Power Cycle in the Book Green Chemistry and Green Engineering | 2019-20 | 9781003057895 | Yes | Apple Academic Press | ||
282 | S.P.Chippa, N.V.Borse | Thermo-hydrodynamic analysis of journal bearing including surface roughnesss | 2019-20 | Yes | ||||
283 | S M Gaikwad, M K Nalawde | Numerical investigation of heat transfer and fluid flow characteristic in wavy minichannels | 2019-20 | Yes | ||||
284 | Yamini Sarode,Archana Chaudhari |
Stepwise industrial approach towards the validation of Chromellon Vgbo Chromatographic data system | 2019-20 | Yes | ||||
285 | Safin Khan Atul Ingale Akshara Buchake Swaraj Ahire,Jitendra Gaikwad |
2019-20 | Yes | ||||
286 | Shilpa Sondkar |
Classification of images based on Contouring and Area computation as feature extraction | 2019-20 | Yes | ||||
287 | Shweta Chavan, Gautami Ghan, Shubhangi Gajdhani, Archana Chaudhari |
Smart attendance system using Speech Recognition | 2019-20 | Yes | ||||
288 | Prakash Vaidya | Role of Reverse Logistics in reaping benefits of Circular Economy | POMS International Conference 2019 | 2019-20 | Yes | |||
289 | S.M.Gaikwad, M.K.Nalawade | Numerical Investigation of Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Characteristics in Wavy Minichannels with Water as Working Medium | IHMTC2019-POS-010 | 2019-20 | Yes | |||
290 | Shital Raut | Autonomous Car Technology -Passenger's Safety Assistance Program (PSAP) | International Conference on Materials and Energy (ICME - 2019) | 2019-20 | Yes | |||
291 | Virendra Pawar | Smart City Waste Management A Review | International Conference VUIC2019 | 2019-20 | Yes | |||
292 | Suhas Bhosale, Ashutosh Kulkarni, | Identification and Classification of Employability skills of fresh graduates from the Software services industry requirements perspective. | International Conference on Innovations and Societal Transformation (VUIC 2019) |
2019-20 | Yes | |||
293 | Niranjan Kulkarni,Ashutosh Kulkarni | Review of the state of Hospice Care Services in Pune as an innovative practice in patient care services. | International Conference on Innovations and Societal Transformation (VUIC 2019) | 2019-20 | Yes | |||
294 | Ramkrishna Bharsakade | Systems for Transforming India: Challenges & Opportunities | 4th ISSE National Conference – 2019 | 2019-20 | Yes | |||
295 | Ramkrishna Bharsakade | Work Place Design for Assembly Table using Principle of Ergonomic Design | HWWE 2019 | 2019-20 | Yes | |||
296 | D.S. Bhatkhande, Nivedita Dashara | A Review of Internal design… Semicommendations | ICAPCM 2020 | 2019-20 | Yes | |||
297 | D.S. Bhatkhande, A R Dhawas | A Review of Removal of…… Water by Absorption | ICAPCM 2020 | 2019-20 | Yes | |||
298 | D.S. Bhatkhande, Trupti Kekare | Alternative Methods for chemical…. Of Poratable water | ICAPCM 2020 | 2019-20 | Yes | |||
299 | P. M Gaigole , Rajiv B | Multi-objective optimization of machining characteristics in near dry rotary electrical discharge machining of AlSiC by WPCA | ICIPDIMS conference | 2019-20 | Yes | |||
300 | Prof.Dr. Ganesh Dongre | Effects of Process parameter change in EDM of super alloys | ABMSAHT-2020 | 2019-20 | Yes | |||
301 | Prof.Dr. Ganesh Dongre, Makarand Jadhav | Throughput and Bot Error Rate Enhancement of Polar Code based OFDM HARQ System for DVB application in 5G | International Conference on Industry 4.0 Technology | 2019-20 | Yes | |||
302 | Sneha Pisey | Abstraction of Multiple Communication Technologies | International Conference on Advances in Communication and computing Technology | 2019-20 | Yes | |||
303 | Pradnya Kulkarni | EFFICIENT GARBAGE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM | 2019-20 | Yes | ||||
304 | Pradnya Kulkarni | Spectrum selection methods for throughput enhancement and Coos in cognetive radio network | 2019-20 | Yes | ||||
305 | Varsha Karandikar, Shriram Sane, Marathe Vinayak | Impact of temrature and Humidity on physical strength and relaxation allownce | 2019-20 | Yes | ||||
306 | Shriram Sane, Marathe Vinayak | Impact of temrature and Humidity on physical strength and relaxation allownce | 2019-20 | Yes | ||||
307 | Archana Chaudhari | Multi-Digit Recognition using Image Processing and Neural Network | International Conference on Emerging Smart Computing and Informatics (ESCI) | 2020-21 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-8519-4 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-7281-8520-0 |
Yes | IEEE | |
308 | Vijaykumar Bhanuse | Integrated Feedback Analysis And Moderation Platform Using Natural Language Processing | 2020 Fourth International Conference - IEEE Conference Publication | 2020-21 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-2813-9 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-7281-2814-6 |
Yes | IEEE | |
309 | Ramkrishnav Bharsakade | Lead Time Reduction for managing Engineering Changes | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2020, 998(1), 012027 | 2020-21 | 1757-899X | Yes | IOP Science | |
310 | Sangita Kumari | An Internet of Things (IoT) based implementation of smart digital city prototype | Proceedings of 3rd International Cenference on Smart Systems and Innovative Technology, ICSSIT 2020 | 2020-21 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-5821-1 DVD ISBN:978-1-7281-5820-4 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-7281-5822-8 |
Yes | IEEE | |
311 | Ramkrishna Bharsakade | Optimizing Tool Path Sequence Of Plasma Cutting Machine Using TSP Approach | E3S Web of Conferences - 2nd International Conference on Design and Manufacturing aspects for sustainable Energy (ICMED 2020) | 2020-21 | eISSN: 2267-1242 | Yes | E3S Web of conferences | |
312 | Ramkrishna Bharsakade | Analysis of Driving & Dependence Power of Factors influencing Industry 4.0 adoption in Healthcare | 2020 International Conference on Industry 4.0 Technology (I4 Tech) | 2020-21 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-5003-1 CD:978-1-7281-5002-4 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-7281-5004-8 |
Yes | IEEE | |
313 | Girish Kotwal | Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) for Litter Picking Machine | 2020 International Conference on Industry 4.0 Technology (I4 Tech) | 2020-21 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-5003-1 CD:978-1-7281-5002-4 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-7281-5004-8 |
Yes | IEEE | |
314 | Siddharth Bhorge | Comparison of Sentiment Analysis on Auto-Summarized Text & Original Text using various Summarization Techniques | 2020 IEEE Pune Section International Conference | 2020-21 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-9600-8 USB ISBN:978-1-7281-9599-5 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-7281-9601-5 |
Yes | IEEE | |
315 | Siddharth Bhorge | Contextual Chatbot for Healthcare Purposes (using Deep Learning) | 2020 IEEE Pune Section International Conference | 2020-21 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-6823-4 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-7281-6824-1 |
Yes | IEEE | |
316 | Sneha Pisey | Open Simulator for Digital Circuit based Virtual Experiments | Proceeding of International Conference on Electroncis and Sustainable Communication Systems, ICESC 2020 | 2020-21 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-4108-4 DVD ISBN:978-1-7281-4107-7 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-7281-4109-1 |
Yes | IEEE | |
317 | G. Bhutkar | Designing ICT Applications for Hearing-Impaired People in Asia | ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2020 | 2020-21 | ISBN: 978-1-4503-8829-0 |
Yes | ACM International Conference Proceeding | |
318 | G. Bhutkar | Instagram engagement for university | Proceedings of 2020 International Conference on Information Management and Technology, ICIMTech 2020 | 2020-21 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-7071-8 USB ISBN:978-1-7281-7070-1 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-7281-7072-5 |
Yes | IEEE | |
319 | G. Bhutkar | Does the existence of connected transport mobile application affect transjakarta passengers? | Proceedings of 2020 International Conference on Information Management and Technology, ICIMTech 2020 | 2020-21 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-7071-8 USB ISBN:978-1-7281-7070-1 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-7281-7072-5 |
Yes | IEEE | |
320 | Neelam Chandolikar | Devanagari Handwritten Word Recognition for extended character set using Segmented character strokes | 5th International Conference on Data Management, Analytics & Innovation | 2020-21 | Electronic ISSN 2367-4520 Print ISSN 2367-4512 |
Yes | Springer | |
321 | Deepali Joshi | Conference Paper Acceptance Prediction: Using Machine Learning | Machine Learning and Information Processing: Proceedings of ICMLIP 2020 | 2020-21 | Electronic ISSN 2194-5365 Print ISSN 2194-5357 Series Editor |
Yes | Springer | |
322 | S. Lade | Text Categorization of Marathi News Articles Using Machine Learning | Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems 2021 | 2020-21 | Electronic ISSN 2367-3389 Print ISSN 2367-3370 |
Yes | Springer | |
323 | Vivek Deshpande | An Internet of Things (IoT) based implementation of smart digital city prototype | Proceedings of 3rd International Cenference on Smart Systems and Innovative Technology, ICSSIT 2020 | 2020-21 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-5821-1 DVD ISBN:978-1-7281-5820-4 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-7281-5822-8 |
Yes | IEEE | |
324 | Sunil Kuber | Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) for Litter Picking Machine | 2020 International Conference on Industry 4.0 Technology (I4 Tech) | 2020-21 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-5003-1 CD:978-1-7281-5002-4 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-7281-5004-8 |
Yes | IEEE | |
325 | Jadhav, R. | Transliteration of Residential Addresses Having Hindi, Urdu and English | Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems 2021 | 2020-21 | Electronic ISSN 2367-3389 Print ISSN 2367-3370 |
Yes | Springer | |
326 | Sangita Kumari | Open Simulator for Digital Circuit based Virtual Experiments | Proceeding of International Conference on Electroncis and Sustainable Communication Systems, ICESC 2020 | 2020-21 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-4108-4 DVD ISBN:978-1-7281-4107-7 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-7281-4109-1 |
Yes | IEEE | |
327 | Dhore, M.L. | Effective UI Design to Explore Poetry Literature Using Multiple Scripts for Ordinary End Users | Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems | 2020-21 | Electronic ISSN 2367-3389 Print ISSN 2367-3370 |
Yes | Springer | |
328 | Swati Shilaskar | Devanagari Handwritten Word Recognition for extended character set using Segmented character strokes | 5th International Conference on Data Management, Analytics & Innovation | 2020-21 | Electronic ISSN 2367-4520 Print ISSN 2367-4512 |
Yes | Springer | |
329 | Sangita Kumari | Enhanced braille display use of OCR and solenoid to improve text to braille coversion | 2020 International Conference for Emerging Technology, INCET 2020 | 2020-21 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-6221-8 CD:978-1-7281-6220-1 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-7281-6222-5 |
Yes | IEEE | |
330 | M L Dhore | Contractual Employee Management System Using Machine Learning and Robotic Process Automation | 5th International Conference on Computing, Communication, Control and Automation (ICCUBEA) | 2020-21 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-4042-1 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-7281-4043-8 |
Yes | IEEE | |
331 | Ganesh Dongre | Laser surface hardening of SS316L | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering | 2020-21 | Online ISSN: 1757-899X Print ISSN: 1757-8981 |
Yes | IOP Science | |
332 | P. Ghadekar | Artistic Media Stylization and Identification Using Convolution Neural Networks | Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2021 | 2020-21 | Electronic ISSN 2194-5365 Print ISSN 2194-5357 Series Editor |
Yes | Springer | |
333 | P. Ghadekar | Unsupervised Image Generation and Manipulation Using Deep Convolutional Adversarial Networks | Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2021 | 2020-21 | Electronic ISSN 2194-5365 Print ISSN 2194-5357 |
Yes | Springer | |
334 | P. Ghadekar | Real-Time Hands-Free Mouse Control for Disabled | Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2021 | 2020-21 | Electronic ISSN 2194-5365 Print ISSN 2194-5357 |
Yes | Springer | |
335 | R.S. Rajurkar | Lead Time Reduction for managing Engineering Changes | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2020, 998(1), 012027 | 2020-21 | 1757-899X | Yes | IOP Science | |
336 | P. Ghadekar. | Prediction and Classification of Biased and Fake News Using NLP and Machine Learning Models | Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2021 | 2020-21 | Electronic ISSN 2194-5365 Print ISSN 2194-5357 |
Yes | Springer | |
337 | Vijaykumar Bhanuse | Integrated Feedback Analysis and Moderation Platform using NLP | International Conference on Inventive Systems and Control (ICISC-2020) | 2020-21 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-2813-9 | Yes | IEEE | |
338 | Prakash Vaidya | Psychological Survey of Color Perceptions for Indian Users | 18th International Conference on Humanizing Work and Work Environment HWWE-2020 | 2020-21 | Electronic ISSN 2509-5994 Print ISSN 2509-5986 |
Yes | Springer | |
339 | Dhore, M.L. | Text Categorization of Marathi News Articles Using Machine Learning | Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems 2021 | 2020-21 | Electronic ISSN 2367-3389 Print ISSN 2367-3370 |
Yes | Springer | |
340 | R.S. Jadhav | Effective UI Design to Explore Poetry Literature Using Multiple Scripts for Ordinary End Users | Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems | 2020-21 | Electronic ISSN 2367-3389 Print ISSN 2367-3370 |
Yes | Springer | |
341 | Pankaj Gaigole | Optimizing Tool Path Sequence Of Plasma Cutting Machine Using TSP Approach | E3S Web of Conferences - 2nd International Conference on Design and Manufacturing aspects for sustainable Energy (ICMED 2020) | 2020-21 | eISSN: 2267-1242 | Yes | E3S Web of conferences | |
342 | Medha Wyawahare | Agricultural Field Analysis Using Satellite Surface Reflectance Data and Machine Learning Technique | Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) | 2020-21 | Electronic ISSN 1865-0937 Print ISSN 1865-0929 |
Yes | Springer | |
343 | Avadhoot Rajurkar | Laser surface hardening of SS316L | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering | 2020-21 | Online ISSN: 1757-899X Print ISSN: 1757-8981 |
Yes | IOP Science | |
344 | Pramod Kanjalkar | Comparative Study of different adaptive control strategies in Noise cancellation applications | 4th International Conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology, ICECA 2020 | 2020-21 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-6387-1 CD:978-1-7281-6386-4 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-7281-6388-8 |
Yes | IEEE | |
345 | Sachin Komble | Validation of Valce Coefficients using experimentation and numeriacal analysis | International Conference on Futuristic Trends in Material and Manufacturing | 2020-21 | 17578981, 1757899X | Yes | IOP | |
346 | Sachin Komble | Experimental investigation of Solar drying characteristics of grapes | Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Advances in Energy Research | 2020-21 | Electronic ISSN 2352-2542 Print ISSN 2352-2534 |
Yes | Springer | |
347 | Ramkrishna Bharsakade | Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) for Litter Picking Machine | 2020 International Conference on Industry 4.0 Technology (I4 Tech) | 2020-21 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-5003-1 CD:978-1-7281-5002-4 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-7281-5004-8 |
Yes | IEEE | |
348 | Pushkar Joglekar | Devanagari Handwritten Word Recognition for extended character set using Segmented character strokes | 5th International Conference on Data Management, Analytics & Innovation | 2020-21 | Electronic ISSN 2367-4520 Print ISSN 2367-4512 |
Yes | Springer | |
349 | Milind Kulkarni | Survey of Personalization Techniques for Federated Learning | IEEE, 2020 Fourth World Conference on Smart Trends in Systems, Security and Sustainability (WorldS4) | 2020-21 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-6823-4 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-7281-6824-1 |
Yes | IEEE | |
350 | Jyoti Madake | An intelligent system to detect violent mob activities | 2020 IEEE 17th India Council International Conference (INDICON) | 2020-21 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-6916-3 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-7281-6917-0 |
Yes | IEEE | |
351 | Mangesh Chaudhari | Permanent Magnet Alternator for Electricity Generation in LHB Railway Coaches | 2020 IEEE Pune Section International Conference (PuneCon) | 2020-21 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-9600-8 USB ISBN:978-1-7281-9599-5 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-7281-9601-5 |
Yes | IEEE | |
352 | Manisha Mhetre | Medical Emmergency System | 2021 International Conference on Communication information and Computing Technology (ICCICT) | 2020-21 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-0430-3 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-6654-4716-4 |
Yes | IEEE | |
353 | Kapil Mundada | Identification and classificatlon of industrial elements using artificial intelligence and image processing techniques | 2021 lnfernnfionnl Conference on Emerpin,g Smart ComputinjJ and InJormutics, £SCI 2021 | 2020-21 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-8519-4 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-7281-8520-0 |
Yes | IEEE | |
354 | Kapil Mundada | Bike Engine Health Monitoring using Vibration | 2020 IEEE Pune Section International Conference, PuneCon 3020, 2020 | 2020-21 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-9600-8 USB ISBN:978-1-7281-9599-5 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-7281-9601-5 |
Yes | IEEE | |
355 | Ganesh Bhutkar | Designing ICT Applications for Hearing- Impaired People in Asia | CHIuXiD '20: 6th International ACM In-Cooperation HCI and UX Conference | 2020-21 | ISBN:978-1-4503-8829-0 | Yes | ||
356 | Kapil Mundada | Experimental analysis of machine learning algorithms used in predictive maintenance | Proceedings of the 3rd /nternafiono/ Conference on Smart Systems and incentive Technology, ICSSIT 2020 | 2020-21 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-5821-1 DVD ISBN:978-1-7281-5820-4 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-7281-5822-8 |
Yes | IEEE | |
357 | Kapil Mundada | Computer aided Commercial case classified using Artificial Intelligence algorithm | Proceedings of the 2nd International Con/erenre on lnuentiue Research in Computing Applications, fCIRCd 2020 | 2020-21 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-5374-2 DVD ISBN:978-1-7281-5373-5 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-7281-5375-9 |
Yes | IEEE | |
358 | Nilesh D. Navghare | End To End Learning Human Pose Detection Using Convolutional Neural Networks | 2nd Internation Conference on Machine Learning and Information Processing, ICMLIP 2020 | 2020-21 | Electronic ISSN 2194-5365 Print ISSN 2194-5357 |
Yes | Springer | |
359 | Dhore, M.L. | Transliteration of Residential Addresses Having Hindi, Urdu and English | Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems 2021 | 2020-21 | Electronic ISSN 2367-3389 Print ISSN 2367-3370 |
Yes | Springer | |
360 | Nilesh D. Navghare | Design of Pipeline Framework for pair trading algorithm | 2nd Internation Conference on Inventive Research in Computing Applications (ICIRCA 2020) | 2020-21 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-5374-2 DVD ISBN:978-1-7281-5373-5 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-7281-5375-9 |
Yes | IEEE | |
361 | Ranjana Jadhav | Smart Sound System for restricted zones | Machine Learning and Information Processing Proceedings of ICMLIP 2019 | 2020-21 | ISBN: 978-981-15-1883-6(Print) ISBN: 978-981-15-1884-3(Online) | Yes | Springer | |
362 | Puran Singh | Enhancing Multi-Level Cache Performance using Dynamic R-F Characteristics | Machine Learning and Information Processing Proceedings of ICMLIP 2019 | 2020-21 | ISBN: 978-981-15-1883-6(Print) ISBN: 978-981-15-1884-3(Online) | Yes | Springer | |
363 | Avadhoot Rajurkar | Performance study of dimple and channel textured tools during turning of Inconel-718 | Materials Today Proceedings | 2020-21 | ISSN: 2214-7853 | Yes | Elsevier | |
364 | Sangita Kumari | CUDA parallel computing framework for stock market prediction using K-means clustering | Proceeding - International Conference on Smart Electroncis and Communication, ICOSEC 2020 | 2020-21 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-5461-9 DVD ISBN:978-1-7281-5460-2 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-7281-5462-6 |
Yes | IEEE | |
365 | Avdhoot Rajurkar | Effect of Change in Focal Plane Position on Hole Characteristics of Nanosecond Pulsed Laser Micro Drilled Holes | Recent Trends in Mechanical Engineering Select Proceedings of ICIME 2019 | 2020-21 | ISBN: 978-981-15-1123-3 (Print), ISBN: 978-981-15-1124-0 (Online) | Yes | Springer | |
366 | Sangita Kumari | Enhancing College Chat Bot Assistant with the help of Richer Human Computer Interaction and Speech Recognition | Proceeding of International Conference on Electroncis and Sustainable Communication Systems, ICESC 2020 | 2020-21 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-4108-4 DVD ISBN:978-1-7281-4107-7 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-7281-4109-1 |
Yes | IEEE | |
367 | Medha Wyawahare | Prediction of the Most Productive Crop in a Geographical Area Using Machine Learning | Lectrure notes in Networks and Systems 2021 | 2020-21 | Electronic ISSN 2367-3389 Print ISSN 2367-3370 |
Yes | Springer | |
368 | Ganesh Bhutkar | Psychological Survey of Colour Perceptions for Indian Users | Technology Enabled Ergonomic Design Select Proceedings of HWWE 2020 | 2020-21 | ISBN: 978-981-16-6981-1 (Print) ISBN: 978-981-16-6982-8(Online) | Yes | Springer | |
369 | Kapil Mundada | Identification and Classification of Industrial Elements using Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing Techniques | 3rd IEEE International Conference On Emerging Smart Computing And Informatics 2021 (ESCI) | 2020-21 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-8519-4 | Yes | IEEE | |
370 | Archana Chaudhari | COVID-19 IDENTIFICATION BY CHEST X-RAY IMAGES | International Conference on Smart Automation in Computer, Electrical, Electronics and Communication Engineering | 2020-21 | yes | |||
371 | Jitendra Gaikwad | Bearing Fault Detection Using DWT and CNN | International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Computing and Communication Technology | 2020-21 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-5090-2399-8 | Yes | IEEE | |
372 | Ganesh Bhutkar | Unlocking Student's Preference on Two BINUS Mobile Learning Management System | 2020 International Conference on Information Management and Technology (ICIMTech) | 2020-21 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-7071-8 | Yes | IEEE | |
373 | S.G.Lade | Optimization of Ray-tracing algorithm for Simulation of PMD sensors | Machine Learning and Information Processing Proceedings of ICMLIP 2020 | 2020-21 | ISBN:978-981-33-4858-5(Print) ISBN:978-981-33-4859-2(Online) | Yes | Springer | |
374 | S.G.Lade | Parallel Implementation of Marathi News Categorization using GPU | Machine Learning and Information Processing Proceedings of ICMLIP 2020 | 2020-21 | ISBN: 978-981-33-4858-5 (Print) ISBN: 978-981-33-4859-2 (Online) | Yes | Springer | |
375 | Ranjana Jadhav | New Data Structure for relational Database using tree | Machine Learning and Information Processing Proceedings of ICMLIP 2019 | 2020-21 | ISBN: 978-981-15-1883-6(Print) ISBN: 978-981-15-1884-3(Online) | Yes | Springer | |
376 | Debabrata Swain | An Efficient Heart Disease Prediction System using Machine Learning |
Machine Learning and Information Processing Proceedings of ICMLIP 2019 | 2020-21 | ISBN: 978-981-15-1883-6(Print) ISBN: 978-981-15-1884-3(Online) | Yes | Springer | |
377 | Debabrata Swain | Enhancing Multi-Level Cache Performance using Dynamic R-F Characteristics Dynamic R-F Characteristics |
Machine Learning and Information Processing Proceedings of ICMLIP 2019 | 2020-21 | ISBN: 978-981-15-1883-6(Print) ISBN: 978-981-15-1884-3(Online) | Yes | Springer | |
378 | Deepali Joshi | Performance Analysis of Different Models for Twitter Sentiment | Machine Learning and Information Processing Proceedings of ICMLIP 2019 | 2020-21 | ISBN: 978-981-33-4858-5 (Print) ISBN: 978-981-33-4859-2 (Online) | Yes | Springer | |
379 | Deepali Joshi | Reinforcement Learning: A Survey | Machine Learning and Information Processing Proceedings of ICMLIP 2019 | 2020-21 | ISBN: 978-981-33-4858-5 (Print) ISBN: 978-981-33-4859-2 (Online) | Yes | Springer | |
380 | Ranjana Jadhav | Predicting Optimal Cricket Team using Data Analysis | 2021 International Conference on Emerging Smart Computing and Informatics (ESCI) | 2020-21 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-8519-4 | Yes | IEEE | |
381 | Ranjana Jadhav | Real-Time Object Detection for Visually Challenged | Machine Learning and Information Processing Proceedings of ICMLIP 2019 | 2020-21 | ISBN: 978-981-33-4858-5 (Print) ISBN: 978-981-33-4859-2 (Online) | Yes | Springer | |
382 | Prof. Avdhoot Rajurkar | Effect of deposition strategies and printing parameters on dimensions and strength of 3D printed parts: a comparative analysis | 1 st International Conference on Recent Advancements in Design and Manufacturing ,SVNIT Surat | 2020-21 | Yes | |||
383 | Prof. Dr. Varsha Karandikar | An Indirect Approach to Analyse the Impact of Working Restrictions Due To COVID 19 on Muscle Fatigue | Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Bangalore, India, August 16-18, 2021 | 2020-21 | ISSN: 2169-8767 | Yes | ||
384 | Dr. P. S. Dhabe | New Data Structure for relational Database using tree | Machine Learning and Information Processing Proceedings of ICMLIP 2019 | 2020-21 | ISBN: 978-981-15-1883-6(Print) ISBN: 978-981-15-1884-3(Online) | Yes | Springer | |
385 | Ganesh Dongre | Effect of Change in Focal Plane Position on Hole Characteristics of Nanosecond Pulsed Laser Micro Drilled Holes | Recent Trends in Mechanical Engineering Select Proceedings of ICIME 2019 | 2020-21 | ISBN: 978-981-15-1123-3 (Print), ISBN: 978-981-15-1124-0 (Online) | Yes | Springer | |
386 | Tejaswini Bhosle | TOURIST SPOT CLASSIFICATION USING CONVOLUTION NEURAL NETWORK | International Conference on Data Analytics and Management (ICDAM) 2021 | 2020-21 | Yes | |||
387 | Ms. Varpe K. M. | TEXT RECOGNITION USING K-MEANS CLUSTERING AND SUPPORT VECTOR MACHINE | First Doctoral Symposium on “Natural Computing Research (DSNCR-2020 | 2020-21 | Print ISBN978-981-33-4072-5, Online ISBN978-981-33-4073-2 | Yes | Springer | |
388 | S. Komble | Validation of Valve Coefficients Using Experimentation and Numerical Analysis | 3rd International Conference on Futuristic Trends in Materials and Manufacturing (ICFTMM 2020) 7th-8th April 2021, Greater Noida, India | 2020-21 | Yes | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering | ||
389 | Shailesh Padalkar | Nature of CSF based on Beating Time in Fibre Reinforced Cotton Rag | 2020 IEEE Pune Section International Conference (PuneCon) | 2020-21 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-9600-8 | Yes | IEEE | |
390 | S.G.Lade | Simulation of Self Driving Car Using Deep Learning | 2021 International Conference on Emerging Smart Computing and Informatics (ESCI) | 2020-21 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-8519-4 | Yes | IEEE | |
391 | Prof. Anand Umrani | An Indirect Approach to Analyse the Impact of Working Restrictions Due To COVID 19 on Muscle Fatigue | Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Bangalore, India, August 16-18, 2021 | 2020-21 | ISSN: 2169-8767 | Yes | ||
392 | Ganesh Bhutkar | User Experiences and Wellbeing at Work (UX@Work) | 2020-21 | ISBN: 978-3-030-29389-5(Print) ISBN: 978-3-030-29390-1(Online) | Yes | Springer | ||
393 | Ganesh Bhutkar | Digital Literacy and Socio-Cultural Acceptance of ICT in Developing Countries | 2020-21 | ISBN: 978-3-030-61091-3 | Yes | Springer | ||
394 | Ganesh Bhutkar | Contextual Inquiry Related to Cab Booking: Using Uber and Ola Cabs in India | 2020-21 | ISBN: 978-3-030-61088-3(Print) ISBN: 978-3-030-61089-0 (Online) | Yes | Springer | ||
395 | Ganesh Bhutkar | Prototype Design of Android App for Blood Donation | 2020-21 | ISBN: 978-3-030-61088-3(Print) ISBN: 978-3-030-61089-0 (Online) | Yes | Springer | ||
396 | Ganesh Bhutkar | Can Dynamic Widgets Improve Data Entry Efficiency? | 2020-21 | ISBN: 978-981-15-9053-5 (Print) ISBN: 978-981-15-9054-2 (Online) | Yes | Springer | ||
397 | Dr. Milind V Kulkarni | Adversarial Deep Learning Attacks—A Review | 2020-21 | ISBN: 978-981-16-0881-0 (Print) ISBN: 978-981-16-0882-7 (Online) | Yes | Springer | ||
398 | Dr P P Ghadekar | Prediction and Classification of Biased and Fake news using NLP and Machine Learning Models | Machine Learning and Information Processing Proceedings of ICMLIP 2020 | 2020-21 | ISBN: 978-981-33-4858-5 (Print) ISBN: 978-981-33-4859-2 (Online) | Yes | Springer | |
399 | Dr P P Ghadekar | Unsupervised Image Generation & Manipulation using Deep Convolutional Adversarial Networks | Machine Learning and Information Processing Proceedings of ICMLIP 2020 | 2020-21 | ISBN: 978-981-33-4858-5 (Print) ISBN: 978-981-33-4859-2 (Online) | Yes | Springer | |
400 | Dr P P Ghadekar | Artistic Media Stylization & Identification using Convolution Neural Networks | Machine Learning and Information Processing Proceedings of ICMLIP 2020 | 2020-21 | ISBN: 978-981-33-4858-5 (Print) ISBN: 978-981-33-4859-2 (Online) | Yes | Springer | |
401 | Dr P P Ghadekar | Realtime Handsfree Mouse Control for Disabled | Machine Learning and Information Processing Proceedings of ICMLIP 2020 | 2020-21 | ISBN: 978-981-33-4858-5 (Print) ISBN: 978-981-33-4859-2 (Online) | Yes | Springer | |
402 | Dr P P Ghadekar | UDHR - Unified Decentralized Health Repository | Machine Learning and Information Processing Proceedings of ICMLIP 2020 | 2020-21 | ISBN: 978-981-33-4858-5 (Print) ISBN: 978-981-33-4859-2 (Online) | Yes | Springer | |
403 | Dr P P Ghadekar | WEB-BASED REAL-TIME GESTURE RECOGINITION WITH VOICE | Machine Learning and Information Processing Proceedings of ICMLIP 2020 | 2020-21 | ISBN: 978-981-33-4858-5 (Print) ISBN: 978-981-33-4859-2 (Online) | Yes | Springer | |
404 | G.D. Bhutkar (Editor) | Quality and User Experience (Journal) | 2020-21 | ISSN: 2366-0147 | Yes | Spinger | ||
405 | Dr. S.T. Patil | Digital System And MicroProcessor | 2020-21 | ISSN: 2366-0139 (Print) 2366-0147 (Online) | Yes | Nirali Prakashan | ||
406 | Dr. S.T. Patil | Micro Processors | 2020-21 | ISBN: 9789351642466, 9789351642466 | Yes | Nirali Prakashan | ||
407 | Dr. S.T. Patil | MICROCONTROLLERS & PERIPHERAL INTERFACECONTROLLER (PIC) | 2020-22 | ISBN:- 9789489406016 | Yes | Nirali Prakashan | ||
408 | Dr. S.T. Patil | MICROCONTROLLER AND ITS APPLICATIONS | 2020-21 | ISBN 9789389406016 | Yes | Nirali Prakashan | ||
409 | Dr. S.T. Patil | Soft Computing Techniques | 2020-21 | ISBN 13, 9789351648918 | Yes | Kindle Edition | ||
410 | Varsha Dange | Advanced System Security & Digital Forensics | 2020-21 | ISBN : 978-93-90376-87-2 | Yes | Tech-Neo Publications | ||
411 | Varsha Dange | Big Data Analytics | 2020-21 | ISBN : 978-93-90376-88-9 | Yes | Tech-Neo Publications | ||
412 | Priyadarshan Dhabe | Data set reduction to improve Computing efficiency and energy consumption in Healthcare Domain | ISBN-10: 3030610888. | 2020-21 | Softcover ISBN978-3-030-61091-3 Hardcover ISBN 978-3-030-61088-3 |
Yes | Springer | |
413 | M.L. Dhore, Pravin Rathod | Ransomware Attack Detection and Prevention for Android Devices | 2020-21 | ISBN:978-981-33-4996-4 (Online) ISBN:978-981-33-4995-7 ( Print) | Yes | Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021 | ||
414 | Manikrao L. Dhore, Vivek S. Deshpande, Sudhanshu S. Gonge, Ratnashil N. Khobragade, Vilas M. Thakare, | An Innovative Step for Enhancement in Student Results and Teaching–Learning Process Using Educational Technology | 2020-21 | ISBN: 978-981-15-8743-6 (Print) ISBN: 978-981-15-8744-3 (Online) | Yes | Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021, Intelligent Systems Reference Library | ||
415 | Satchidanand R Satpute, NIlesh A Mali, Sunil S Bhagwat | Solar Energy for Green Engineering Using A Multicomponent Absorption Power Cycle (Chapter) | 2020-21 | Hard ISBN: 9781771889001 | Yes | CRC Press | ||
416 | Ranjana Jadhav, Priyadarshan Dhabe, Sadanand Gandewar, Param Mirani, Rahul Chugwani | A New data structure for representation of Relational Databases for Application in the Normalization process | 2020-21 | E-Book ISBN: 9781003057895 | Yes | Springer link Machine Learning and Information Processing (Book Chapter) | ||
417 | Ghadekar, P. Kaneri, S. Undre, A. Jagtap, A. | Digital image retrieval based on selective conceptual based features for important documents (Chapter) | 2020-21 | Electronic ISSN 2367-4520 Print ISSN 2367-4512 |
Yes | Springer link (Book:- Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, 2021) | ||
418 | Kedare, A.K., Mundada, K. | Mlnlaturized Device for SHM Uslng Electromechanlcal Impedance Technique | 2020-21 | Electronic ISSN2367-3389 Print ISSN2367-3370 | Yes | Springer link (Book:- Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 2020 | ||
419 | Umesh Chavan | Copper oxide Synthes on CU foam by chemical bath deposition with surfactant for supercapacitor | Advances in Energy Research, Vol. 1 | 2020-21 | ISBN: 978-981-15-2665-7(Print) | Yes | Springer | |
420 | Dr. Sachin Sawant | AUGMENTED REALITY (AR) BASED APPROACH TO ENGINEERING EDUCATION | e-National conference on “Novel ideas in Multidisciplinary Techno Innovations” (NCNMT-2021) | 2020-21 | Yes | Singhgad Institutte, IEEE Signal Processsing Society, Pune,Chapter | ||
421 | Dr. Sachin Sawant | DIGITAL MEDICAL RECORD FOR SOLDIERS | e-National conference on “Novel ideas in Multidisciplinary Techno Innovations” (NCNMT-2021) | 2020-21 | Yes | Singhgad Institutte, IEEE Signal Processsing Society, Pune,Chapter | ||
422 | Dr. Sachin Sawant | EDIFY -AN EDUCATIONAL WEBSITE | e-National conference on “Novel ideas in Multidisciplinary Techno Innovations” (NCNMT-2021) | 2020-21 | Yes | Singhgad Institutte, IEEE Signal Processsing Society, Pune,Chapter | ||
423 | Dr. Sachin Sawant | E-FARMING PORTAL-FARMER’S ONLINE FRIEND | National Level E-conference on Science and Technology | 2020-21 | Yes | |||
424 | Dr. Sachin Sawant | MOTOR SPEED CONTROL USING NEURAL NETWORKS | National Level E-conference on Science and Technology | 2020-21 | Yes | |||
425 | Dr. Sachin Sawant | PROTEUS SIMULATION FOR ARDUINO BASED AUTOMATIC RAIN SHADE | National Level E-conference on Science and Technology | 2020-21 | Yes | |||
426 | Prof. Kalpesh Joshi | AUTOMATED RESTAURANT MANAGEMENT SERVICE SYSTEM | National Level E-Conference on Science & Technology | 2020-21 | Yes | |||
427 | G. Bhutkar | Unlocking student's preference on two BINUS mobile learning management system | Proceedings of 2020 International Conference on Information Management and Technology, ICIMTech 2020 | 2020-21 | ISBN 978-1-7281-7072-5: | Yes | IEEE | |
428 | Bhutkar, G. Dongre, A. Deshmukh, S. Nielsen, L. Joshi, J. | User Persona of Mother of Preterm Neonate | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2020 | 2020-21 | Yes | |||
429 | Bhutkar, G. , Nocera, J.A. Parmaxi, A. Winckler, M.Dannenmann, P. | Foreword | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2020 | 2020-21 | Yes | |||
430 | Kanchan Varpe, M.L. Dhore | Emotion Detection based on Images and Captions on Social Media | International Conlerence on Future Intelligence in Science & Technology | 2020-21 | Yes | |||
431 | Sangita Lade, Milind Kulkarni | Ray Tracing Algorithm for Scene Generation in Simulation of Photonic Mixer Device Sensors | 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MACHINE LEARNING AND INFORMATION PROCESSING ICMLIP 2020 | 2020-21 | Yes | |||
432 | Milind Kulkarni | Ray Tracing Algorithm for Scene Generation in Simulation of Photonic Mixer Device Sensors | 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MACHINE LEARNING AND INFORMATION PROCESSING ICMLIP 2020 | 2020-21 | Yes | |||
433 | Manisha Mhetre | Health Safety System during Covid-19 | 2021 International Conference on Communication information and Computing Technology (ICCICT) | 2020-21 | Yes | |||
434 | Ranjana Jadhav, | A Novel approach to Stock Market Analysis and Prediction using Data Analytics | Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies 2021 | 2020-21 | Yes | |||
435 | Sangita Kumari | A Novel approach to Stock Market Analysis and Prediction using Data Analytics | Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies 2021 | 2020-21 | Yes | |||
436 | Medha Wyawahare | Computer vision based wheat gradiing and breed classification system : A design approach | Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2021 | 2020-21 | Yes | |||
437 | Medha Wyawahare | Statistical Model For Qualitative Grading of Milled Rice | Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) | 2020-21 | Yes | |||
438 | Manisha Mhetre | SMART INTEGRATED AND EMBEDDED SYSTEM FOR GOOD NIGHT VISIBILITY | Virtual International Award Conference on Multi-disciplinary research and Innovation | 2020-21 | Yes | |||
439 | Ganesh Bhutkar | Review and Prioritization of Accessibility Guidelines for Video Game Development | 2020-21 | Yes | ||||
440 | Ganesh Dongre | Integrated apple pludang and cutting of stalk mechanism | 2020-21 | Yes | ||||
840 | PROF. (DR.) GHADEKAR PREMANAND PRALHAD | Adaptive Blockchain Solution to Fight against Financial Corruption in an Organization | International Conference on SMART TECHNOLOGIES IN URBAN ENGINEERING | 2022-23 | 978-3-031-20141-7 | Yes | Springer | |
841 | UMESH SOMALU CHAVAN | Magnification of energy transmission ratio using miniature cycloidal gear box for humanoids | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering | 2022-23 | 1757 899X | Yes | IOP Science | |
842 | UMESH SOMALU CHAVAN | Design and analysis of energy efficient wind turbine blades | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering | 2022-23 | 1757 899X | Yes | IOP Science | |
843 | SUVARNA VIJAY PATIL | EFFECT OF COOLING TECHNIQUE AND TOOL MATERIAL ON INCONEL ALLOY. | Elsevier’s Materials Today: Proceedings | 2022-23 | 2214-7853 | Yes | Springer | |
844 | AVADHOOT RAJURKAR | EFFECT OF COOLING TECHNIQUE AND TOOL MATERIAL ON INCONEL ALLOY. | Elsevier’s Materials Today: Proceedings | 2022-23 | 2214-7853 | Yes | Springer | |
845 | GANESH DONGRE | EFFECT OF COOLING TECHNIQUE AND TOOL MATERIAL ON INCONEL ALLOY. | Elsevier’s Materials Today: Proceedings | 2022-23 | 2214-7853 | Yes | Springer | |
846 | PROF. Dr. SHINDE SANDIP RAMRAO | Real Time Fake Note Detection using Deep Convolutional Neural Network | Second International Conference on Computer Science, Engineering and Applications (ICCSEA-2022) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-5834-4 | Yes | IEEE | |
847 | SIDDHARTH BHAGWAN BHORGE | Developing Complex Full Stack Java-Based Spring Cloud Applications | 2022 IEEE 2ND Asian Conference on Innovation in Technology | 2022-23 | 978-1-6654-6851-0 | Yes | IEEE | |
848 | PROF. (DR.) JOGLEKAR PUSHKAR SHRIPAD | Audio CAPTCHA for Visually Impaired | 2021 International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering (ICECCME) | 2022-23 | 978-1-6654-1262-9 | Yes | IEEE | |
849 | Dr. SHILPA YOGESH SONDKAR | An Approach for Clustering and Classification of Alumni Employment Information | 2022 IEEE Global Conference on Computing, Power and Communication Technologies (GlobConPT) | 2022-23 | 978-1-6654-9365-9 | Yes | IEEE | |
850 | SHAILAJA NILESH UKE | Virtual Voice Assistant in Python | 4th International Conference on Cybernetics, Cognition and Machine Learning Applications (ICCCMLA) | 2022-23 | 978-1-6654-6246-4 | Yes | IEEE | |
851 | Dr. ARCHANA KEDAR CHAUDHARI | Fruit Freshness detection using CNN | 2022 International Conference on Futuristic Technologies (INCOFT) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-5046-1 | Yes | IEEE | |
852 | AVADHOOT RAJURKAR | Preparation of super-hydrophobic textures by using nanosecond pulsed laser | Advances in Physical Sciences and Materials (ICAPSM 2022) | 2022-23 | 2214-7853 | Yes | Materials Today: Proceedings | |
853 | GANESH GOVARDHAN DONGRE | Preparation of super-hydrophobic textures by using nanosecond pulsed laser | Advances in Physical Sciences and Materials (ICAPSM 2022) | 2022-23 | 2214-7853 | Yes | Materials Today: Proceedings | |
854 | GANESH GOVARDHAN DONGRE | Topology Optimization of Brake Pad | Recent Advances in Materials and Manufacturing (ICRAMM 2022) | 2022-23 | 2214-7853 | Yes | Materials Today: Proceedings | |
855 | RANE MILIND EKNATH | AI Algorithm for image enhancement | IEEE Third International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Computing, Communications and Sustainable Technologies (ICAECT 2023) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-9400-7, Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-6654-9401-4 | Yes | IEEE | |
856 | RANE MILIND EKNATH | Human Facial Emotion Recognition using Deep Learning Techniques | Third International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Computing, Communications and Sustainable Technologies (ICAECT 2023) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-9400-7, Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-6654-9401-4 | Yes | IEEE | |
857 | RANE MILIND EKNATH | Random Forest Regressor Approach for Predicting Resale Value of used Vehicles (RFRVP) | IEEE Third International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Computing, Communications and Sustainable Technologies (ICAECT 2023) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-9400-7 , Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-6654-9401-4 | Yes | IEEE | |
858 | SWATI NITIN SHILASKAR | Context-Aware Voice Recognition System for Car Climate and Infotainment Control | Inventive Communication and Computational Technologies | 2022-23 | Electronic ISSN: 2367-3389 | Yes | Springer | |
859 | DR. (SMT.) CHANDOLIKAR NEELAM SUDHIR | Real-time Surveillance system using Face Recognition and AR | 5th Biennial International Conference on Nascent Technologies in Engineering | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-6504-5 | Yes | IEEE | |
860 | GANESH DATTATRAYA KORWAR | Numerical Simulation of MERVH (Motion and Energy Regulating Vibration Harvester) for different human activities. | 5th International Conference on Contemporary Computing and Informatics (IC3I-2022) at Amity University, Greater Noida | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:979-8-3503-9826-7 | Yes | IEEE | |
861 | VAISHALI SIDDHARTH JABADE | Patient Monitoring System | 2022 IEEE 2nd Mysore Sub Section International Conference (MysuruCon) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-9790-9 | Yes | IEEE | |
862 | ABHA ASHUTOSH MARATHE | Breast Cancer Classification | 2022 International Conference on Futuristic Technologies (INCOFT) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-5046-1 | Yes | IEEE | |
863 | ABHA ASHUTOSH MARATHE | Middleware Device for Advertisement Blocking | 2022 International Conference on Futuristic Technologies (INCOFT) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-5046-1 | Yes | IEEE | |
864 | NISHANT SHASHIKANT KULKARNI | Investigation of damping and stiffness properties of egg shell reinforced thermoplastic polymer | 2022 3rd International Conference on Computation, Automation and Knowledge Management (ICCAKM) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-5319-6 | Yes | IEEE | |
865 | PROF. (DR.) DHORE MANIKRAO LAXMANRAO | Insurance Value Chain Chatbot for Farmers | 2022 2nd Asian Conference on Innovation in Technology (ASIACON) | 2022-23 | 978-1-6654-6851-0 | Yes | IEEE | |
866 | PROF. (DR.) GHADEKAR PREMANAND PRALHAD | Stylized NFT Progressive Neural Paintings using Brush Stroke prediction | IEEE Advancements in Smart, Secure and Intelligent Computing (ASSIC) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-6109-2 | Yes | IEEE | |
867 | PROF. (DR.) GHADEKAR PREMANAND PRALHAD | Predictive analysis of multiple diseases using ensemble learning | IEEE Advancements in Smart, Secure and Intelligent Computing (ASSIC) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-6109-2 | Yes | IEEE Xplorer | |
868 | PROF. (DR.) GHADEKAR PREMANAND PRALHAD | Fundamental Analysis of Equity Instruments Using Entity Embedding Neural Networks | IEEE Advancements in Smart, Secure and Intelligent Computing (ASSIC) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-6109-2 | Yes | IEEE Xplorer | |
869 | PROF. (DR.) GHADEKAR PREMANAND PRALHAD | Mergers and Acquisitions Prediction using Hybrid-Machine Learning and Deep Learning Approach | IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances and Innovations in Engineering | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-6109-2 | Yes | IEEE Xplorer | |
870 | PROF. (DR.) GHADEKAR PREMANAND PRALHAD | Facial Expression Recognition Based on Deep Learning-Deep Convolutional Neural Network | IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances and Innovations in Engineering | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-6109-2 | Yes | IEEE Xplorer | |
871 | KULDEEP BABAN VAYADANDE | Software Runtimes for Disaggregated Memory: A Review Paper | Sardar Patel International Conference on “Industry 4.0 - Nascent Technologies and Sustainability for 'Make in India' Initiative” SPICON-2022 | 2022-23 | Yes | SPICON | ||
872 | PROF. (DR.) DHORE MANIKRAO LAXMANRAO | Online Hate Classifier For Social Media Platform | 2022 6th International Conference On Computing, Communication, Control And Automation (ICCUBEA) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-8451-0 | Yes | IEEE | |
873 | PROF. (DR.) DHORE MANIKRAO LAXMANRAO | Abstractive Text Summarization of Hindi Corpus using Transformer Encoder-Decoder Model | Seventh International Symposium on Intelligent Informatics | 2022-23 | Yes | Springer | ||
874 | VARSHA RAHUL DANGE | IOT based detection of Vehicle accident and an emergency help using application interface | International Conference on Microelectronics, Computing | 2022-23 | Electronic ISSN: 1432-1858, Print ISSN:0946-7076 | Yes | SPRINGER | |
875 | PANKAJ RAMAKANT KUNEKAR | Design and Implementation of an Advanced Semester Management and Collaboration System for Academic Institutions | 2023 International Conference on Innovative Data Communication Technologies and Application (ICIDCA) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:979-8-3503-9720-8 | Yes | IEEE | |
876 | SHRIPAD SUBHASHRAO BHATLAWANDE | Automotive Features Controlling using APDS 9960 | 2022 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Mobile Networks and Wireless Communications (ICMNWC) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-9111-2 | Yes | IEEE | |
877 | PANKAJ RAMAKANT KUNEKAR | Applications of Deep Learning (DL) Techniques in Detecting Breast Cancer and Malignant Cells | 5th International Conference onContemporary Computing and Informatics (IC3I-2022) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:979-8-3503-9826-7 | Yes | IEEE | |
878 | PANKAJ RAMAKANT KUNEKAR | Applications of Machine LearningTechniques in Detecting Skin Cancer | 5th International Conference onContemporary Computing and Informatics (IC3I-2022) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:979-8-3503-9826-7 | Yes | IEEE | |
879 | PANKAJ RAMAKANT KUNEKAR | Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning for Enhanced Medical Innovation | 5th International Conference onContemporary Computing and Informatics (IC3I-2022) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:979-8-3503-9826-7 | Yes | IEEE | |
880 | KULDEEP BABAN VAYADANDE | Simulation of CPU Scheduling Algorithms for Efficient Execution of Processes | 2023 International Conference for Advancement in Technology (ICONAT) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-7517-4 | Yes | IEEE | |
881 | KULDEEP BABAN VAYADANDE | A Survey Paper on CPU Process Scheduling | An international conference on recent and future Trends in Smart Electronics System and Manufacturing and its applications RIVERS PUBLLISHER SCOPUS INDEXED | 2022-23 | Yes | River Publishers | ||
882 | UMESH SOMALU CHAVAN | Experimental Studies on Carbon Nanotube Strain Sensors | Recent Advances in Materials and Manufacturing (ICRAMM 2022) | 2022-23 | 2214-7853 | Yes | Materials Today: Proceedings | |
883 | RAKHI JAYKUMAR BHARDWAJ | Human Physical Activities Based Calorie Burn Calculator Using LSTM | International Conference on Intelligent Cyber Physical Systems and Internet of Things | 2022-23 | 978-3-031-18496-3 | Yes | Springer | |
884 | RANJEETSINGH SHAHAJIRAO SURYAWANSHI | Remotely Operated Animatronic Arm | 2023 International Conference for Advancement in Technology (ICONAT) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-7517-4 | Yes | IEEE | |
885 | RAKHI JAYKUMAR BHARDWAJ | Real Time Indian Language Detection | Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies | 2022-23 | 2367-3370 | Yes | Springer | |
886 | SWATI VILAS JADHAV | Improve Communication Skills using AI | 2023 International Conference on Emerging Smart Computing and Informatics (ESCI) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-7524-2 | Yes | IEEE | |
887 | PROF. (DR.) DHABE PRIYADARSHAN SHANKARRAO | A Modified Matrix Method for Efficient Computation of Bernstein Coefficients and its GPU Parallelization | 2022 International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering (ICECCME) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-7095-7 | Yes | IEEE | |
888 | Dr. SANGITA MAHESHWAR JAYBHAYE | Resource Provisioning for Workflow based Application in Cloud Platform using Optimization Techniques | Make in India' Initiative” SPICON-2022 | 2022-23 | - | Yes | VLSI Design Group Department of Electronics | |
889 | DR. (SMT.) KURUNDKAR SANGEETA VISHWAS | Smart Mining Helmet With Body Vitals And Location Tracking | 2023 International Conference on Intelligent and Innovative Technologies in Computing, Electrical and Electronics (IITCEE) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-9260-7 | Yes | IEEE | |
890 | DR. (SMT.) KURUNDKAR SANGEETA VISHWAS | Farmer’s Companion Bot | National Conference on Advances in Engineering and Technology (NCAET-22) | 2022-23 | ISSN: 1856-4194 | Yes | TELEMATIQUE | |
891 | DR. (SMT.) KURUNDKAR SANGEETA VISHWAS | Smart Urban Farming System | UPCON-9th IEEE UP Section International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering | 2022-23 | Electronic ISSN: 2687-7767, Print on Demand(PoD) ISSN: 2687-7759 | Yes | IEEE Explore | |
892 | VIJAY MAHADEO MANE | “The Facial Expression Recognition Using Deep Neural Network” | 3rd International Conference on Data Intelligence and Cognitive Informatics (ICDICI 2022) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISSN: 2524-7573 | Yes | Springer | |
893 | VIJAY MAHADEO MANE | Development and Implementation of efficient Recruitment Portal using Blockchain | 6th International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication (ICICC-22) | 2022-23 | NA | Yes | Springer | |
894 | PROF. (DR.) JOGLEKAR PUSHKAR SHRIPAD | On Efficient Noncommutative Polynomial Factorization via Higman Linearization | Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics | 2022-23 | 978-3-95977-241-9 | Yes | Schloss Dagstuhl- Leibniz-Zentrum fur Informatik GmbH, Dagstuhl Publishing | |
895 | Dr. JAYANT VENKATRAO KULKARNI | Experimental Analysis of Deep Learning algorithms used in Brain Tumor Classification | Third Congress on Intelligent Systems | 2022-23 | Electronic ISSN:2367-3389, Print ISSN: 2367-3370 | Yes | Springer | |
896 | PROF. (DR.) JOGLEKAR PUSHKAR SHRIPAD | Writer Identification using Handwriting Samples | 2022 IEEE 4th International Conference on Cybernetics, Cognition and Machine Learning Applications (ICCCMLA) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-6246-4 | Yes | IEEE | |
897 | SANIKA PATANKAR | Estimate elastic constant of Mild steel plate using welchÕs periodogram method | International Conference on Intelligent Computing & Networking(ICICN) | 2022-23 | Yes | IEEE | ||
898 | SWATI VILAS JADHAV | A Software Development Lifecycle Case Study on: Diet Recommendation System based on User Activities | Fourth International Conference on Advances in Electrical and Computer Technologies 2022 (ICAECT 2022) | 2022-23 | 2271-2097 | Yes | EDP Sciences - Web of Conferences | |
899 | SWATI NITIN SHILASKAR | Automotive Features Controlling using APDS 9960 | 2022 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Mobile Networks and Wireless Communications (ICMNWC) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-9111-2 | Yes | IEEE | |
900 | KAPIL GANGABISAN MUNDADA | Corrosion Detection using Deep Learning and Custom Object Detection | 2022 2nd Asian Conference on Innovation in Technology (ASIANCON) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-6851-0 | Yes | IEEE | |
901 | KAPIL GANGABISAN MUNDADA | Experimental Analysis of Deep Learning algorithms used in Brain Tumor Classification | Third Congress on Intelligent Systems | 2022-23 | Electronic ISSN:2367-3389, Print ISSN: 2367-3370 | Yes | Springer | |
902 | GANESH SHANKAR UBALE | SMS Spam Detection Using TFIDF and Voting Classifier | 2022 International Mobile and Embedded Technology Conference (MECON) | 2022-23 | MECON53876.2022.9752078. | Yes | IEEE | |
903 | DR. (SMT.) BARBADEKAR ASHWINEE PRAVIN | Design of a cost-effective Smart Mirror using Raspberry Pi | 2023 International Conference for Advancement in Technology (ICONAT) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-7517-4 CD:978-1-6654-7514-3 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-6654-7518-1 |
Yes | IEEE | |
904 | PROF. KULKARNI MUKUND MOHAN | Covi-Gate: Face Mask and Temperature Detection System | 6th International Conference on Computing, Communication, Control and Automation, ICCUBEA 2022 | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-8451-0 | Yes | IEEE | |
905 | PANKAJ RAMAKANT KUNEKAR | Evaluating the Predictive Ability of the LightGBM Classifier for Assessing Customer Satisfaction in the Airline Industry | 2nd International Conference for Advancement in Technology (ICONAT 2023) | 2022-23 | 978-1-6654-7518-1 | Yes | IEEE | |
906 | AMRUTA AMIT MANKAWADE | Skin cancer detection and Intensity Calculator using deep learning | 2023 International Conference for Advancement in Technology (ICONAT) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-7517-4 | Yes | IEEE | |
907 | PROF. (DR.) BHUTKAR GANESH DATTATRAY | An Idea of Japanese Language Learning for Indonesians via Mobile Application Development | 2022 8th International HCI and UX Conference in Indonesia (CHIuXiD) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-7664-5 | Yes | IEEE | |
908 | Dr. SHILPA YOGESH SONDKAR | Predictions of Energy Consumption of Buildings' Life Cycle to Mitigate the Effects of Climate Change with a Focus on Energy Efficiency | 2022 IEEE Pune Section International Conference (PuneCon) | 2022-23 | 978-1-6654-9897-5 | Yes | IEEE | |
909 | Dr. SANIKA SARANG PATANKAR | Image registration and Shi Tomasi and SIFT | 2023 2nd International Conference for Innovation in Technology (INOCON) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:979-8-3503-2092-3 | Yes | IEEE | |
910 | DATTATRAY BAPU HULWAN | Synthesis, Rheological Characterization and Tribological Performance of Olive Oil Biolubricant Enhanced With Mos Additive | Eleventh International Conference on Industrial Tribology | 2022-23 | Yes | Tribology for Energy, Environment and Societ |
911 | Prof. Shripad Bhatlawande | Vision-Based Detection of Hospital and Police Station Scene | 2022 OITS International Conference on Information Technology (OCIT) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-9348-2 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-6654-9349-9 |
Yes | IEEE | |
912 | RANE MILIND EKNATH | Mine Detecting Military Bot Using IoT | 2023 International Conference on Emerging Smart Computing and Informatics (ESCI) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-7524-2 | Yes | IEEE | |
913 | SACHIN PRABHAKAR KOMBLE | Investigation of Different Regression Models For The Predictive Maintenance of Aircraft’s Engine | 2022 Fourth International Conference on Emerging Research in Electronics, Computer Science and Technology (ICERECT | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-5635-7 | Yes | IEEE | |
914 | Deepali Jayant Joshi | Ava: A Photorealistic AI Bot for Human-Like Interaction and Extended Reality | 2023 International Conference on Communication System, Computing and IT Applications (CSCITA) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-5987-7 | Yes | IEEE | |
915 | Deepali Rahul Deshpande | A Framework of Internet of Things (Iot) for the Manufacturing and Image Classification System | 2022 11th International Conference on System Modeling | 2022-23 | 978-1-6654-8734-4 | Yes | IEEE | |
916 | ZARINABEGAM KASIMALI MUNDARGI | PrePy - A customize library for data preprocessing in python | 2022 11th International Conference on System Modeling & Advancement in Research Trends (SMART) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-8734-4 | Yes | IEEE | |
917 | PROF. (DR.) GHADEKAR PREMANAND PRALHAD | A Semi-Supervised GAN Architecture for Video Classification | 2023 International Conference on Advances in Intelligent Computing and Applications (AICAPS) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:979-8-3503-3381-7 | Yes | IEEE | |
918 | PROF. (DR.) GHADEKAR PREMANAND PRALHAD | VR for automobile customization and its feedback analysis | IEEE International Conference on Advances in Intelligent Computing and Applications | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:979-8-3503-3381-7 | Yes | IEEE | |
919 | PROF. (DR.) GHADEKAR PREMANAND PRALHAD | Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Prognosis | International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Networking (IC-ICN 2022) | 2022-23 | ISBN: 978-1-7369640-9-5 | Yes | NASI Mumbai Chapter,Springer | |
920 | PROF. (DR.) GHADEKAR PREMANAND PRALHAD | Bi-LSTM based interdependent prediction of Physiological signals | 2023 International Conference on Emerging Smart Computing and Informatics (ESCI) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-7524-2 | Yes | IEEE | |
921 | ZARINABEGAM KASIMALI MUNDARGI | Plotplay: An Automated Data Visualization Website using Python and Plotly | 2023 International Conference for Advancement in Technology (ICONAT) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-7517-4 | Yes | IEEE | |
922 | JYOTI RISHIKESH MADAKE | Forest Cover Change Detection of Sahyadri Ranges, India | 2022 IEEE Pune Section International Conference (PuneCon) | 2022-23 | ISBN: 978-1-6654-9898-2 |
Yes | IEEE | |
923 | JYOTI RISHIKESH MADAKE | Vision-Based Detection of Hospital and Police Station Scene | 2022 OITS International Conference on Information Technology (OCIT) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-9348-2 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-6654-9349-9 |
Yes | IEEE | |
924 | JYOTI RISHIKESH MADAKE | Visualization of 3D Point Clouds for Vehicle Detection Based on LiDAR and Camera Fusion | 2022 OITS International Conference on Information Technology (OCIT) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-9348-2 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-6654-9349-9 | Yes | IEEE | |
925 | JYOTI RISHIKESH MADAKE | Vision-Based Traffic Hand Sign Recognition for Driver Assistance | 2022 OITS International Conference on Information Technology (OCIT) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-9348-2 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-6654-9349-9 | Yes | IEEE | |
926 | JYOTI RISHIKESH MADAKE | Vision-Based Detection of Water Hyacinth | 2022 5th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Networks (CINE) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-6465-9 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-6654-6466-6 | Yes | IEEE | |
927 | JYOTI RISHIKESH MADAKE | Vision-based Monitoring of Student Attentiveness in an E-Learning Environment | 2022 IEEE Pune Section International Conference (PuneCon) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-9897-5 USB ISBN:978-1-6654-9896-8 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-6654-9898-2 | Yes | IEEE | |
928 | JYOTI RISHIKESH MADAKE | Vision-Based System to Detect Antistatic Gloves and Antistatic ESD Protection in Laboratory | 2022 5th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Networks (CINE) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-6465-9 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-6654-6466-6 | Yes | IEEE | |
929 | JYOTI RISHIKESH MADAKE | Vision based garbage spill detection across city for Smart City Sustainance | Sardar Patel International Conference SPICON 2022 | 2022-23 | Yes | AIP | ||
930 | JYOTI RISHIKESH MADAKE | Vision based recognition of Slow Down Hand Signal and Stop Hand Signal for autonomous driving | Sardar Patel International Conference SPICON 2022 | 2022-23 | Yes | AIP | ||
931 | JYOTI RISHIKESH MADAKE | Vision based detection of Car Turn Signals (Left and Right Turn) | Sardar Patel International Conference SPICON 2022 | 2022-23 | Yes | AIP | ||
932 | PROF. (DR.) JOGLEKAR PUSHKAR SHRIPAD | Performance Measurement of Prostate GlandSegmentation Approaches in Transrectal Ultrasound and Magnetic Resonance Images | International Conference on Computing Sciences | 2022-23 | ISSN: 1613-0073 | Yes | CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS) | |
933 | MILIND VASANTRAO KAMBLE | Human Activity Recognition Using Relative Relationship between Different Human Body Regions | 2022 International Conference on Augmented Intelligence and Sustainable Systems (ICAISS) | 2022-23 | 978-1-6654-8962-1 | Yes | IEEE | |
934 | ZARINABEGAM KASIMALI MUNDARGI | An Aviation Industry Recommender System using K-nearest Neighbour and Cosine Similarity | International Conference for Advancement in Technology | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-7517-4 | Yes | IEEE | |
935 | RAKHI JAYKUMAR BHARDWAJ | Dynamic Timetable and Route Optimised Public Transport System | ADVANCED COMPUTING RESEARCH SOCIETY | 2022-23 | Yes | Elsevier | ||
936 | Deepali Rahul Deshpande | Research Article Summarizer | 2023 International Conference for Advancement in Technology (ICONAT) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-7517-4 | Yes | IEEE | |
937 | Dr. SANGITA MAHESHWAR JAYBHAYE | Elicitaion of Intracerebral Hemorrage Using Deep Learning | Second International Conference on Signal and Information Processing 2022 IEEE OCon SIP-II 2022, COEP Technological University Pune | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-6885-2 | Yes | IEEE | |
938 | MEDHA VISHWANATH WYAWAHARE | Automating Scorecard and Commentary based on Umpire Gesture Recognition | International Conference on Advancements in Smart Computing and Information Security | 2022-23 | Electronic ISSN 1865-0937 |
Yes | Springer | |
939 | MEDHA VISHWANATH WYAWAHARE | Identification of Social accounts responses using Machine learning | International Conference on Intelligent Vision and Computing ICIVC 2022: Proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent Vision and Computing (ICIVC 2022) |
2022-23 | Electronic ISSN 2363-6092 |
Yes | Springer | |
940 | PROF. GAIKWAD VIJAY DATTATRAY | IoT-based Automatic Weather Station | 2023 International Conference on Intelligent Data Communication Technologies and Internet of Things (IDCIoT) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-7451-1 | Yes | IEEE | |
941 | Dr. HEMLATA UDAY KARNE | Synthesis of Biodegradable Material from Banana Peel | Materials Today Proceedings | 2022-23 | 2214-7853 | Yes | ELSEVIER | |
942 | MEDHA VISHWANATH WYAWAHARE | A Novel Remote Sensing Image Captioning Architecture for Resource Constrained Systems | Second International Conference on Intelligent vision and computing | 2022-23 | Electronic ISSN:2363-6092,Print ISSN:2363-6084 | Yes | Springer | |
943 | DR. (SMT.) KURUNDKAR SANGEETA VISHWAS | Advanced security system | 2023 IEEE 8th International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT) | 2022-23 | 979-8-3503-3401-2 | Yes | IEEE | |
944 | SWATI NITIN SHILASKAR | Computer Vision Based Empty Floor Space Recognition System For Infrastructure Management | 2023 9th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISSN: 2575-7288 Print on Demand(PoD) ISSN: 2469-5556 | Yes | IEEE | |
945 | MUKUND KERBA NALAWADE | Investigation of Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Characteristics in Straight and Divergent Wavy Minichannels With Water as Working Medium | Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power | 2022-23 | Electronic ISSN 2195-4364 Print ISSN 2195-4356 |
Yes | Springer | |
946 | ABHA ASHUTOSH MARATHE | Comparison of Performance of Machine Learning Algorithms for Diabetes Detection | 2023 Third International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Computing, Communication and Sustainable Technologies (ICAECT) | 2022-23 | 978-1-6654-9400-7 | Yes | IEEE | |
947 | SWATI NITIN SHILASKAR | Vision-Based Detection of Hospital and Police Station Scene | 2022 OITS International Conference on Information Technology (OCIT) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-9348-2 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-6654-9349-9 |
Yes | IEEE | |
948 | SHRIPAD SUBHASHRAO BHATLAWANDE | Visualization of 3D Point Clouds for Vehicle Detection Based on LiDAR and Camera Fusion | 2022 OITS International Conference on Information Technology (OCIT) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-9348-2 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-6654-9349-9 | Yes | IEEE | |
949 | SWATI NITIN SHILASKAR | Visualization of 3D Point Clouds for Vehicle Detection Based on LiDAR and Camera Fusion | 2022 OITS International Conference on Information Technology (OCIT) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-9348-2 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-6654-9349-9 | Yes | IEEE | |
950 | PROF. (DR.) GHADEKAR PREMANAND PRALHAD | Ensemble Approach to Solve Multiple Skin Disease Classification Using Deep Learning | International IEEE Conference on Device Intelligence, Computing and Communication Technologies | 2022-23 | 978-1-6654-7491-7 | Yes | IEEE | |
951 | SHRIPAD SUBHASHRAO BHATLAWANDE | Vision-Based Traffic Hand Sign Recognition for Driver Assistance | 2022 OITS International Conference on Information Technology (OCIT) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-9348-2 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-6654-9349-9 | Yes | IEEE | |
952 | PROF. Dr. SHINDE SANDIP RAMRAO | Malware Detection Using Efficientnet | 2023 International Conference on Emerging Smart Computing and Informatics (ESCI) | 2022-23 | 978-1-6654-7524-2 | Yes | IEEE | |
953 | SWATI VILAS JADHAV | Design of A Novel Model that Aids Task Estimation in Comparison with a Regression Tree | 2023 10th International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development (INDIACom) | 2022-23 | 978-93-80544-47-2 | Yes | IEEE | |
954 | Dr. PRAVEEN VISHWANATH POL | A Closed Space Parameter Monitoring and Visualization System using Power Business Intelligence (Power BI) | 2023 2nd International Conference for Innovation in Technology (INOCON) | 2022-23 | 979-8-3503-2092-3 | Yes | IEEE | |
955 | ASHUTOSH SHASHISHEKHAR MARATHE | IOT Smart Stand for Smart Phones | International Conference on Futuristic Technologies (INCOFT) | 2022-23 | 978-1-6654-5046-1 | Yes | IEEE | |
956 | PROF. GAIKWAD VIJAY DATTATRAY | Self- Regulated Robotic Illuminant Using NodeMcu(ESP8266) | 2023 International Conference on Emerging Smart Computing and Informatics (ESCI) | 2022-23 | 978-1-6654-7524-2 | Yes | IEEE | |
957 | PROF. GAIKWAD VIJAY DATTATRAY | IoT Based Bio Shed for Agricultural Purpose | 2023 International Conference on Emerging Smart Computing and Informatics (ESCI) | 2022-23 | 978-1-6654-7524-2 | Yes | IEEE | |
958 | RAHUL ABHAY WAIKAR | Desgin and Development of a Time- Dependent Load Wear Testing Machine With Enclosure for Steam Environment” | International Conference on Research in Science, Engineering and Technology | 2022-23 | Yes | World Research forum | ||
959 | SWATI NITIN SHILASKAR | Vision-Based Traffic Hand Sign Recognition for Driver Assistance | 2022 OITS International Conference on Information Technology (OCIT) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-9348-2 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-6654-9349-9 | Yes | IEEE | |
960 | DEEPAK TATYASAHEB MANE | Data Science for Civil Engineering A Beginner's Guide (Book) | 2022-23 | ISBN 9781032327808 | Yes | CRC Press | ||
961 | Dr. HEMLATA UDAY KARNE | Undoped and Doped Carbon Nanotubes for Remediation of Contaminants from Wastewater | 2022-23 | eBook ISBN: 9781003277200 | Yes | Apple Academic Press | ||
962 | PROF. (DR.) JOGLEKAR PUSHKAR SHRIPAD | Urdu & Hindi Poetry Generation using Neural Networks | 2022-23 | Electronic ISSN:2367-4520, Print ISSN:2367-4512 | Yes | Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies | ||
963 | DR. (SMT.) CHANDOLIKAR NEELAM SUDHIR | Recognizing similar relationships within ontology to fine tune Ontology Scopus Indexed | International Conference on Data Management, Analytics & Innovation | 2022-23 | Electronic ISSN:2367-4520, Print ISSN:2367-4512 | Yes | Springer | |
964 | PROF. (DR.) GHADEKAR PREMANAND PRALHAD | Galaxy Classification using Deep Learning | International Conference on Advancements in Smart Computing and Information Security (ASCIS) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISSN:1865-0937, Print ISSN:1865-0929 | Yes | Springer | |
965 | PROF. (DR.) BHUTKAR GANESH DATTATRAY | User Survey of UPI-Enabled Payment Apps | 2022-23 | Yes | Springer | |||
966 | PROF. (DR.) DHABE PRIYADARSHAN SHANKARRAO | Optimized Modified K-Nearest Neighbor Classifier for Pattern Recognition | 2022-23 | eBook ISBN9781003218111 | Yes | Springer Book chapter | ||
967 | SACHIN SHRIDHAR SAWANT | Chapter 16. Oxyportal: Oxygen Demand Forecasting with Data Analytics (Book Chapter) | 2022-23 | ISBN 9781032374598 | Yes | Taylor & Francis, CRC Press | ||
968 | PROF. JOSHI KALPESH VINAYAK | Smart Health Prediction System Using IoT (Book Chapter) | 2022-23 | ISBN 9781032374598 | Yes | Taylor & Francis, CRC Press | ||
969 | RANE MILIND EKNATH | Real-time Automated Face Recognition System for Online Exam Examinee Verification | 12th International Conference on Information Systems and Advanced Technologies “ICISAT 2022 | 2022-23 | Print ISBN978-3-031-25343-0 | Yes | Springer | |
970 | AMRUTA AMUNE | Real-time Automated Face Recognition System for Online Exam Examinee Verification | 12th International Conference on Information Systems and Advanced Technologies “ICISAT 2022 | 2022-23 | Print ISBN978-3-031-25343-0 | Yes | Springer | |
971 | MUKUND KULKARNI | Real-time Automated Face Recognition System for Online Exam Examinee Verification | 12th International Conference on Information Systems and Advanced Technologies “ICISAT 2022 | 2022-23 | Print ISBN978-3-031-25343-0 | Yes | Springer | |
972 | RANE MILIND EKNATH | Breast Cancer Detection Using Machine Learning | 12th International Conference on Information Systems and Advanced Technologies “ICISAT 2022 | 2022-23 | Print ISBN978-3-031-25343-0 | Yes | Springer | |
973 | VIJAY GAIKWAD | Breast Cancer Detection Using Machine Learning | 12th International Conference on Information Systems and Advanced Technologies “ICISAT 2022 | 2022-23 | Online ISBN978-3-031-25344-7 | Yes | Springer | |
974 | RANE MILIND EKNATH | Application Interface of CH Rooted File Browser for Web Servers | 12th International Conference on Information Systems and Advanced Technologies “ICISAT 2022 | 2022-23 | Print ISBN978-3-031-25343-0 | Yes | Springer | |
975 | VIJAY GAIKWAD | Application Interface of CH Rooted File Browser for Web Servers | 12th International Conference on Information Systems and Advanced Technologies “ICISAT 2022 | 2022-23 | Online ISBN978-3-031-25344-7 | Yes | Springer | |
976 | PROF. (DR.) GHADEKAR PREMANAND PRALHAD | Improved Helmet Detection Model using YOLOv5 | Intelligent Computing and Networking Proceedings of IC-ICN 2022 | 2022-23 | Electronic ISSN: 2367-3389,Print ISSN: 2367-3370 | Yes | Springer | |
977 | RAMKRISHNA SHANTILAL BHARSAKADE | Development of low-cost technology for nano-polishing of aluminum | 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SUSTAINABLE MANUFACTURING, MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGIES | 2022-23 | Online ISSN: 1551-7616,Print ISSN :0094-243X | Yes | AIP Publishing | |
978 | GIRISH KOTWAL | Development of low-cost technology for nano-polishing of aluminum | 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SUSTAINABLE MANUFACTURING, MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGIES | 2022-23 | Online ISSN: 1551-7616,Print ISSN :0094-243X | Yes | AIP Publishing | |
979 | SUNIL SUDHAKAR KUBER | Development of low-cost technology for nano-polishing of aluminum | 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SUSTAINABLE MANUFACTURING, MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGIES | 2022-23 | Online ISSN: 1551-7616,Print ISSN :0094-243X | Yes | AIP Publishing | |
980 | PRAJAKTA PRAKASH MUSALE | Iot Based Home Automation Using NodeMCU | 2022-23 | eISSN 1303-5150 | Yes | |||
981 | PRAJAKTA PRAKASH MUSALE | Hospital Management System | 2022-23 | ISSN: 0974-5823 | Yes | |||
982 | MAHESH VISHNU WALAME | "Influence of Different Parameters on the Specific Wear Rate of PTFE Composites in the Steam Environment" | Second Global Conference on Recent Developments in Computer and Communication Technologies (GC-RDCT 2022) | 2022-23 | ISSN 1757-899X | Yes | IOP Science | |
983 | SUVARNA VIJAY PATIL | EFFECT OF COOLING TECHNIQUE AND TOOL MATERIAL ON INCONEL ALLOY. | Second Global Conference on Recent Advances in Sustainable Materials 2022 | 2022-23 | 2214-7853 | Yes | Materials Today: Proceedings | |
984 | GANESH DONGRE | EFFECT OF COOLING TECHNIQUE AND TOOL MATERIAL ON INCONEL ALLOY. | Second Global Conference on Recent Advances in Sustainable Materials 2022 | 2022-23 | 2214-7853 | Yes | Materials Today: Proceedings | |
985 | AVADHOOT RAJURKAR | EFFECT OF COOLING TECHNIQUE AND TOOL MATERIAL ON INCONEL ALLOY. | Second Global Conference on Recent Advances in Sustainable Materials 2022 | 2022-23 | 2214-7853 | Yes | Materials Today: Proceedings | |
986 | SUVARNA VIJAY PATIL | EFFECT OF COOLING TECHNIQUE AND TOOL MATERIAL ON TI6AL4V ALLOY. | Second Global Conference on Recent Advances in Sustainable Materials 2022 | 2022-23 | 2214-7853 | Yes | Materials Today: Proceedings | |
987 | GANESH DONGRE | EFFECT OF COOLING TECHNIQUE AND TOOL MATERIAL ON TI6AL4V ALLOY. | Second Global Conference on Recent Advances in Sustainable Materials 2022 | 2022-23 | 2214-7853 | Yes | Materials Today: Proceedings | |
988 | AVADHOOT RAJURKAR | EFFECT OF COOLING TECHNIQUE AND TOOL MATERIAL ON TI6AL4V ALLOY. | Second Global Conference on Recent Advances in Sustainable Materials 2022 | 2022-23 | 2214-7853 | Yes | Materials Today: Proceedings | |
989 | ABHA ASHUTOSH MARATHE | Comparison of Performance of Machine Learning Algorithms for Cervical Cancer Classification | 2022 Second International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Computing, Communication and Sustainable Technologies (ICAECT) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-1120-2 | Yes | IEEE | |
990 | PROF. (DR.) JOGLEKAR PUSHKAR SHRIPAD | Apollo XXI - An Astronomy Portal | 2022 IEEE Pune Section International Conference (PuneCon) | 2022-23 | 978-1-6654-9897-5 | Yes | IEEE | |
991 | MEDHA VISHWANATH WYAWAHARE | Comparison of image blending using cycle GAN and traditional approach | Pervasive Computing and Social Networking Proceedings of ICPCSN 2022 | 2022-23 | Electronic ISSN: 2367-3389, Print ISSN: 2367-3370 | Yes | SPRINGER | |
992 | PROF. (DR.) CHOPDE ABHAY MADHUKAR | Forest Fire Detection and Prediction from image processing using RCNN | 7th World Congress on Civil, Structural, and Environmental Engineering (CSEE'22) | 2022-23 | ISBN: 978-1-927877-99-9 | ISSN: 2371-5294 | Yes | ||
993 | RAMKRISHNA SHANTILAL BHARSAKADE | Emergency Facility Location of Ambulances Using K-Means Clustering and Minimax | 2022-23 | Electronic ISSN: 2195-4364, Print ISSN: 2195-4356 | Yes | SPRINGER | ||
995 | SWATI NITIN SHILASKAR | Vision based detection of Car Turn Signals (Left and Right Turn) | Sardar Patel International Conference SPICON 2022 | 2022-23 | Yes | AIP | ||
996 | KIRAN BHOJRAJ INGALE | An Evaluation of Prediction Accuracy of Machine Learning Algorithms for Arteriosclerosis of the Human Heart | 2022 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Technologies (CONIT) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-8407-7 | Yes | IEEE | |
997 | KIRAN BHOJRAJ INGALE | Performance Measurement of Prostate GlandSegmentation Approaches in Transrectal Ultrasound and Magnetic Resonance Images | International Conference on Computing Sciences | 2022-23 | ISSN: 1613-0073 | Yes | CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS) | |
998 | JYOTI RISHIKESH MADAKE | Vision-based System for Road Lane Detection and Lane Type Classification | International Conference on Recent Trends in Computing(ICRTC-2022) | 2022-23 | Print ISBN978-981-19-8824-0 | Yes | SPRINGER | |
999 | SHRIPAD SUBHASHRAO BHATLAWANDE | Vision-Based Assistive System for Fall Detection | 2 nd International Conference on Intelligent Technologies (CONIT 2022) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-8407-7 | Yes | IEEE | |
1000 | SHRIPAD SUBHASHRAO BHATLAWANDE | Residential Monitoring System for Classification and Recognition of Sleeping Posture | 2 nd International Conference on Intelligent Technologies (CONIT 2022) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-8407-7 | Yes | IEEE | |
1001 | SHRIPAD SUBHASHRAO BHATLAWANDE | Elderly Care System for Classification and Recognition of Sitting Posture | 2 nd International Conference on Intelligent Technologies (CONIT 2022) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-8407-7 | Yes | IEEE | |
1002 | GANESH GOVARDHAN DONGRE | Experimental Analysis of Powder Mixed EDM of Hastelloy C-276 | Advances in Physical Sciences and Materials (ICAPSM 2022) | 2022-23 | ISBN: 978-981-18-5180-3 (Print) | Yes | RESEARCH PUBLISHING | |
1003 | DR. (SMT.) LAMBOR SHILPA MEENOR | Sugarcane Leaf Disease Classification using Transfer Learning | 2022 IEEE Conference on Interdisciplinary Approaches in Technology and Management for Social Innovation (IATMSI) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-7719-2 | Yes | IEEE | |
1004 | NEELAM CHANDOLIKAR | A Smart System to Classify Walking and Sitting Activities Based on EEG Signal | International Conference on Data Management, Analytics & Innovation | 2022-23 | Print ISBN978-981-99-1413-5 | Yes | SPRINGER | |
1005 | PROF. MORE KIRAN PRABHAKAR | Advanced Encryption Standard-Based Encryption for Secured Transmission of Data in Cognitive Radio with Multi-channels | Inventive Systems and Control Proceedings of ICISC 2023 | 2022-23 | Electronic ISSN 2367-3389 Print ISSN 2367-3370 |
Yes | SPRINGER | |
1006 | SHRIPAD SUBHASHRAO BHATLAWANDE | A Smart System to Classify Walking and Sitting Activities Based on EEG Signal | International Conference on Data Management, Analytics & Innovation | 2022-23 | Print ISBN978-981-99-1413-5 | Yes | SPRINGER | |
1007 | SWATI NITIN SHILASKAR | A Smart System to Classify Walking and Sitting Activities Based on EEG Signal | International Conference on Data Management, Analytics & Innovation | 2022-23 | Print ISBN978-981-99-1413-5 | Yes | SPRINGER | |
1008 | KULDEEP BABAN VAYADANDE | Cyclone Intensity Estimation On Insat 3D IR Imagery Using Deep Learning Algorithms | 2023 International Conference on Innovative Data Communication Technologies and Application (ICIDCA) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:979-8-3503-9720-8 | Yes | IEEE | |
1009 | PROF. (DR.) GHADEKAR PREMANAND PRALHAD | Predictive analysis of multiple diseases using ensemble learning | IEEE Advancements in Smart, Secure and Intelligent Computing (ASSIC) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-6109-2 | Yes | IEEE | |
1010 | PROF. (DR.) GHADEKAR PREMANAND PRALHAD | Mergers and Acquisitions Prediction using Hybrid-Machine Learning and Deep Learning Approach | 2022 IEEE 7th International Conference on Recent Advances and Innovations in Engineering (ICRAIE) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-8910-2 | Yes | IEEE | |
1011 | KULDEEP BABAN VAYADANDE | Classification of Depression on Social Media Using Distant Supervision | Fourth International Conference on Advances in Electrical and Computer Technologies 2022 (ICAECT 2022) WEB OF SCIENCE CORE COLLECTION | 2022-23 | eISSN: 2271-2097 | Yes | ITM Web of Conferences | |
1012 | KULDEEP BABAN VAYADANDE | Blockchain-Based Land Record System | Fourth International Conference on Advances in Electrical and Computer Technologies 2022 (ICAECT 2022) WEB OF SCIENCE CORE COLLECTION | 2022-23 | eISSN: 2271-2097 | Yes | ITM Web of Conferences | |
1013 | KULDEEP BABAN VAYADANDE | CRYPTOGRAPHY BY AUTOMATA THEORY | Fourth International Conference on Advances in Electrical and Computer Technologies 2022 (ICAECT 2022) Tiruchengode, Tamil Nadu, India, November 10-11, 2022 WEB OF SCIENCE CORE COLLECTION | 2022-23 | eISSN: 2271-2097 | Yes | ITM Web of Conferences | |
1014 | KULDEEP BABAN VAYADANDE | Software Controller using Hand Gestures | Fourth International Conference on Advances in Electrical and Computer Technologies 2022 (ICAECT 2022) Tiruchengode, Tamil Nadu, India, November 10-11, 2022 WEB OF SCIENCE CORE COLLECTION | 2022-23 | eISSN: 2271-2097 | Yes | ITM Web of Conferences | |
1015 | DR. (SMT.) KURUNDKAR SANGEETA VISHWAS | Smart Mining Helmet With Body Vitals And Location Tracking | 2023 International Conference on Intelligent and Innovative Technologies in Computing, Electrical and Electronics (IITCEE) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-9260-7 | Yes | IEEE | |
1016 | PROF.(SMT.) PATIL SARASWATI VIJAYSINGH | Elicitation of Intracerebral Hemorrhage Using Deep Learning | 2022 International Conference on Signal and Information Processing (IConSIP) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-6885-2 | Yes | IEEE | |
1017 | Sangita M. Jaybhaye | Elicitation of Intracerebral Hemorrhage Using Deep Learning | 2022 International Conference on Signal and Information Processing (IConSIP) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-6885-2 | Yes | IEEE | |
1018 | PROF. (DR.) GHADEKAR PREMANAND PRALHAD | AI-based assistant with security (Book Chapter) | Proceeding of National Conference on Communication, Computational Intelligence and Learning | 2022-23 | 9.781E+12 | Yes | Taylor Francis | |
1019 | PROF. (DR.) GHADEKAR PREMANAND PRALHAD | Efficient web application vulnerabilities detection Model | Proceeding on Communication, Computational Intelligence and Learning | 2022-23 | 9.781E+12 | Yes | Taylor Francis | |
1020 | PROF. DR. VIJAY GAIKWAD | Efficient web application vulnerabilities detection Model | Proceeding on Communication, Computational Intelligence and Learning | 2022-23 | 9.781E+12 | Yes | Taylor Francis | |
1021 | Shital Dongre | Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) Detection Using Deep Learning (Book Chapter) | Proceedings of Fourth International Conference on Computer and Communication Technologies (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems book series-LNNS) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISSN 2367-3389 Print ISSN 2367-3370 |
Yes | Springer | |
1022 | PANKAJ RAMAKANT KUNEKAR | Machine Learning Models for addressing different issues in the human resources process in leading IT companies (Book Chapter) | Machine Learning Approaches for Better Business Management in Competitive Environment | 2022-23 | ISBN: 9789356681910 | Yes | Blue Rose Publishers | |
1023 | Dr. ARCHANA KEDAR CHAUDHARI | Real Time Implementation of OCPP Communication Protocol for Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment | 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Computing and Data Communication Systems ( ICSCDS) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-9199-0 | Yes | IEEE | |
1024 | Dr. ARCHANA KEDAR CHAUDHARI | Development of Robotic Arm Prototype | 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Computing and Data Communication Systems ICSCDS-2023 | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-9199-0 | Yes | IEEE | |
1025 | Dr. SHILPA YOGESH SONDKAR | Hybrid Gradient Boost based Heart Failure Prediction System | 2023 International Conference on Emerging Smart Computing and Informatics (ESCI), Pune, India | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-7524-2 | Yes | IEEE | |
1026 | Dr. SHILPA YOGESH SONDKAR | Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms for Bearing Failures Classification and Prediction (Book Chapter) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISSN 1876-1119 Print ISSN 1876-1100 |
Yes | Springer | ||
1027 | KIRAN BHOJRAJ INGALE | Spectral Clustering to detect Malignant prostate using multimodal images (Book Chapter) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISSN 1876-1119 Print ISSN 1876-1100 |
Yes | Springer | ||
1028 | PROF.(SMT.) PARKHI VRINDA PRASAD | An IoT Based Environment Monitoring & Controlling System for Food Grain Warehouse (Book Chapter) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISSN 2367-3389 Print ISSN 2367-3370 |
Yes | Springer | ||
1029 | MUKUND KERBA NALAWADE | Investigation of Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Characteristics in Straight and Divergent Wavy Minichannel's With Water as Working Medium (Book Chapter) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISSN 2195-4364 Print ISSN 2195-4356 |
Yes | Springer | ||
1030 | PROF. (DR.) GHADEKAR PREMANAND PRALHAD | Jump classification with age and gender detection | 2nd International Conference on Data Science and Intelligent Applications (ICDSIA-2023) | 2022-23 | eISSN: 2271-2097 | Yes | ITM Web Conf. | |
1031 | PROF. KULKARNI MUKUND MOHAN | Image Encryption based on Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) | 2023 International Conference for Advancement in Technology (ICONAT) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-7517-4 | Yes | IEEE | |
1032 | PROF. KULKARNI MUKUND MOHAN | ML-based Java UI for Residence Predictor | 2023 International Conference on Intelligent Data Communication Technologies and Internet of Things (IDCIoT) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-7451-1 | Yes | IEEE | |
1033 | RAHUL ABHAY WAIKAR | A Comprehensive Study of Loading snd Motion Characteristics of a Mechanical Sealing System as a Precursor to a Tribological Analysis | International Conference on Advances in Mechanical, Civil, and Construction Engineering | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1034 | SWATI NITIN SHILASKAR | An Expert System for Identification of Domestic Emergency based on Normal and Abnormal Sound | 2023 Somaiya International Conference on Technology and Information Management (SICTIM) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:979-8-3503-3329-9 | Yes | IEEE | |
1035 | SHRIPAD SUBHASHRAO BHATLAWANDE | An Expert System for Identification of Domestic Emergency based on Normal and Abnormal Sound | 2023 Somaiya International Conference on Technology and Information Management (SICTIM) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:979-8-3503-3329-9 | Yes | IEEE | |
1036 | SWATI NITIN SHILASKAR | Computer Vision based Activity Recognition: Studying and Chit chatting | 2023 2nd International Conference for Innovation in Technology (INOCON) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:979-8-3503-2092-3 | Yes | IEEE | |
1037 | SWATI NITIN SHILASKAR | Post Silicon Validation for I2C (SMBUS) Peripheral | 2023 36th International Conference on VLSI Design and 2023 22nd International Conference on Embedded Systems (VLSID) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:979-8-3503-4678-7 | Yes | IEEE | |
1038 | SHRIPAD SUBHASHRAO BHATLAWANDE | Post Silicon Validation for I2C (SMBUS) Peripheral | 2023 36th International Conference on VLSI Design and 2023 22nd International Conference on Embedded Systems (VLSID) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:979-8-3503-4678-7 | Yes | IEEE | |
1039 | SWATI NITIN SHILASKAR | Rapid Transit Route Access Control for Bus and Ambulance | 2023 7th International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-6408-6 | Yes | IEEE | |
1040 | SHRIPAD SUBHASHRAO BHATLAWANDE | Rapid Transit Route Access Control for Bus and Ambulance | 2023 7th International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-6408-6 | Yes | IEEE | |
1041 | SWATI NITIN SHILASKAR | Student Eye Gaze Tracking and Attention Analysis System using Computer Vision | 2023 7th International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-6408-6 | Yes | IEEE | |
1042 | SHRIPAD SUBHASHRAO BHATLAWANDE | Student Eye Gaze Tracking and Attention Analysis System using Computer Vision | 2023 7th International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-6408-6 | Yes | IEEE | |
1043 | SWATI NITIN SHILASKAR | Driver Assistance System for Recognition of Brake and Parking Signal | Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems book series (LNNS,volume 612) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISSN: 2367-3389,Print ISSN: 2367-3370 | Yes | IEEE | |
1044 | SHRIPAD SUBHASHRAO BHATLAWANDE | Driver Assistance System for Recognition of Brake and Parking Signal | Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems book series (LNNS,volume 612) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISSN: 2367-3389,Print ISSN: 2367-3370 | Yes | IEEE | |
1045 | SWATI NITIN SHILASKAR | Vision-Based System for Detection of Petrol Pump and Charging Station | Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems book series (LNNS,volume 612) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISSN: 2367-3389,Print ISSN: 2367-3370 | Yes | IEEE | |
1046 | SWATI NITIN SHILASKAR | Prediction of Autism and Dyslexia Using Machine Learning and Clinical Data Balancing | 2023 7th International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:979-8-3503-3381-7,Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:979-8-3503-3382-4 | Yes | IEEE | |
1047 | SHRIPAD SUBHASHRAO BHATLAWANDE | IoT Based Smart Irrigation and Farm Protection System | 2023 International Conference on Advances in Intelligent Computing and Applications (AICAPS) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:979-8-3503-3381-7,Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:979-8-3503-3382-4 | Yes | IEEE | |
1048 | SHRIPAD SUBHASHRAO BHATLAWANDE | Vision-Based System for Detection of Petrol Pump and Charging Station | Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems book series (LNNS,volume 612) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISSN: 2367-3389,Print ISSN: 2367-3370 | Yes | IEEE | |
1049 | SHRIPAD SUBHASHRAO BHATLAWANDE | Prediction of Autism and Dyslexia Using Machine Learning and Clinical Data Balancing | 2023 7th International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:979-8-3503-3381-7,Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:979-8-3503-3382-4 | Yes | IEEE | |
1050 | SWATI NITIN SHILASKAR | IoT Based Smart Irrigation and Farm Protection System | 2023 International Conference on Advances in Intelligent Computing and Applications (AICAPS) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:979-8-3503-3381-7,Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:979-8-3503-3382-4 | Yes | IEEE | |
1051 | SWATI NITIN SHILASKAR | Study of Object detection with faster RCNN | 2022 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Technologies (CONIT) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-8407-7 | Yes | IEEE | |
1052 | SHRIPAD SUBHASHRAO BHATLAWANDE | Study of Object detection with faster RCNN | 2022 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Technologies (CONIT) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-8407-7 | Yes | IEEE | |
1053 | PROF.(SMT.) SAWANT APARNA RAJENDRA | Video Plagiarism to Detect Copyright Infringement | 11 th International Conference on Contemporary Engineering and Technology 2023 (ICCET) | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1054 | RAMKRISHNA SHANTILAL BHARSAKADE | Field implementation: To improve the Workspace in Micro and small office spaces using Lean 5S | Indian Institution of Industrial Engineering (IIIE) | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1055 | GIRISH NARAYAN KOTWAL | Field implementation: To improve the Workspace in Micro and small office spaces using Lean 5S | Indian Institution of Industrial Engineering (IIIE) | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1056 | PRAKASH VAIDYA | Field implementation: To improve the Workspace in Micro and small office spaces using Lean 5S | Indian Institution of Industrial Engineering (IIIE) | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1057 | SHRIPAD SUBHASHRAO BHATLAWANDE | Context-Aware Voice Recognition System for Car Climate and Infotainment Control | Inventive Communication and Computational Technologies | 2022-23 | Electronic ISSN: 2367-3389 | Yes | Springer | |
1058 | Dr. HEMLATA UDAY KARNE | Effect of Bio-Fertilizers on Growth of Fenugreek and Coriander Plants. | INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCES IN MATERIAL SCIENCE, MECHANICAL AND CIVIL ENGINEERING-2022 | 2022-23 | Online ISSN 1551-7616 Print ISSN 0094-243X | Yes | AIP Conference proceedings | |
1059 | Dr. HEMLATA UDAY KARNE | A Review on Biogas Upgradation Systems | 2nd International Conference and Exposition on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ICoAME 2022) | 2022-23 | 2214-7853 | Yes | Materials Today Proceedings | |
1060 | UMESH SOMALU CHAVAN | Lithium ion battery thermal management by using heat pipe coupled and liquid cold plate | Second Global Conference on Recent Advances in Sustainable Materials 2022 | 2022-23 | 2214-7853 | Yes | Materials Today Proceedings | |
1061 | SHITAL VIJAYKUMAR PAWAR | Ripeness Detector for Vegetables and Fruits | Second International Conference on Intelligent Technologies (CONIT)),Hubballi, Karnataka, India | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-8407-7, Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-6654-8408-4 | Yes | IEEE | |
1062 | GANESH GOVARDHAN DONGRE | Experimental Design for SS 316L-Nanosecond Laser Texturing for Bioengineering Applications | Advances in Manufacturing Engineering Select Proceedings of ICFAMMT 2022 |
2022-23 | Electronic ISSN: 2195-4364, Print ISSN: 2195-4356 | Yes | Springer | |
1063 | GANESH DATTATRAYA KORWAR | Self powered MEMS sensor system for monitoring of ocean parameters | 2022 3rd International Conference on Computation, Automation and Knowledge Management (ICCAKM) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-5319-6, Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-6654-5320-2 | Yes | IEEE | |
1064 | JANOKAR SAGAR GAJANAN | Forecasting Volatility in Stock Market Considering Sentiments of Macroeconomic News | National Conference on Advanced Computer Science and Information Technology (NCACSI-22) | 2022-23 | 2094-0343 | Yes | Mathematical Statistician and Engineering Applications | |
1065 | Dr. HEMLATA UDAY KARNE | Mathematical Modelling of a Pilot Scale Biogas Plant | Materials Today Proceedings | 2022-23 | 2214-7853 | Yes | Springer | |
1066 | AMRUTA CHANDRAKANT AMUNE | Supervised Learning System for Pest Disease Identification and Recommendations using Wireless Sensor Network in Agriculture Domain | Second Global Conference on Recent Developments in Computer and Communication Technologies (GC-RDCT 2022) | 2022-23 | 1757-899X | Yes | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering | |
1067 | MAHESH VISHNU WALAME | TORSIONAL TUNED MASS DAMPER SYSTEM PARAMETER IDENTIFICATION WITH EXPERIMENTAL METHOD | 2022 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Engineering and Management (ICIEM) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-6756-8 | Yes | IEEE | |
1068 | GANESH DATTATRAYA KORWAR | TORSIONAL TUNED MASS DAMPER SYSTEM PARAMETER IDENTIFICATION WITH EXPERIMENTAL METHOD | 2022 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Engineering and Management (ICIEM) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-6756-8 | Yes | IEEE | |
1069 | UMESH SOMALU CHAVAN | AISI 4130 and E250BR alloy steels chassis structural analysis and performance comparison | Materials Today Proceedings | 2022-23 | 2214-7853 | Yes | Springer | |
1070 | RAJESH JANKIRAM CHAUDHARI | To study the effect of controlled cooling on microstructures and hardness of medium carbon steel and alloy steel forged components | 2nd International Conference and Exposition on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ICoAME 2022) | 2022-23 | 2214-7853 | Yes | Materials Today Proceedings | |
1071 | PROF. (Dr.)MILIND VASANTRAO KULKARNI | Depression and Disclosure Behavior via Social Media Using CNN . | ICT Infrastructure and Computing Proceedings of ICT4SD 2022 | 2022-23 | Electronic ISSN: 2367-3389 | Yes | Springer | |
1072 | Vishal D. Tayade | Depression and Disclosure Behavior via Social Media Using CNN . | ICT Infrastructure and Computing Proceedings of ICT4SD 2022 | 2022-23 | Electronic ISSN: 2367-3389 | Yes | Springer | |
1073 | SACHIN PRABHAKAR KOMBLE | Design and investigation on rain saucer: The technique of roofless rainwater harvesting | 2nd International Conference and Exposition on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ICoAME 2022) | 2022-23 | 2214-7853 | Yes | Materials Today Proceedings | |
1074 | PANKAJ MOTIRAM GAIGOLE | Multi-Performance characteristics optimization in near-dry rotary EDM of AlSiC by weighted principal component analysis | Materials Today Proceedings | 2022-23 | 2214-7853 | Yes | Springer | |
1075 | Deepali Rahul Deshpande | “Online Voting System using Blockchain” | 1 st International Conference on Advancements in Smart Computing and Information Security (ASCIS) 2022 | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1076 | RAKHI JAYKUMAR BHARDWAJ | Accident Detection using Deep Learning | International Conference on Intelligent Sustainable Systems | 2022-23 | Electronic ISSN: 2367-3389 | Yes | Springer | |
1077 | RAKHI JAYKUMAR BHARDWAJ | Resume Analysis Using NLP | Inventive Systems and Control Proceedings of ICISC 2023 | 2022-23 | Electronic ISSN: 2367-3389 | Yes | Springer | |
1078 | VIJAYKUMAR RAYAPPA BHANUSE | Harmonic Analysis of Mild steel plate. | Emerging Smart Computing | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-7524-2, Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-6654-7525-9 | Yes | IEEE | |
1079 | Dr. SANIKA SARANG PATANKAR | Harmonic Analysis of Mild steel plate. | Emerging Smart Computing | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-7524-2, Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-6654-7525-9 | Yes | IEEE | |
1080 | Dr. JAYANT VENKATRAO KULKARNI | Harmonic Analysis of Mild steel plate. | Emerging Smart Computing | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-7524-2, Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-6654-7525-9 | Yes | IEEE | |
1081 | SHITAL VIJAYKUMAR PAWAR | AQI Monitoring And Predicting System | IEEE International Conference of Emerging Smart Computing and Informatics (ESCI-2023) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-7524-2, Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-6654-7525-9 | Yes | IEEE | |
1082 | SHITAL VIJAYKUMAR PAWAR | Cloud based Single Shot Detector Model for Speed Breaker Detection | 5th International Conference on Emerging Smart Computing | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-7524-2, Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-6654-7525-9 | Yes | IEEE | |
1083 | SIDDHARTH BHAGWAN BHORGE | Visual AI for Satellite Imagery Perspective: A Visual Question Answering Framework in the Geospatial Domain | “IEEE 2023 8th International Conference for Convergence in Technology | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:979-8-3503-3401-2, Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:979-8-3503-3402-9 | Yes | IEEE | |
1084 | VIJAY MAHADEO MANE | Sign Language Translator for Speech Impaired People | 2023 5th Biennial International Conference on Nascent Technologies in Engineering (ICNTE) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-6504-5, Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-6654-6505-2 | Yes | IEEE | |
1085 | DEEPAK TATYASAHEB MANE | Basil Leaf Disease Detection and Classification Using Customized Convolutional Neural Network | Inventive Systems and Control | 2022-23 | Electronic ISSN:2367-3389, Print ISSN:2367-3370 | Yes | Springer | |
1086 | KAUSHALYA VAIBHAV THOPATE | Efficient Transport Optimization | International Conference on Advances in Electronics, Communication, Computing and intelligent information systems | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:979-8-3503-4805-7, Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:979-8-3503-4806-4 | Yes | IEEE | |
1087 | KAUSHALYA VAIBHAV THOPATE | Prediction of Residual Energy in Batteries Using CNN-BiGRU and Attention Mechanism Model | International Conference on Sustainable Computing and Smart Systems | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:979-8-3503-3360-2, Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:979-8-3503-3361-9 | Yes | IEEE | |
1088 | SHEELA VIJAY CHINCHMALATPURE | Image Processing Based Presentation Control System Using Binary Logic Technique | International Conference on Expert Clouds and Applications (ICOECA 2023) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISSN: 2367-3389, Print ISSN:2367-3370 | Yes | Springer | |
1089 | UMESH SOMALU CHAVAN | Investigation of effect of mass on performance of suspension system using quarter car test rig | 3rd International Conference on Computational and Experimental Methods in Mechanical Engineering | 2022-23 | ISSN : 1551-7616 | Yes | AIP Publishing | |
1091 | SHEETAL PHATANGALE | cloud based smart mobile application for women safety | International Conference on Inventive Research in Computing Applications (ICIRCA) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-9707-7 | Yes | IEEE | |
1092 | SWATI NITIN SHILASKAR | Vision-Based Detection of Water Hyacinth | 2022 5th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Networks (CINE) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-6465-9 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-6654-6466-6 | Yes | IEEE | |
1093 | SHRIPAD SUBHASHRAO BHATLAWANDE | Computer Vision Based Empty Floor Space Recognition System For Infrastructure Management | 2023 9th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:979-8-3503-9737-6 | Yes | IEEE | |
1094 | Dr. ARCHANA KEDAR CHAUDHARI | An Approach for Clustering and Classification of Alumni Employment Information | 2022 IEEE Global Conference on Computing, Power and Communication Technologies (GlobConPT) | 2022-23 | 978-1-6654-9365-9 | Yes | IEEE | |
1095 | JYOTI MADAKE | Patient Monitoring System | 2022 IEEE 2nd Mysore Sub Section International Conference (MysuruCon) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-9790-9 | Yes | IEEE | |
1096 | SHRIPAD SUBHASHRAO BHATLAWANDE | Vision-Based Detection of Water Hyacinth | 2022 5th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Networks (CINE) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-6465-9 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-6654-6466-6 | Yes | IEEE | |
1097 | VARSHA RAHUL DANGE | Image processing and pattern recognition-based car classification for intelligent transportation system | 6th Smart Cities Symposium (SCS 2022) | 2022-23 | 978-1-83953-854-4 | Yes | IEEE | |
1098 | PRIYANKA KSHIRSAGAR | compositionfor concentrated powder color with gradient color effect and color matching materials | The 2023 Fifth International Conference on Recent Advances in Materials and Manufacturing (ICRAMM 2023) | 2022-23 | Online ISSN: 2214-7853 | Yes | Materials Today: Proceedings | |
1099 | Dr. SANGITA MAHESHWAR JAYBHAYE | Procrastination Preventor using YOLO | Second International Confernece on Advances in Computing, Communication and SECURITY I3CS-2023 | 2022-23 | eISSN: 2271-2097 | Yes | ITM Web of Conferences | |
1100 | SHRIPAD SUBHASHRAO BHATLAWANDE | Vision-based Monitoring of Student Attentiveness in an E-Learning Environment | 2022 IEEE Pune Section International Conference (PuneCon) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-9897-5 USB ISBN:978-1-6654-9896-8 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-6654-9898-2 | Yes | IEEE | |
1101 | SWATI NITIN SHILASKAR | Vision-based Monitoring of Student Attentiveness in an E-Learning Environment | 2022 IEEE Pune Section International Conference (PuneCon) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-9897-5 USB ISBN:978-1-6654-9896-8 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-6654-9898-2 | Yes | IEEE | |
1102 | KULDEEP BABAN VAYADANDE | Mood Detection and Emoji Classification using Tokenization and Convolutional Neural Network | 2023 7th International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems (ICICCS) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:979-8-3503-9725-3 | Yes | IEEE | |
1103 | SHRIPAD SUBHASHRAO BHATLAWANDE | Vision-Based System to Detect Antistatic Gloves and Antistatic ESD Protection in Laboratory | 2022 5th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Networks (CINE) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-6465-9 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-6654-6466-6 | Yes | IEEE | |
1104 | SWATI NITIN SHILASKAR | Vision-Based System to Detect Antistatic Gloves and Antistatic ESD Protection in Laboratory | 2022 5th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Networks (CINE) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-6465-9 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-6654-6466-6 | Yes | IEEE | |
1105 | ABHA ASHUTOSH MARATHE | Pseudo Coloring Using Deep Learning Approach | International Conference on Advances in Electronics, Communication, Computing and Intelligent Information Systems (ICAECIS-2023) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:979-8-3503-4805-7, Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:979-8-3503-4806-4 | Yes | IEEE | |
1106 | MEDHA VISHWANATH WYAWAHARE | A Survey on Efficient Neural Network Compression Techniques | 3rd International Conference On Computational Intelligence - ICCI 2022 | 2022-23 | Electronic ISSN:2524-7573, Print ISSN: 2524-7565 | Yes | Springer | |
1107 | KAUSHALYA VAIBHAV THOPATE | IoT-based battery management system by deploying an Machine Learning model | 3rd International Conference on Smart Electronics and Communication (ICOSEC) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-9764-0 | Yes | IEEE | |
1108 | UMESH SOMALU CHAVAN | Study of vibration suppression effect using particle damping technique on wind turbine blade by CAE | Vibroengineering Procedia (VP) | 2022-23 | ISSN (Print) 2345-0533, ISSN (Online) 2538-8479 | Yes | Vibroengineering Procedia (VP) | |
1109 | SHRIPAD SUBHASHRAO BHATLAWANDE | Vision based garbage spill detection across city for Smart City Sustainance | Sardar Patel International Conference SPICON 2022 | 2022-23 | Yes | AIP | ||
1110 | SWATI NITIN SHILASKAR | Vision based garbage spill detection across city for Smart City Sustainance | Sardar Patel International Conference SPICON 2022 | 2022-23 | Yes | AIP | ||
1112 | VIJAY MAHADEO MANE | Query based Personality Identification for Book Recommendation | ELEVENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CONTEMPORARY ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1115 | PRAMOD MADHAVRAO KANJALKAR | Inventory Management in Retail Stores using AIML | 2nd International Conference on Intellegent systems & Applications (ICISA 2023) | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1116 | Dr. ARCHANA KEDAR CHAUDHARI | IOT Based air quality detection in truck cabins | First International Conference on Signal Processing, Computation, Electronics, Power and Telecommunication IConSCEPT 2023 | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1117 | SHRIPAD SUBHASHRAO BHATLAWANDE | Vision based recognition of Slow Down Hand Signal and Stop Hand Signal for autonomous driving | Sardar Patel International Conference SPICON 2022 | 2022-23 | Yes | AIP | ||
1118 | SWATI NITIN SHILASKAR | Vision based recognition of Slow Down Hand Signal and Stop Hand Signal for autonomous driving | Sardar Patel International Conference SPICON 2022 | 2022-23 | Yes | AIP | ||
1119 | SHRIPAD SUBHASHRAO BHATLAWANDE | Vision based detection of Car Turn Signals (Left and Right Turn) | Sardar Patel International Conference SPICON 2022 | 2022-23 | Yes | AIP | ||
1120 | PROF.(SMT.) PATIL SARASWATI VIJAYSINGH | Brain Tumor Detection and Classification | Seventh International conference on INFORMATION AND COMMUNCATION TECHNOLOGY FOR INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS ,ICTIS 2023 | 2022-23 | Yes | Springer | ||
1121 | PROF.(SMT.) PATIL SARASWATI VIJAYSINGH | Elicitaion of Intracerebral Hemorrage Using Deep Learning | Second International Conference on Signal and Information Processing 2022 IEEE OCon SIP-II 2022, COEP Technological University Pune | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-6885-2 | Yes | IEEE | |
1122 | SANGITA M. JAYBHAYE | Brain Tumor Detection and Classification | Seventh International conference on INFORMATION AND COMMUNCATION TECHNOLOGY FOR INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS ,ICTIS 2023 | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1123 | RAKHI JAYKUMAR BHARDWAJ | Mazoor Katta- A mobile application for Daily wage labor management | 7th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies | 2022-23 | Yes | Springer | ||
1124 | SHEELA VIJAY CHINCHMALATPURE | Increasing Shelf Life of Liquid Jaggery | International Conference on Advances in Physical Sciences and Materials 2022 (ICAPSM 2022) | 2022-23 | Yes | Springer | ||
1125 | SHEELA VIJAY CHINCHMALATPURE | Enhancing Accuracy Of Machine Learning Model In Digital Soil Mapping | International Conference on Advances in Physical Sciences and Materials 2022 (ICAPSM 2022) | 2022-23 | Yes | AIP Conference Proceedings | ||
1126 | SWATI VILAS JADHAV | Crypto Exchange Wallet: Software Development Lifecycle | IFERP in a proceeding book | 2022-23 | Yes | AIP Conference Proceedings | ||
1127 | SWATI VILAS JADHAV | Loyalty Points Exchange System using Blockchain | INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EXPERT CLOUDS and APPLICATIONS (ICOECA 2023). | 2022-23 | Yes | IEEE | ||
1128 | SWATI VILAS JADHAV | Cryptography using GPGPU | 5th International Conference on Intelligent Communication Technologies and Virtual Mobile Networks - ICICV 2023. | 2022-23 | Yes | Springer | ||
1129 | SWATI VILAS JADHAV | Ethereum Based Decentralized Crowdfunding Platform | INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INNOVATIVE COMPUTING AND COMMUNICATION (ICICC 2023) | 2022-23 | Yes | Springer | ||
1130 | SHEELA VIJAY CHINCHMALATPURE | A review on Digital Soil Mapping Models from a statistical perspective | Third International Conference on Advances in Physical Sciences and Materials 2022 (ICAPSM 2022) | 2022-23 | Yes | IEEE | ||
1131 | PROF. GAIKWAD VIJAY DATTATRAY | Smart Alarm Clock System | Scienceglobe INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Bengaluru, India | 2022-23 | Yes | AIP | ||
1132 | ANITA BAPU DOMBALE | Mini portable refrigerator for vaccines and medicines | international conference on science and innovative engineering | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1133 | SHAILAJA NILESH UKE | Blockchain-Based Land Registries System | International Conference on Nanoelectronics, Machine Learning, Internet of Things | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1134 | SHAILAJA NILESH UKE | Car Parking Slot detection using CNN | International Conference on Nanoelectronics, Machine Learning, Internet of Things | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1135 | PROF.(SMT.) PATIL SARASWATI VIJAYSINGH | Enhancing Surveillance and Face Recognition with YOLO-based Object Detection | Seventh International conference on INFORMATION AND COMMUNCATION TECHNOLOGY FOR INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS ,ICTIS 2023 | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1136 | PROF.(SMT.) PATIL SARASWATI VIJAYSINGH | Heart Disease Prediction using Supervised Learning | Seventh International conference on INFORMATION AND COMMUNCATION TECHNOLOGY FOR INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS ,ICTIS 2023 | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1137 | KIRAN BHOJRAJ INGALE | Multi-Agent Swarm Robotics for Accurate Position Detection in Disaster Scenarios | International conference on Inventive Computation Technology | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1138 | KIRAN BHOJRAJ INGALE | Advanced Footstep Piezoelectric Power Generation for Mobile Charging Using RFID | International Conference on Paradigms of Communication, Computing and Data Analytics (PCCDA 2023) | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1139 | PROF. BHILARE AMOL ASHOK | Intelligent System for detecting Spam Emails using Machine Learning Classifiers | International Conference on ADSC | 2022-23 | Yes | AIP proceedings | ||
1140 | VARSHA RAHUL DANGE | "IoT based Smart sensor system for convenient farm monitoring" | International Conference on Microelectronics, Computing | 2022-23 | Yes | Springer | ||
1141 | VARSHA RAHUL DANGE | A Decentralized and Immutable Blockchain based Application for Fake Product Detection | International Conference on Nanoelectronics, Computational Intelligence | 2022-23 | Yes | Microsystem technologies | ||
1142 | VARSHA RAHUL DANGE | Cloud based Security System for Doorlocks based on RFID" | International Conference on Microelectronics, Computing | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1143 | Dr. HEMLATA UDAY KARNE | Study of Different Parameters of Mixing on Biogas Production from Food Waste | Materials Today Proceedings | 2022-23 | Yes | IETE Technical Review | ||
1144 | VIJAY MAHADEO MANE | A Machine Learning Based System to Predict and Classify Conditions of Heart Disease | ADCIS 2022 (International Conference on Advances in Data-driven Computing and Intelligent Systems): | 2022-23 | Yes | Springer | ||
1145 | JYOTI PRAMOD KANJALKAR-KULKARNI | Analysis of Machine Learning Algorithms for COVID Detection Using Deep Learning | ICDMAI 2023: 7th International Conference on Data Management, Analytics | 2022-23 | Yes | IEEE | ||
1146 | JYOTI MADKAE | Study of Object detection with faster RCNN | 2022 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Technologies (CONIT) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-8407-7 | Yes | IEEE | |
1147 | ANIL BABAN KADU | Efficiency of Machine Learning in Disease Prediction | International Conference on Intelligent Computing Systems and Applications (ICICSA 2022) | 2022-23 | Yes | Web of Science -EDP Sciences - Web of Conferences | ||
1148 | PROF.(SMT.) PATIL SARASWATI VIJAYSINGH | metaAR- AR/VR Shopping App using Unity | 2023 International Conference for Advancement in Technology (ICONAT) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-7517-4 | Yes | IEEE | |
1149 | SWATI NITIN SHILASKAR | An EEG Based BCI System to Detect Hook and Span Hand Grip | IEEE | 2022-23 | Yes | IEEE | ||
1150 | SWATI NITIN SHILASKAR | EEG Signals Classification for Left and Right Hand Movements using Machine Learning | IJCACI 2022 Algorithms for Intelligent Systems | 2022-23 | Yes | IEEE | ||
1151 | SWATI NITIN SHILASKAR | Irrigrow - Smart Roof Cover and Water Irrigation System | Artificial Intelligence and Sustainable Computing for Smart Cities | 2022-23 | Yes | Springer | ||
1152 | SWATI NITIN SHILASKAR | EEG based Intelligent System for Identification of Arm Movement | ICISSC-2022 Springer book series “Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies (SIST)” | 2022-23 | Yes | AIP | ||
1153 | Deepali Rahul Deshpande | “A Time Series Classifier based Ensemble for Predictive Maintenance of Machines” | 3rd International Conference on. Innovations in Computational Intelligence and Computer Vision. (ICICV-2022) | 2022-23 | Yes | Springer | ||
1154 | PROF. (DR.) PATIL SHRISHAILAPPA TATYASAHEB | Revolutionizing classification with advanced feature selection and ensemble modeling strategies | 11th International Conference on contemporary Engineering and Technology 2023 | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1155 | RAKHI JAYKUMAR BHARDWAJ | “Smart Vehicle Tracking in Harsh Condition | | 2022-23 | Yes | IEEE | ||
1156 | RAKHI JAYKUMAR BHARDWAJ | “Perceptors: A Real Time Object Detection System with Voice Feedback and Distance Approximation for Blind | International conference on inventive systems and control | 2022-23 | Yes | Springer Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems | ||
1157 | NEELAM CHANDOLIKAR | Devanagari Characters Recognition Extracting Best Match for Photographed Text | Hinweis International Conference on Advances in Information, Telecommunication and Computing (AITC) | 2022-23 | Yes | Springer Nature | ||
1158 | RAKHI JAYKUMAR BHARDWAJ | Lane, Car, Traffic Sign and Collision Detection in Simulated Environment Using GTA-V | | 2022-23 | Yes | Hinweis Research | ||
1159 | RAKHI JAYKUMAR BHARDWAJ | Traffic Surveillance and Vehicle Detection YOLO and MobileNet-based ML pipeline transfer learning | | 2022-23 | Yes | Springer Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems | ||
1160 | PRIYANKA RAMPRAKASH BHATELE | Survey on smartphone sensors and user intent in smartphone usage | 8th International Conference for Convergence in Technology | 2022-23 | Yes | IEEE | ||
1161 | PANKAJ RAMAKANT KUNEKAR | Design and Testing Of - SEMAC – Semester Management and Collaboration System | International conference on innovative data communacation technologies and applications,2023 | 2022-23 | Yes | IEEE Explore | ||
1162 | PANKAJ RAMAKANT KUNEKAR | Decentralized Personal Health Record Application using Blockchain | International conference of contemporary engineerinf andtechnology-2023 | 2022-23 | Yes | IEEE | ||
1163 | GANESH GOVARDHAN DONGRE | Experimental Analysis of SS316 Using Brass Electrode in Electric Discharge Machining | International Conference on Advanced Technologies in Chemical, Construction and Mechanical Sciences | 2022-23 | Yes | IEEE Xplore | ||
1164 | AMRUTA AMIT MANKAWADE | Resume Analysis and Job Recommendation | 2023 IEEE 8th International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT) | 2022-23 | Yes | IEEE Xplore | ||
1165 | PROF. JOSHI KALPESH VINAYAK | Crop Disease Detection Using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) Model | INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FUTURE ROAD OF MULTIDISCIPLINARY STREAMS | 2022-23 | Yes | IEEE | ||
1166 | GAYATRI DEODATTA GAWANDE | Study of degradation of acid violet seven dye using oxidising agentand ultrasonication | International Conference on Advances in Water Treatment and Management 2023 |
2022-23 | Yes | IEEE | ||
1167 | PROF.(SMT.) PARKHI VRINDA PRASAD | Int. Conf. on Innov. in Engg. and Tech. | International Conference on Innovation and Emerging Technologies (ICIET) | 2022-23 | Yes | Elsevier | ||
1168 | PROF.(SMT.) PARKHI VRINDA PRASAD | Int. Conf. on NCCS | International Conference on Nanoelectronics, Computational Intelligence & Communication Systems(NCCS-2022) |
2022-23 | Yes | IEEE Xplore | ||
1169 | PROF.(SMT.) PARKHI VRINDA PRASAD | Int. Conf. on AISCSC | International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Sustainable Computing for Smart Cities | 2022-23 | Yes | IEEE | ||
1170 | AMRUTA AMIT MANKAWADE | Processed Food Traceability using Blockchain Technology | 2023 IEEE 8th International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:979-8-3503-3401-2 | Yes | IEEE | |
1171 | PROF. (DR.) GHADEKAR PREMANAND PRALHAD | Cyber Intrusion Detection Using a Boosting Ensemble of Neural Networks | International Conference on Intelligent Computing | 2022-23 | Yes | AIP Proceeding | ||
1172 | PROF. (DR.) GHADEKAR PREMANAND PRALHAD | Node Prediction using Graphical Neural Networks (GNN) | International Conference on Intelligent Computing | 2022-23 | Yes | AIP Proceeding | ||
1173 | PROF. (DR.) GHADEKAR PREMANAND PRALHAD | Acne detection using convolutional neural networks and image processing technique | International Conference on Intelligent Computing | 2022-23 | Yes | Springer | ||
1174 | PROF. (DR.) GHADEKAR PREMANAND PRALHAD | Malicious QR Code Detection and Prevention | International Conference on Intelligent Computing | 2022-23 | Yes | Springer | ||
1175 | PROF. (DR.) GHADEKAR PREMANAND PRALHAD | Ensemble Approach to Solve Multiple Skin Disease Classification Using Deep Learning | International IEEE Conference on Device Intelligence, Computing and Communication Technologies | 2022-23 | Yes | Springer | ||
1176 | SWATI NITIN SHILASKAR | Vision-based System for Road Lane Detection and Lane Type Classification | International Conference on Recent Trends in Computing(ICRTC-2022) | 2022-23 | Print ISBN978-981-19-8824-0 | Yes | SPRINGER | |
1177 | SHRIPAD SUBHASHRAO BHATLAWANDE | Vision-based System for Road Lane Detection and Lane Type Classification | International Conference on Recent Trends in Computing(ICRTC-2022) | 2022-23 | Print ISBN978-981-19-8824-0 | Yes | SPRINGER | |
1178 | PROF.(SMT.) SAWANT APARNA RAJENDRA | A Multiservice Cab Booking Application | International Conference on Contemporary Engineering and Technology 2023 (ICCET)ICCET 2023 | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1179 | PROF. MRS. JOSHI ANITA SHRIPAD | A Succinct Review on Blockchain Technology | Roorkee Institute of Technology (RIT), Roorkee, Uttarakhand | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1180 | PROF.(SMT.) SOBALE SHITAL DHANANJAY | Supervised machine learning model builder for regression and classification analysis featured as a web application | 2023 International Conference on Advancement in Computation & Computer Technologies (InCACCT) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:979-8-3503-9648-5 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:979-8-3503-9649-2 |
Yes | IEEE | |
1181 | PROF.(SMT.) SAWANT APARNA RAJENDRA | Hybrid approach for Extractive and Astractive Textual summarization of long videos using Gensim and Google Pegasus | International Conference on contemporary engineering and technology 2023 (ICCET)ICCET 2023 | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1182 | SWATI VILAS JADHAV | Decentralized expert system for donation tracking and transparency | INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EXPERT CLOUDS and APPLICATIONS (ICOECA 2023). | 2022-23 | Yes | Springer | ||
1183 | SWATI VILAS JADHAV | Decentralized Market for Spices using Hyperledger | 3rd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EMERGING TRENDS AND TECHNOLOGIES ON INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS (ETTIS 2023) | 2022-23 | Yes | Springer Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems | ||
1184 | SWATI VILAS JADHAV | Paper Code: Editor & compiler for handwritten code | International Conference on Advancements and Key Challenges in Green Energy and Computing | 2022-23 | Yes | Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems” (LNNS) scopus indexed | ||
1185 | JYOTI RISHIKESH MADAKE | Vision-Based Driver Assistance System to Detect Mountainous Roads using GLCM and Haralick Texture Features | Second International Conference on Security, Privacy and Data Analytics (ISPDA-2022) | 2022-23 | Yes | Journal of Physics Digital Library(SCOPUS ) | ||
1186 | RAJKUMAR KISHOR BHAGAT | Violent Activity Type Prediction | Technology, Engineering, Management for Societal Impact using Marketing, Entrepreneurship and Talent” (TEMSMET 2023) | 2022-23 | Yes | Springer | ||
1187 | JYOTI RISHIKESH MADAKE | Vision based weather condition recognition for driver assistance | Second International Conference on Security, Privacy and Data Analytics (ISPDA-2022) | 2022-23 | Yes | Springer | ||
1188 | JYOTI RISHIKESH MADAKE | Vision based Distracted Driver Detection using Fusion of SIFT and ORB feature extraction | Second International Conference on Security, Privacy and Data Analytics (ISPDA-2022) | 2022-23 | Yes | Springer | ||
1189 | JYOTI RISHIKESH MADAKE | Vision-based Skin Lesion Characterization Using GLCM and Haralick Features | 2022 IEEE Conference on Interdisciplinary Approaches in Technology and Management for Social Innovation (IATMSI) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-7719-2 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-6654-7720-8 |
Yes | IEEE | |
1190 | JYOTI RISHIKESH MADAKE | Vision-Based Unattended Terrace Children Safety Alert System | IATMSI-2022 IEEE International Conference on Interdisciplinary Approaches in Technology and Management for Social Innovation | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-7719-2 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-6654-7720-8 |
Yes | IEEE | |
1191 | JYOTI RISHIKESH MADAKE | Vision-Based Wilted Plant Detection | IATMSI-2022 IEEE International Conference on Interdisciplinary Approaches in Technology and Management for Social Innovation | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-7719-2 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-6654-7720-8 |
Yes | IEEE | |
1192 | SHRIPAD SUBHASHRAO BHATLAWANDE | Vision-based Skin Lesion Characterization Using GLCM and Haralick Features | 2022 IEEE Conference on Interdisciplinary Approaches in Technology and Management for Social Innovation (IATMSI) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-7719-2 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-6654-7720-8 |
Yes | IEEE | |
1193 | SWATI NITIN SHILASKAR | Vision-based Skin Lesion Characterization Using GLCM and Haralick Features | 2022 IEEE Conference on Interdisciplinary Approaches in Technology and Management for Social Innovation (IATMSI) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-7719-2 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-6654-7720-8 |
Yes | IEEE | |
1194 | SHRIPAD SUBHASHRAO BHATLAWANDE | Vision-Based Unattended Terrace Children Safety Alert System | IATMSI-2022 IEEE International Conference on Interdisciplinary Approaches in Technology and Management for Social Innovation | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-7719-2 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-6654-7720-8 |
Yes | IEEE | |
1195 | SWATI NITIN SHILASKAR | Vision-Based Unattended Terrace Children Safety Alert System | IATMSI-2022 IEEE International Conference on Interdisciplinary Approaches in Technology and Management for Social Innovation | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-7719-2 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-6654-7720-8 |
Yes | IEEE | |
1196 | SHRIPAD SUBHASHRAO BHATLAWANDE | Vision-Based Wilted Plant Detection | IATMSI-2022 IEEE International Conference on Interdisciplinary Approaches in Technology and Management for Social Innovation | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-7719-2 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-6654-7720-8 |
Yes | IEEE | |
1197 | SWATI NITIN SHILASKAR | Vision-Based Wilted Plant Detection | IATMSI-2022 IEEE International Conference on Interdisciplinary Approaches in Technology and Management for Social Innovation | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-7719-2 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-6654-7720-8 |
Yes | IEEE | |
1198 | JYOTI RISHIKESH MADAKE | Fusion of Information Acquired from Camera and Ultrasonic Range Finders for Obstacle Detection and Depth Computation | 3rd International Conference On Computational Intelligence - ICCI 2022 | 2022-23 | Electronic ISSN 2524-7573 Print ISSN 2524-7565 |
Yes | SPRINGER | |
1199 | SHRIPAD SUBHASHRAO BHATLAWANDE | Fusion of Information Acquired from Camera and Ultrasonic Range Finders for Obstacle Detection and Depth Computation | 3rd International Conference On Computational Intelligence - ICCI 2022 | 2022-23 | Electronic ISSN 2524-7573 Print ISSN 2524-7565 |
Yes | SPRINGER | |
1200 | SWATI NITIN SHILASKAR | Fusion of Information Acquired from Camera and Ultrasonic Range Finders for Obstacle Detection and Depth Computation | 3rd International Conference On Computational Intelligence - ICCI 2022 | 2022-23 | Electronic ISSN 2524-7573 Print ISSN 2524-7565 |
Yes | SPRINGER | |
1201 | PROF. (Dr.) RAJESH M. JALNEKAR | Fusion of Information Acquired from Camera and Ultrasonic Range Finders for Obstacle Detection and Depth Computation | 3rd International Conference On Computational Intelligence - ICCI 2022 | 2022-23 | Electronic ISSN 2524-7573 Print ISSN 2524-7565 |
Yes | SPRINGER | |
1202 | JYOTI RISHIKESH MADAKE | Vision Based Atopic Dermatitis Detection | 2nd Online International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Sustainable Computing for Smart Cities (AIS2C2) | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1203 | JYOTI RISHIKESH MADAKE | Design Development and Testing of Secured Knock Pattern-Based Door Access System | 8th International Conference on Nanoelectronics, Computational Intelligence | 2022-23 | Yes | AIP | ||
1204 | JYOTI RISHIKESH MADAKE | Vision-based Driver's belt detection | 2023 2nd International Conference for Advancement in Technology | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-7517-4 CD:978-1-6654-7514-3 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-6654-7518-1 |
Yes | IEEE | |
1205 | SHRIPAD SUBHASHRAO BHATLAWANDE | Vision-based Driver's belt detection | 2023 2nd International Conference for Advancement in Technology | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-7517-4 CD:978-1-6654-7514-3 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-6654-7518-1 |
Yes | IEEE | |
1206 | SWATI NITIN SHILASKAR | Vision-based Driver's belt detection | 2023 2nd International Conference for Advancement in Technology | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-7517-4 CD:978-1-6654-7514-3 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-6654-7518-1 |
Yes | IEEE | |
1207 | JYOTI RISHIKESH MADAKE | CHESS AI: Machine learning and Minmax based Chess engine | 2023 2nd International Conference for Advancement in Technology | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-7517-4 CD:978-1-6654-7514-3 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-6654-7518-1 |
Yes | IEEE | |
1208 | SHRIPAD SUBHASHRAO BHATLAWANDE | CHESS AI: Machine learning and Minmax based Chess engine | 2023 2nd International Conference for Advancement in Technology | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-7517-4 CD:978-1-6654-7514-3 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-6654-7518-1 |
Yes | IEEE | |
1209 | JYOTI RISHIKESH MADAKE | Tire wear-out detection with features from BRIEF plus FAST and Decision Tree Classifier | 6th International Conference on “Emerging Technologies in Computer Engineering: Industrial IoT and Cyber-Physical Systems."(ICETCE-2023) | 2022-23 | Yes | IEEE | ||
1210 | JYOTI RISHIKESH MADAKE | Vision-based Walls and Staircase Detection with Directional Feedback for Blind People | 6th International Conference on “Emerging Technologies in Computer Engineering: Industrial IoT and Cyber-Physical Systems."(ICETCE-2023) | 2022-23 | ISSN 1865-0929 | Yes | Springer | |
1213 | RANJANA JADHAV | High Fidelity Face Generation with Style Generative Adversarial Networks | 2023 2nd International Conference on Smart Technologies and Systems for Next Generation Computing (ICSTSN) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:979-8-3503-4800-2 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:979-8-3503-4801-9 |
Yes | IEEE | |
1214 | DEEPAK TATYASAHEB MANE | Detection of Malignant Melanoma Using Hybrid Algorithm | 4th International Conference on Machine Intelligence and Signal Processing (MISP2022) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISSN 1876-1119 Print ISSN 1876-1100 |
Yes | Springer | |
1215 | DEEPALI RAHUL DESHPANDE | Research Article Summarizer | 2023 International Conference for Advancement in Technology (ICONAT) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-7517-4 CD:978-1-6654-7514-3 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-6654-7518-1 |
Yes | IEEE | |
1216 | SMITA SAMRAT MANDE | Polyfund: Polygon - Based Crowdfunding Dapp | 2023 IEEE 8th International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:979-8-3503-3401-2 | Yes | IEEE | |
1217 | VAISHALI SIDDHARTH JABADE | Customer Segmentation for Smooth Shopping Experience | 2023 4th International Conference for Emerging Technology (INCET) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:979-8-3503-3575-0 CD:979-8-3503-3572-9 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:979-8-3503-3576-7 |
Yes | IEEE | |
1218 | PRIYANKA RAMPRAKASH BHATELE | Fire & Gas Leakage Detection Using Arduino | International Conference on Innovative Research in Science and Technology (IRST-2023) | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1219 | Dr. ARCHANA KEDAR CHAUDHARI | IOT Based air quality detection in truck cabins | 2023 International Conference on Signal Processing, Computation, Electronics, Power and Telecommunication (IConSCEPT) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:979-8-3503-1212-6 USB ISBN:979-8-3503-1211-9 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:979-8-3503-1213-3 |
Yes | IEEE | |
1220 | PRIYANKA RAMPRAKASH BHATELE | Systems and Methods to implement Smart Roof | International Conference on Innovative Research in Science and Technology (IRST-2023) | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1221 | PROF. (DR.) GHADEKAR PREMANAND PRALHAD | Facial and Non Facial Based Image Forgery Detection and Localization | International Conference on Innovative Research in Science and Technology (IRST-2023) | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1222 | PROF. (DR.) GHADEKAR PREMANAND PRALHAD | Enabling Multitask Learning in HTMs via ECG & Bitcoin Price Sequence Learning | International Conference on Innovative Research in Science and Technology (IRST-2023) | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1223 | PROF. (DR.) GHADEKAR PREMANAND PRALHAD | CRNN based Violence Detection using Text and Videos | International Conference on Data Science and Intelligent Applications | 2022-23 | eISSN: 2271-2097 | Yes | ITM Web of Conferences | |
1224 | KULDEEP BABAN VAYADANDE | Bi-LSTM based attention model with efficient tokenization for News Article Summarization | International Conference on Innovative Research in Science and Technology (IRST-2023) Scopus Indexed | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1225 | RANE MILIND EKNATH | ML4Cure: Machine Learning for Healthcare | 2023 IEEE 8th International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:979-8-3503-3401-2 CD:979-8-3503-3398-5 DVD ISBN:979-8-3503-3399-2 USB ISBN:979-8-3503-3400-5 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:979-8-3503-3402-9 |
Yes | IEEE | |
1226 | PROF.(Dr.)TALELE AJAY KESHAV | Vertical Axis Wind Turbine for Highway Application | 5th IEEE Bombay Section Signature Conference (IBSSC-2023) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:979-8-3503-1318-5 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:979-8-3503-1319-2 |
Yes | IEEE | |
1227 | SWATI VILAS JADHAV | AlumNet : A Donation Platform for Alumni | First International Conference on Signal processing, Computation, Electronics, Power and Telecommunication (IConSCEPT 2023) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:979-8-3503-1212-6 USB ISBN:979-8-3503-1211-9 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:979-8-3503-1213-3 |
Yes | IEEE | |
1228 | JYOTI RISHIKESH MADAKE | Alopecia Patten Detection in Males using Classical Machine Learning | 2023 International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies (ICICT) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:979-8-3503-9849-6 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:979-8-3503-9850-2 |
Yes | IEEE | |
1229 | JYOTI RISHIKESH MADAKE | Image Tampering Detection Using Error Level Analysis and Metadata Analysis | 2023 4th International Conference for Emerging Technology (INCET) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:979-8-3503-3575-0 CD:979-8-3503-3572-9 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:979-8-3503-3576-7 |
Yes | IEEE | |
1230 | SWATI NITIN SHILASKAR | Machine Learning based Classification of Upper Arm Movements using sEMG Signal | 4th International Conference of Emerging Technologies (INCET-2023) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:979-8-3503-3575-0 CD:979-8-3503-3572-9 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:979-8-3503-3576-7 |
Yes | IEEE | |
1231 | SHRIPAD SUBHASHRAO BHATLAWANDE | A Smart System to Classify Walking and Sitting Activity based on EEG Signal | International Conference on Data Management, Analytics | 2022-23 | Electronic ISSN 2367-3389 Print ISSN 2367-3370 |
Yes | Springer | |
1232 | DR. (SMT.) CHANDOLIKAR NEELAM SUDHIR | A Smart System to Classify Walking and Sitting Activity based on EEG Signal | International Conference on Data Management, Analytics | 2022-23 | Electronic ISSN 2367-3389 Print ISSN 2367-3370 |
Yes | Springer | |
1233 | KULDEEP BABAN VAYADANDE | Cyclone Intensity Estimation On Insat 3D IR Imagery Using Deep Learning Algorithms | 2023 International Conference on Innovative Data Communication Technologies and Application (ICIDCA) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:979-8-3503-9720-8 DVD ISBN:979-8-3503-9719-2 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:979-8-3503-9721-5 |
Yes | IEEE | |
1234 | PANKAJ RAMAKANT KUNEKAR | CAMERA DETECTION FOR BLIND PEOPLE USING OCR | 5th Biennial International Conference on Nascent Technologies in Engineering (ICNTE 2023) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-6504-5 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-6654-6505-2 |
Yes | IEEE Explore | |
1235 | KULDEEP BABAN VAYADANDE | OCR based Cheque Validation using Image Processing | 5th Biennial International Conference on Nascent Technologies in Engineering (ICNTE 2023) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-6504-5 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-6654-6505-2 |
Yes | IEEE | |
1236 | PANKAJ RAMAKANT KUNEKAR | IoT based Smart Security Helmet for Miner’s Safety | 5th Biennial International Conference on Nascent Technologies in Engineering (ICNTE 2023) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-6504-5 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-6654-6505-2 |
Yes | IEEE | |
1237 | PANKAJ RAMAKANT KUNEKAR | OCR based Cheque Validation using Image Processing | 5th Biennial International Conference on Nascent Technologies in Engineering (ICNTE 2023) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-6504-5 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-6654-6505-2 |
Yes | IEEE | |
1238 | KULDEEP BABAN VAYADANDE | Ocular Disease Recognition using Deep Learning | 2nd International Conference on Research Trends in Engineering | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-7281-6885-2 USB ISBN:978-1-7281-6884-5 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-7281-6886-9 |
Yes | IEEE | |
1239 | PROF. (DR.) JOGLEKAR PUSHKAR SHRIPAD | Foreign object detection on an assembly line | Data Management, Analytics and Innovation Proceedings of ICDMAI 2022 |
2022-23 | Electronic ISSN 2367-4520 Print ISSN 2367-4512 |
Yes | Springer Book chapter | |
1240 | JYOTI RISHIKESH MADAKE | Crop-Weed Detection, Depth Estimation and Disease Diagnosis using YOLO and Darknet for Agribot: A Precision Farming Robot | International Conference on Paradigms of Communication, Computing and Data Analytics (PCCDA 2023) | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1241 | PROF. Dr. SHINDE SANDIP RAMRAO | A Software Development Lifecycle Case Study on : Diet Recommendation System based on User Activities" | Second Global Conference on Recent Developments in Computer and Communication Technologies (GC-RDCT 2022) | 2022-23 | eISSN: 2271-2097 | Yes | ITM Web of Conferences | |
1242 | SWATI NITIN SHILASKAR | A Smart System to Classify Walking and Sitting Activity based on EEG Signal | International Conference on Data Management, Analytics | 2022-23 | Electronic ISSN 2367-3389 Print ISSN 2367-3370 |
Yes | Springer | |
1243 | SHRIPAD SUBHASHRAO BHATLAWANDE | Alopecia Patten Detection in Males using Classical Machine Learning | 2023 International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies (ICICT) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:979-8-3503-9849-6 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:979-8-3503-9850-2 |
Yes | IEEE | |
1244 | SHRIPAD SUBHASHRAO BHATLAWANDE | Machine Learning based Classification of Upper Arm Movements using sEMG Signal | 4th International Conference of Emerging Technologies (INCET-2023) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:979-8-3503-3575-0 CD:979-8-3503-3572-9 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:979-8-3503-3576-7 |
Yes | IEEE | |
1245 | MEDHA VISHWANATH WYAWAHARE | Environment mapping using ultrasonic sensor for obstacle detection and navigation | International Conference on Paradigms of Communication, Computing and Data Analytics (PCCDA 2023) | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1246 | MEDHA VISHWANATH WYAWAHARE | Crop-Weed Detection, Depth Estimation and Disease Diagnosis using YOLO and Darknet for Agribot: A Precision Farming Robot | International Conference on Paradigms of Communication, Computing and Data Analytics (PCCDA 2023) | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1247 | MEDHA VISHWANATH WYAWAHARE | EEG Based Sleep Stage Classification System | International Conference on Paradigms of Communication, Computing and Data Analytics (PCCDA 2023) | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1248 | MEDHA VISHWANATH WYAWAHARE | An ensemble for satellite image to map layout translation | Third International Conference on Intelligent Computing Instrumentation and Control Technologies (ICICICT) | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1249 | MEDHA VISHWANATH WYAWAHARE | Comparative Analysis and Evaluation of Pothole Detection Algorithms | Third International Conference on Intelligent Computing Instrumentation and Control Technologies (ICICICT) | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1250 | Dr. ARCHANA KEDAR CHAUDHARI | Analysis of Hate Speech Recognition using SVM and Naives Bayes Classifier | International Conference on Intelligent Computing Systems and Applications | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1251 | Dr. ARCHANA KEDAR CHAUDHARI | Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Algorithms for Phishing Website Detection | International Conference on Intelligent Computing Systems and Applications (ICICSA 2022) | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1252 | PROF. (DR.) PATIL SHRISHAILAPPA TATYASAHEB | Background Noise Suppression Using Deep Learning in online mode Teaching Learning | 7th International Conference on Engineering Research and Innovation | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1253 | ABHA ASHUTOSH MARATHE | Automated smart waste segregation system using IOT technology | Third international conference on Intelligent roboticsMechatronicsand automation systems | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1254 | PROF. (DR.) PATIL SHRISHAILAPPA TATYASAHEB | Property Registration Using Blockchain | 7th International Conference on Engineering Research and Innovation | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1255 | JYOTI PRAMOD KANJALKAR-KULKARNI | IoT based pathole detection and analysis for road quality assessment and human saftey using ML | International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Applications 2023 (ICISA 2023) | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1256 | DR. (SMT.) LAMBOR SHILPA MEENOR | Smart Switching System | International Research Conference on IoT Cloud and Data Science | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1257 | DR. (SMT.) LAMBOR SHILPA MEENOR | Privacy Preserving through Cryptography using Cloud and AES Algorithm | th International Conference on Contemporary Engineering and Technology | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1258 | MILIND VASANTRAO KAMBLE | Image Inpainting Based on Sparse Representation with Dictionary Learning and Construction | IEEE 2nd International Conference on Vision Towards Emerging Trends in Communication and Networking Technologies | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1259 | PROF. BHILARE AMOL ASHOK | A novel approach to predict the cardiovascular sickness.. | International Conference on ADSC | 2022-23 | Yes | IOP Science | ||
1260 | Deepali Rahul Deshpande | Detection and Categorization of patients having Alzheimer’s disease:Machine Learning Algorithms | The Fourth International Conference on Advances in Physical Sciences and Materials 2023 (ICAPSM 2023) | 2022-23 | Yes | AnKa Publisher | ||
1261 | Dr. MANIK PUNDLIKRAO DEOSARKAR | Increasing The Shelf Life OF LIquid Jaggery | Fourth International Conference on Advances in Physical Sciences and Materials 2023 | 2022-23 | Yes | IEOM | ||
1262 | ABHA ASHUTOSH MARATHE | Engineering Graduate Salary Prediction Using Principal Component Analysis | Third International Conference on Advances in Physical Sciences and Materials (ICAPSM 2022) | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1263 | NISHANT SHASHIKANT KULKARNI | Development of Fire Fighting Mobile Bot | The Fourth International Conference on Advances in Physical Sciences and Materials 2023 (ICAPSM 2023) | 2022-23 | Yes | IEEE | ||
1264 | VARSHA RAHUL DANGE | Soldier Health Monitoring and Tracking System | International Conference on Nanoelectronics, Computational Intelligence | 2022-23 | Yes | IEEE Explore | ||
1265 | VARSHA RAHUL DANGE | Comparative Analysis of Deep Learning Models for Chest X-Ray Images | International Conference on Nanoelectronics, Computational Intelligence | 2022-23 | Yes | IEEE | ||
1266 | JYOTI RISHIKESH MADAKE | Proactive Detection of Crowd and Way-finding System for Visually Challenged People | ADSC-2022: International Conference on Advances in Data Science and Computing Technologies | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1267 | JYOTI RISHIKESH MADAKE | Vision based interpretation of Flashing the Upper and the Dipper Headlight of the Vehicle Behind | International Conference on Advanced Communications and Machine Intelligence - MICA | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1268 | SWATI NITIN SHILASKAR | Vision based interpretation of Flashing the Upper and the Dipper Headlight of the Vehicle Behind | International Conference on Advanced Communications and Machine Intelligence - MICA | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1269 | SHRIPAD SUBHASHRAO BHATLAWANDE | Vision based interpretation of Flashing the Upper and the Dipper Headlight of the Vehicle Behind | International Conference on Advanced Communications and Machine Intelligence - MICA | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1270 | JYOTI RISHIKESH MADAKE | Optical Flow-based Movement Alert System for Assisting Visually Impaired People | ADSC-2022: International Conference on Advances in Data Science and Computing Technologies | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1271 | SWATI JADHAV | Detection and Mitigation of ARP Spoofing Attack | 6 th International Conference on Innovative Computing and Communication (ICICC-2023) | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1272 | RANJANA JADHAV | A novel approach to predict the cardiovascular sickness.. | International Conference on ADSC | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1273 | RANJANA JADHAV | LSTM Based Encoder-Decoder Model for Transliteration of English Marathi and Hindi Query | Advances in Data Science and Computing Technologies | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1274 | VIKAS JANU NANDESHWAR | Sensor Based Gas Leakage Detection with an Alert and Control System | International Conference on Innovative Research in Science and Technology (IRST-2023) | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1275 | ABHA ASHUTOSH MARATHE | IOT based smart gardening system | Third international conference on Intelligent robotics mechatronics and automation system | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1276 | SANDEEP SHINDE | Vehicle Characteristic Recognition by Appearance: Computer Vision Methods for Vehicle Make, Color, and License Plate Classification | 2022 IEEE Pune Section International Conference (PuneCon) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-9897-5 | Yes | IEEE | |
1277 | SWATI JADHAV | Vehicle Characteristic Recognition by Appearance: Computer Vision Methods for Vehicle Make, Color, and License Plate Classification | 2022 IEEE Pune Section International Conference (PuneCon) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-9897-6 | Yes | IEEE | |
1278 | VAISHALI SIDDHARTH JABADE | Exploring the Landscape of Mobile Operating Systems A Comprehensive Survey | NANOELECTRONICS, MACHINE LEARNING, INTERNET OF THINGS | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1279 | ANITA S. JOSHI | Li-Fi Implemented Data Transfer | 2023 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Technology, Engineering, Management for Societal impact using Marketing, Entrepreneurship and Talent (TEMSMET) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:979-8-3503-9781-9 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:979-8-3503-9782-6 |
Yes | IEEE | |
1280 | NEHA RAJAS | Generating electricity from solid waste and biodiesel | 2023 International Conference on Sustainable Technologies in Civil and Environmental Engineering (ICSTCE 2023) | 2022-23 | eISSN: 2267-1242 | Yes | Web of Conferences | |
1281 | LOKESH KHEDEKAR | Strength of Data Matrix Image over Analysis and Design of Exam Processing System | 2023 IEEE 8th International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT) | 2022-23 | Electronic ISBN:979-8-3503-3401-2 CD:979-8-3503-3398-5 DVD ISBN:979-8-3503-3399-2 USB ISBN:979-8-3503-3400-5 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:979-8-3503-3402-9 |
Yes | IEEE | |
1282 | PANKAJ RAMAKANT KUNEKAR | Weather Based Plant Disease Prediction using Ensemble Learning | International Conference on Innovative Research in Science and Technology (IRST-2023) | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1283 | PREMANAND GHADEKAR | Weather Based Plant Disease Prediction using Ensemble Learning | International Conference on Innovative Research in Science and Technology (IRST-2023) | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1284 | ANIL BABAN KADU | Design and Development of IoT based Smart Jacket for Farmers | Soft computing for security Applications ICSCS | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1285 | SACHIN SAWANT | Multipurpose Attachment System for Ploughing, Spraying and Creating Ridges in Agriculture | 2023 International Conference on Sustainable Technologies in Civil and Environmental Engineering (ICSTCE 2023) | 2022-23 | eISSN: 2267-1242 | Yes | Web of Conferences | |
1286 | UMESH SOMALU CHAVAN | Peltier devices in refrigerators next generation cooling solution | International conference on contemporary engineering and technology | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1287 | GANESH DATTATRAYA KORWAR | A Comprehensive Review on Topology Optimization and Modal Analysis of Base Frame of Diesel Engine Driven Twin Screw Compressor | The 2nd National Conference in Mechanical Engineering: Advances in Material and Design (NCMEAMD-2022) | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1288 | GANESH DATTATRAYA KORWAR | Review Paper on Design Parameters of Pressure Dam Bearing Tilting Pad Bearing | 1st International Conference on Advancements in Materials, Manufacturing and Automation (AMMA-2023) | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1289 | GANESH DONGARE | Generation of Super-hydrophobic Textures by Using Nano second Pulsed Laser machine | Third International Conference on Advances in Physical Sciences and Materials (ICAPSM 2022) | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1290 | PANKAJ RAMAKANT KUNEKAR | An Ethereum based Donation System | 11th International Conference on Computing in Engineering and Technology(ICCET 2023 | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1291 | VAISHALI SIDDHARTH JABADE | “Smart Trashbin - Dry and Wet Waste Segregation System” | Advances in Modern Technologies of Multidisciplinary Research in Engineering Field (AIMTMREF - 2023) | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1292 | PROF. BHILARE AMOL ASHOK | Tourism Promoting Website Using Three.js | International Conference on IoT Communication Intelligence and computing. | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1293 | PROF. (DR.) GHADEKAR PREMANAND PRALHAD | ASR for Indian Regional Languages using fine-tuned Wav2Vec2 model | International Conference on Advances in Data Science and Computing Technologies (ADSC-2022) | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1294 | PROF. (DR.) GHADEKAR PREMANAND PRALHAD | Audio based Text Summarization using Natural Language Processing | International Conference on Advances in Data Science and Computing Technologies (ADSC-2022) | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1295 | PROF. (DR.) GHADEKAR PREMANAND PRALHAD | Traffic Signs Recognition using VGGNet & LeNet | International Conference on Advances in Data Science and Computing Technologies (ADSC-2022) | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1296 | VIJAY MAHADEO MANE | Smart Attendance Using Face Recognition - Paper ID: SIP00075 | International Conference on Vision Towards Emerging Trends in Communication and Networking Technologies (ViTECoN-2023) | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1297 | VIJAY MAHADEO MANE | Voice Controlled Wheelchair | International Conference on Vision Towards Emerging Trends in Communication and Networking Technologies (ViTECoN-2023) | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1298 | Dr. ARCHANA KEDAR CHAUDHARI | A comparative analysis of recent face detection methods imlpemented for Age and Gender detection | International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Networking (ICICN-2023) | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1299 | MADHURI BARHATE | REXOBOT- Simplifying Rescue Operations using Arduino | 2022-23 | Yes | ||||
1300 | PROF.(SMT.) SOBALE SHITAL DHANANJAY | Human Following Robot | Sardar Patel International Conference SPICON 2022 | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1301 | PROF.(SMT.) SOBALE SHITAL DHANANJAY | Design and development of Pneumatic sheet metal bending mechanism | International Conference on Recent Advances in Materials and Manufacturing | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1302 | Deepali Jayant Joshi | song recommendation based on users activity using ensemble learning | INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CONTEMPORARY ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY MAY 1ST - 2ND, 2023 CHENNAI, INDIA | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1303 | JYOTI RISHIKESH MADAKE | Table Extraction From Documents | ICRTC-2022: International Conference on Recent Trends in Computing | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1304 | JYOTI MADKAE | Vision-Based Garbage Spill Detection for Smart City Sustainance | Sardar Patel International Conference SPICON 2022 | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1305 | JYOTI MADKAE | Vision-based Recognition of Slow signal and Stop signal for autonomous driving | Sardar Patel International Conference SPICON 2022 | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1306 | SHRIPAD SUBHASHRAO BHATLAWANDE | Vision-based Recognition of Slow signal and Stop signal for autonomous driving | Sardar Patel International Conference SPICON 2022 | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1307 | SWATI NITIN SHILASKAR | Vision-based Recognition of Slow signal and Stop signal for autonomous driving | Sardar Patel International Conference SPICON 2022 | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1308 | SHRIPAD SUBHASHRAO BHATLAWANDE | Vision-Based Garbage Spill Detection for Smart City Sustainance | Sardar Patel International Conference SPICON 2022 | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1309 | SWATI NITIN SHILASKAR | Vision-Based Garbage Spill Detection for Smart City Sustainance | Sardar Patel International Conference SPICON 2022 | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1310 | SWATI JADHAV | A Software Development Lifecycle Case Study on : Diet Recommendation System based on User Activities" | Second Global Conference on Recent Developments in Computer and Communication Technologies (GC-RDCT 2022) | 2022-23 | eISSN: 2271-2097 | Yes | ITM Web of Conferences | |
1311 | SONALI MALLINATH ANTAD | A Novel Approach for clone app detection using VADER’s Algorithm | First International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Computing (ICDSAC 2023) | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1312 | AMRUTA AMIT MANKAWADE | House Price Estimation using Machine Learning Algorithms | International Conference on contemporary engineering and technology | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1313 | AMRUTA AMIT MANKAWADE | Simplifying the college admission process using optical character recognition and machine learning | International Conference on contemporary engineering and technology | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1314 | RANE MILIND EKNATH | Voice Controlled Home Automation System | Seventh International Conference on Smart Trends in Computing and Communications | 2022-23 | Electronic ISSN 2367-3389 Print ISSN 2367-3370 |
Yes | SPRINGER | |
1315 | DNYANESHWAR KANADE | Voice Controlled Home Automation System | Seventh International Conference on Smart Trends in Computing and Communications | 2022-23 | Electronic ISSN 2367-3389 Print ISSN 2367-3370 |
Yes | SPRINGER | |
1316 | RANE MILIND EKNATH | Face Recognition using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) | Seventh International Conference on Smart Trends in Computing and Communications | 2022-23 | Electronic ISSN 2367-3389 Print ISSN 2367-3370 |
Yes | SPRINGER | |
1317 | DNYANESHWAR KANADE | Face Recognition using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) | Seventh International Conference on Smart Trends in Computing and Communications | 2022-23 | Electronic ISSN 2367-3389 Print ISSN 2367-3370 |
Yes | SPRINGER | |
1318 | ANIL BABAN KADU | IOT Based Solar Car Controlling Over a WiFi Network | International Conference on Management, Engineering and Social Science (ICMESS-2023) | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1319 | PROF. (DR.) PATIL SHRISHAILAPPA TATYASAHEB | Weed Detection in Soybean Crop | International Conference on recent advances in Technology, Engineering, science and Management | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1320 | PROF. (DR.) PATIL SHRISHAILAPPA TATYASAHEB | Novel Binary Coded JAYA Algorithm for Feature Selection in Healthcare: An Evolutionary Approach | 43RD WORLD CONFERENCE ON APPLIED SCIENCE, ENGINEERING | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1321 | VARSHA NARAYAN KARANDIKAR | Optimizing Efficiency and Safety in Industry: The Power of Industrial Engineering Techniques for Waste Identification and Productivity Improvement | 2nd International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering (ICETE 2023) | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1322 | VARSHA NARAYAN KARANDIKAR | Determining Vehicle Replacement Year Using Replacement Model | First Australian Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management. Sydney | 2022-23 | Yes | IEEE | ||
1323 | VARSHA RAHUL DANGE | Smart Agriculture System based on Use Cases of IoT | International Conference on Microelectronics, Computing | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1324 | VARSHA RAHUL DANGE | RFID enabled Cloud based Security System for Door Locks | International Conference on Microelectronics, Computing | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1325 | RAJKUMAR KISHOR BHAGAT | Viloent activity Prediction | Third Edition Of IEEE TEMS Flagship International Conference On Technology, Engineering | 2022-23 | Yes | ADVANCED COMPUTING RESEARCH SOCIETY | ||
1326 | MEDHA VISHWANATH WYAWAHARE | Conversion of satellite images to google maps using GAN | 3rd International Conference on. Innovations in Computational Intelligence and Computer Vision. (ICICV-2022) | 2022-23 | Yes | Springer | ||
1330 | Madhuri Manohar Barhate | Unexplore Maharashtra | INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FUTURE ROAD OF MULTIDISCIPLINARY STREAMS (ICFMRS - 2022) | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1331 | PROF. (DR.) GHADEKAR PREMANAND PRALHAD | A Semantic Approach for Automated Hiring using Artificial Intelligence & Computer Vision | IEEE International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT) | 2022-23 | Yes | IEEE Xplorer | ||
1332 | PROF. (DR.) GHADEKAR PREMANAND PRALHAD | Malnutrition Detection Analysis and Nutritional Treatment using Ensemble Learning | Springer International Conference on Artificial Intelligence of Things (ICAIoT-2023) | 2022-23 | Yes | IEEE Xplorer | ||
1333 | PROF. (DR.) GHADEKAR PREMANAND PRALHAD | Athlete Injury prediction using classification Algorithm | INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MACHINE LEARNING AND INFORMATION PROCESSING | 2022-23 | Yes | AIP Proceeding | ||
1334 | PROF. (DR.) GHADEKAR PREMANAND PRALHAD | Predictive Maintenance on Turbo Fan (NASA) Dataset Using Deep Learning | INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MACHINE LEARNING AND INFORMATION PROCESSING | 2022-23 | Yes | AIP Proceeding | ||
1335 | PROF. (DR.) GHADEKAR PREMANAND PRALHAD | Customer Turnover Prediction Using Machine Learning and Deep Learning | International Conference on Future of Engineering (ICFE-2022) | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1336 | PANKAJ RAMAKANT KUNEKAR | TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT SYSTEM USING YOLO ALGORITHM | International Conference on Computational Intelligence and XAI.(ICCIXAI-2023) | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1337 | PANKAJ RAMAKANT KUNEKAR | Content-Based Filtering Using K-Nearest Neighbour | 5th Biennial International Conference on Nascent Technologies in Engineering (ICNTE 2023) | 2022-23 | Yes | IEEE Explore | ||
1338 | PANKAJ RAMAKANT KUNEKAR | AI-based Desktop Voice Assistant | 2023 5th Biennial International Conference on Nascent Technologies in Engineering (ICNTE) | 2022-23 | Yes | Expected in Springer Nature | ||
1339 | DATTATRAY BAPU HULWAN | Fully Automated Pothole Detection And Repair System Using Artificial Intelligence | 2023 3rd International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Social Networking (ICPCSN) | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1340 | UMESH SOMALU CHAVAN | Performance Analysis of Automotive Radiator Using NanoparticlesAl2O3And CuO As Coolant | 2023 International Conference on Sustainable Technologies in Civil and Environmental Engineering (ICSTCE 2023) | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1341 | UMESH SOMALU CHAVAN | Design and Analysis of Universal Joint using Numerical Calculations | nternational Conference on Recent Advances in Fluid Mechanics and Nanoelectronics | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1342 | UMESH SOMALU CHAVAN | Design And Development Of Portable Core Shooter Machine | International Conference on Materials Science and Manufacturing Technology(ICMSMT 2023) | 2022-23 | Yes | IOP science | ||
1343 | VIJAY MAHADEO MANE | Media Player Controller using Hand Gestures | 4th International Conference on Mobile Computing and Sustainable Informatics (ICMCSI 2023) | 2022-23 | Yes | Springer | ||
1344 | VIJAYKUMAR RAYAPPA BHANUSE | Iot based manhol detection system | International Conference on Advances in Computer Engineering, Communication Systems and Business Development (ICACECSBD-2023) | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1345 | PROF. GAIKWAD VIJAY DATTATRAY | Node MCU Based Home Automation Using IoT | International Conference on Research Trends in Engineering and Management Virtual Conference | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1346 | PROF. GAIKWAD VIJAY DATTATRAY | HOME AUTOMATION USING GOOGLE ASSISTANT | International Conference on Recent Advances in Engineering and Technology(ICRAET) | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1347 | PROF. GAIKWAD VIJAY DATTATRAY | AUTOMATIC DOOR OPENER USING PIR SENSOR” | International Conference on Recent Advances in Engineering and Technology(ICRAET) | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1348 | PROF. GAIKWAD VIJAY DATTATRAY | Automatic Irrigation System | International Conference on Recent Advances in Engineering and Technology(ICRAET) | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1349 | PRAMOD KRISHNA KALE | A Review on Hybrid Battery Thermal Management System (BTMS) in Electric Vehicles. | INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON GREEN ENERGY | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1350 | PRAMOD MADHAVRAO KANJALKAR | Intelligent Surveillance Tower for Detection of the Drone from the other aerial objects using Deep learning | Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems | 2022-23 | Yes | IEEE | ||
1351 | PRAMOD MADHAVRAO KANJALKAR | Economical Solution to Automatic Evaluation of an OMR Sheet Using Image Processing | 7th International Conference on Data Management, Analytics | 2022-23 | Yes | Springer | ||
1352 | PRAMOD MADHAVRAO KANJALKAR | Temperature Sensor Failure Detection and Diagnosis based on ARIMA Model | 2023 International Conference on Advanced Technologies in Chemical, Construction and Mechanical Sciences (ICATCHCOME 2023) | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1353 | UMESH SOMALU CHAVAN | Fuel Cell for Automobile towards Clean Environment | International Conference on Materials Science and Manufacturing Technology (ICMSMT2023) | 2022-23 | Yes | IOP Science | ||
1354 | NISHANT SHASHIKANT KULKARNI | Wireless Blackbox for Cars Using Sensors and GPS Module | 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Cognitive Science and Knowledge Engineering(ICKE-2023) | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1355 | NISHANT SHASHIKANT KULKARNI | Home Automation with Node MCU & Firebase using Internet of Thing (IoT) | AITC-2023: Hinweis International Conference on Advances in Information, Telecommunication and Computing | 2022-23 | Yes | Elsevier | ||
1356 | NISHANT SHASHIKANT KULKARNI | Development of a protocol on various IoT based devices available for women safety | CoMSO 2022 | 2022-23 | Yes | AIP Conference Proceedings | ||
1357 | KULDEEP BABAN VAYADANDE | VoiceMitra - A Speech to Visual Translation Approach for Disabled | 3rd International Conference on Advanced Computing Technologies and Applications-2023 (ICACTA) | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1358 | KULDEEP BABAN VAYADANDE | Comparative Analysis of Different Hashing Algorithms for Data Deduplication. | The Fourth International Conference on Manufacturing, Material science and Engineering 2022 AIP PROCEDDING WEB OF SCINCE SCOPUS INDEXED | 2022-23 | Yes | AIP PROCEEDINGS | ||
1359 | KULDEEP BABAN VAYADANDE | A REVIEW PAPER ON PROGRESSIVE APPROACH TO REDUCE CONTEXT SWITCHING IN ROUND ROBIN SCHEDULING ALGORITHM | 3rd International Conference on Computer Vision, High Performance Computing, Smart Devices and Networks SPRINGER CONFERENCE SCOPUS INDEXED | 2022-23 | Yes | AIP Proceeding | ||
1360 | KULDEEP BABAN VAYADANDE | Randomly Generating Music Using Context Free Grammars. | Techno Societal SPRINGER AND SCOPUS INDEXED | 2022-23 | Yes | International Conference on Nanoelectronics, Computational Intelligence | ||
1361 | KULDEEP BABAN VAYADANDE | Heart Disease prediction using ML techniques: A survey for societal care and information | Techno Societal SPRINGER AND SCOPUS INDEXED | 2022-23 | Yes | SCOPUS International Conference | ||
1362 | KULDEEP BABAN VAYADANDE | Traffic Sign Recognition System using YOLO: Societal System for Safe Driving | Techno Societal SPRINGER AND SCOPUS INDEXED | 2022-23 | Yes | SCOPUS International Conference | ||
1363 | PROF. SONALI ANTAD | Pixel-locks: Robust AES-based Encryption and Decryption | Fourth International Conference on Advances in Physical Sciences and Materials 2023 (ICAPSM 2023) | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1364 | PROF. SONALI ANTAD | "Smart Glasses For Blind Using Text-To-Speech | e 4th International Conference on “Mobile Radio Communications & 5G Networks (MRCN– 2023) | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1365 | PRIYANKA RAMPRAKASH BHATELE | OTP Based Smart Wireless Locking System | International Conference on Advancements in Materials, Manufacturing | 2022-23 | Yes | IEEE | ||
1366 | PRIYANKA RAMPRAKASH BHATELE | TrackEZ Expense Tracker | 4th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES 2023, BELGAUM, INDIA | 2022-23 | Yes | Springer - Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems | ||
1368 | PROF. (DR.) DHABE PRIYADARSHAN SHANKARRAO | A Review Paper on Captcha Recognition Using Advanced Deep Learning Techniques | International Conference on Researches in Science and Technology (ICRST-23) | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1369 | PROF. (DR.) DHABE PRIYADARSHAN SHANKARRAO | Water Quality Prediction using Machine Learning Algorithms | 13TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SCIENCE AND INNOVATIVE ENGINEERING -13 ICSIE | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1370 | PROF. (DR.) DHABE PRIYADARSHAN SHANKARRAO | cheat fit degree | International Conference on Computational Intelligence and XAI | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1371 | PROF. (DR.) DHABE PRIYADARSHAN SHANKARRAO | Vehicle Number-plate Recognition by using existing general surveillance camera | International Conference on Researches in Science and Technology (ICRST-23) | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1372 | SACHIN SHRIDHAR SAWANT | Hybrid Solar Dryer for Leafy Vegetables and Fruits | International Conference on Power Engineering and Intelligent System (PEIS 2023) | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1373 | SACHIN SHRIDHAR SAWANT | Mobile Application Based Water Garbage Collector Robot | Sardar Patel International Conference on “Industry 4.0 - Nascent Technologies and Sustainability for 'Make in India' Initiative” SPICON-2022. | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1374 | SACHIN PRABHAKAR KOMBLE | EMERGENCY LOCATION PROVIDER | International Conference on Computational Intelligence and XAI | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1375 | KETKI AKSHAY SHIRBAVIKAR | IOT Based Smart Agriculture for Precession Irrigatio –A Model | International Conference on Intelligent Robotics , Mechatronics and Automation Systems 2023-VIT Chennai | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1376 | PROF.(SMT.) PATIL SARASWATI VIJAYSINGH | Melanoma Skin Cancer Detection Using Deep Learning | Hinweis International Conference on Computer Science, Cyber Security and Information Technology (CCIT) | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1377 | PROF.(SMT.) PATIL SARASWATI VIJAYSINGH | BREAST CANCER DETECTION USING IMAGE PROCESSING | EIGHTH International Conference on ICT for Sustainable Development | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1378 | DR. (SMT.) PULUJKAR ASHWINEE PRAVIN | Design and development of prosthetic hand with customizable grip | International Joint Conference on computing science | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1379 | DR. (SMT.) PULUJKAR ASHWINEE PRAVIN | Digital Platform for Tourism Asset Management by Local Governments | INTERNATIONAL JOINT CONFERENCE ON COMPUTING SCIENCES (ICCS-2023) | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1380 | KISHORI SUBHASH DEGAONKAR | SOTERIA- WOMEN’S SAFETY DEVICE & APPLICATION | international conference multidisciplinary studies and research | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1381 | PRAMOD KRISHNA KALE | IOT Based Smart Agriculture for Precession Irrigation –A | Institute for Russian Music Studies (IRMS) | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1382 | PRAMOD KRISHNA KALE | Design and Development of a Multi-Functional Military Robot for Combat Operations | International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM) | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1383 | PROF.(SMT.) SAWANT APARNA RAJENDRA | Abstractive Text Summarizer Using PEGASUS | International Conference on contemporary engineering and technology 2023 (ICCET)ICCET 2023 | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1384 | PROF.(SMT.) SAWANT APARNA RAJENDRA | Employee Hiring: NLP Based Job Profile Recommendation System | International conference on Data Science and Intelligent Application ICDSIA 2023 | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1385 | PROF.(SMT.) SOBALE SHITAL DHANANJAY | Flood detection and management | International conference on research in engineering technology and science | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1386 | PROF.(SMT.) SOBALE SHITAL DHANANJAY | Obstacle avoiding bluetooth and voice controlled Robot using Arduino | International Conference on power engineering and intelligent systems | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1387 | PROF. SHITAL RAUT | Mobile Phone Detection and Alcohol Detection with Engine Locking for the Prevention of Car Accidents External Inbox | International conference on Digital applicationTransformations and Economy | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1388 | PROF.(SMT.) DONGRE SHITAL PARAG | Melody Generator using LSTM with Automated Popularity Prediction | International Conference on Machine Learning and Information Processing (ICMLIP-2023) Conference. | 2022-23 | Yes | IEEE | ||
1389 | PROF.(SMT.) DONGRE SHITAL PARAG | Virtual Tour by AR guide | International Conference on Machine Learning and Information Processing (ICMLIP-2023) Conference. | 2022-23 | Yes | AIP | ||
1390 | PROF.(SMT.) DONGRE SHITAL PARAG | CRIMINAL RECORD SEARCHING USING FACE RECOGNITION SYSTEM | International conference on Manufacturing, Material Science and Engineering |
2022-23 | Yes | AIP | ||
1391 | PROF.(SMT.) DONGRE SHITAL PARAG | Smart Visual Assistance for Blind using Deep Learning Approach | International Conference on Machine Learning and Information Processing (ICMLIP-2023) Conference. | 2022-23 | Yes | IEEE | ||
1392 | PROF.(Dr.)TALELE AJAY KESHAV | Event Management using Blockchain | ICT4SD 2023 | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1393 | Deepali Jayant Joshi | Fall Detection Using Pose Estimation models And Smart Alarming System | International Conference on Machine Learning and Information Processing (ICMLIP-2023) | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1394 | Deepali Jayant Joshi | LearnEasy: A Learning Platform for Autistic Children | International Conference on Machine Learning and Information Processing (ICMLIP-2023) | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1395 | Deepali Jayant Joshi | Prediction of Employee Retention | Futuristic Trends in Information Technology 2023 | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1396 | Deepali Rahul Deshpande | “Human-Computer Interaction for Brain Tumor Localization Using XAI” | 8 th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Security (ICCCS-2023) | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1397 | Deepali Jayant Joshi | Anime Face Generation using DC-GANs | International Conference on Machine Learning and Information Processing (ICMLIP-2023) Conference | 2022-23 | Yes | IEEE | ||
1398 | Deepali Jayant Joshi | KIDNEY DISEASE PREDICTION USING DIFFERENT CLASSIFICATIONTECHNIQUES | International Conference on Machine Learning and Information Processing (ICMLIP-2023) Conference | 2022-23 | Yes | IEEE | ||
1399 | JYOTI PRAMOD KANJALKAR-KULKARNI | Certificate Authentication and Verification Using Secured Blockchain Approach for Visually Impaired People | 7th International Conference on Inventive Communication and Computational Technologies | 2022-23 | Yes | Springer | ||
1400 | JYOTI PRAMOD KANJALKAR-KULKARNI | IoT Based Pothole Detection and Analysis for Road Quality Assessment and Human Safety Using Machine Learning Approach | 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Applications (ICISA 2023) | 2022-23 | Yes | Springer | ||
1401 | JYOTI PRAMOD KANJALKAR-KULKARNI | Smart Women Safety Solution with Alert System Using Machine Learning Approach | second International Conference on Machine Learning Deep learning and Computational Intelligence | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1402 | KULDEEP BABAN VAYADANDE | Robust Chatbot Application for easy admission process for Societal Benefits | Techno Societal SPRINGER AND SCOPUS INDEXED | 2022-23 | Yes | Springer | ||
1403 | KULDEEP BABAN VAYADANDE | Sugarcane Disease Classification Using Transfer Learning and SVM for Farmers to Improve Crop Quality | Techno Societal SPRINGER AND SCOPUS INDEXED | 2022-23 | Yes | IEEE Xplorer | ||
1404 | KULDEEP BABAN VAYADANDE | Fashion Classification Model | Techno Societal SPRINGER AND SCOPUS INDEXED | 2022-23 | Yes | SPRINGER | ||
1405 | KULDEEP BABAN VAYADANDE | An improved way to implement Round Robin Scheduling Algorithm | 3rd International Conference on Computer Vision, High Performance Computing, Smart Devices and Networks SPRINGER AND SCOPUS INDEXED | 2022-23 | Yes | Springer | ||
1406 | KULDEEP BABAN VAYADANDE | A MUTLITHREADED WEB CRAWLER | 6th International Conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology IEEE EXPLORE SCOPUS INDEXED | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1407 | PANKAJ RAMAKANT KUNEKAR | Transport Vehicle Demand Prediction using Context Aware Neural Networks | International Conference on Computational Intelligence and X (ICCIXAI-2023) | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1408 | PANKAJ RAMAKANT KUNEKAR | Epilepsy Seizure Detection Using Machine Learning Algorithms | International Conference on Computational Intelligence and X (ICCIXAI-2023) | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1409 | PANKAJ RAMAKANT KUNEKAR | Comparison of Different Machine Learning Algorithms to Classify Epilepsy Seizure from EEG Signals | International Conference on Computational Intelligence and X (ICCIXAI-2023) | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1410 | Deepali Jayant Joshi | Smart Contract Vulnerability detection using Natural Language Processing | INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CONTEMPORARY ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY MAY 1ST - 2ND, 2023 CHENNAI, INDIA. | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1411 | PROF. (DR.) BHUTKAR GANESH DATTATRAY | Graphical-based Password Authentication | 3rd International Conference on Technology for Sustainable Development | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1412 | JYOTI RISHIKESH MADAKE | Violence Detection for Smart Cities using Computer Vision | AIKP’22: Second International Conference On Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Processing | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1413 | VIKAS JANU NANDESHWAR | Automated Irrigation for Lawn | International Conference On Green Energy ( ICOGE-2023) | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1414 | VIKAS JANU NANDESHWAR | Accident Prevention Road Safety Model | International Conference On Green Energy ( ICOGE-2023) | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1415 | SONALI MALLINATH ANTAD | Stock Price Prediction Website Using LinearRegression - A Machine Learning Algorithm | 2023 First International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Computing(ICDSAC 2023) | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1417 | SHEETAL ATUL PHATANGARE | Blockchain and IPFS based solution for KYC | Second International Conference on Machine Learning,Deep learning and Computational intelligence for wireless Communication | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1418 | SHEETAL ATUL PHATANGARE | Decentralized EV Charging Infrastructure | MCCS-2023 conference proceedings | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1419 | SHEETAL ATUL PHATANGARE | Computer Vision Face Detector | ICAR | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1420 | SHEETAL ATUL PHATANGARE | A Solution to Waste Management with Autonomous Smart Dustbin | ICAR | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1422 | RANE MILIND EKNATH | Generation of Super-hydrophobic Textures by Using Nanosecond Pulsed Laser machine | ICAPSM | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1423 | RANE MILIND EKNATH | Thermal analysis of piston and cylinder of IC engine | ICAPSM | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1424 | ANIL BABAN KADU | Design and Implementation of Garbage detection and Classification using YOLO-V5 | 2nd International Conference on Emerging Electronics | 2022-23 | Yes | IEEE Xplore | ||
1425 | ANIL BABAN KADU | Design and Development of an Interactive System for the Disabled Person | THE 14th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTING, COMMUNICATION AND NETWORKING TECHNOLOGIES (ICCCNT) | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1426 | SIDDHARTH BHAGWAN BHORGE | Server-Based Universal Bank Chatbot | 2nd International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering(ICETE 2023) | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1427 | SIDDHARTH BHAGWAN BHORGE | IoT Based IV Pole Monitoring System | IEEE 2023 8th International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT),Pune, | 2022-23 | Yes | Springer Proceding Book | ||
1428 | SIDDHARTH BHAGWAN BHORGE | Wireless Weather Station Using LoRa Module | 7th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Intelligent Systems 2023 | 2022-23 | Yes | IEEE | ||
1429 | SIDDHARTH BHAGWAN BHORGE | IoT Based Transformer Monitoring System | 7th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Intelligent Systems 2023 | 2022-23 | Yes | Springer | ||
1430 | SIDDHARTH BHAGWAN BHORGE | A Machine Learning and Web-Based Application for Depression Detection and Cure | International Conferences on Machine Learning, IoT and BigData (ICMIB-2023), |
2022-23 | Yes | IEEE | ||
1431 | SIDDHARTH BHAGWAN BHORGE | NLP and Deep Learning Based POS Tagging and Blank Prediction Assistant | IEEE 8th International Conference for Convergence in Technology | 2022-23 | Yes | IEEE | ||
1432 | SIDDHARTH BHAGWAN BHORGE | HUMAN ACTION RECOGNITION USING (CNN+LSTM & LRCN) | 7th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Intelligent Systems 2023 | 2022-23 | Yes | IEEE | ||
1433 | PROF.(SMT.) GAVARASKAR RUPALI SHRIPAD | Comparative Study for Licence Plate Detection and Recognition | International Conference on Advances in ComputerEngineering, Communication Systems and BusinessDevelopment (ICACECSBD-2023) | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1434 | PROF.(SMT.) GAVARASKAR RUPALI SHRIPAD | Public Transport Vehicle Detection and Route Detection | 2nd International Conference on Multidisciplinary Approaches in Technology and Social Development (ICMATSD - 2023) | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1435 | Dr. DEEPAK TATYASAHEB MANE | CNN based Medical Image Restoration using Customized Adaptive Histogram Equalization | International Conference on Power Engineering and Intelligent Systems (PEIS2023) | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1436 | DEEPAK TATYASAHEB MANE | Anomaly Detection from Video Surveillances Using Adaptive Convolutional Neural Network | Springer-Book series Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies | 2022-23 | Yes | IEEE | ||
1437 | UMESH SOMALU CHAVAN | Obstacle Avoiding Vehicle With Springless Magnetic Type System | ICT4SD 2023 | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1438 | UMESH SOMALU CHAVAN | Performance Analysis of Automotive Radiator Using NanoparticlesAl2O3And CuO As Coolant | 2023 International Conference on Sustainable Technologies in Civil and Environmental Engineering (ICSTCE 2023) | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1439 | UMESH SOMALU CHAVAN | Structural and Vibrational Analysis of Electric Power Bank Casing | Material Science and Engineering | 2022-23 | Yes | Elsevier’s Materials Today: Proceedings | ||
1441 | AVADHOOT UMAKANT RAJURKAR | Comparative Finite Element Analysis of A Novel Robot Chassis using Structural Steel and Aluminium Alloy materials | Materials Science Forum | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1442 | AVADHOOT UMAKANT RAJURKAR | Stress and Fatigue Analysis of Novel Drive Shaft for New Generation FSC Vehicle | 3rd International Conference on Sustainable materials, Manufacturing and Renewable Technologies Marching Towards a Sustainable Future | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1443 | AVADHOOT UMAKANT RAJURKAR | Issues while 3D Printing of Drill Jig Assembly Prototype using DLP Process | 3rd International Conference on Sustainable materials, Manufacturing and Renewable Technologies Marching Towards a Sustainable Future | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1444 | AVADHOOT UMAKANT RAJURKAR | Multiscale Modeling of COmposite Materials - An RVE Approach | 1st International Conference on Advanced Materials, Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering 2023 | 2022-23 | Yes | IEEE | ||
1445 | AVADHOOT UMAKANT RAJURKAR | Effect of Laser Process Parameters on Contact Angle for Linear and Square Grid Micro-textured Surfaces | Materials Science Forum | 2022-23 | Yes | Springer Book | ||
1446 | GOPAL DADARAO UPADHYE | Traffic Light Simulation Using ALP | Second International conference on Machine Learning Deep Learning Computational intelligence for wireless communication | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1447 | GOPAL DADARAO UPADHYE | Chess Game Using Assembly Language Programming | Second International conference on Machine Learning Deep Learning Computational intelligence for wireless communication | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1449 | PROF. (DR.) GHADEKAR PREMANAND PRALHAD | A Novel Approach for Deep Learning based Video Classification and Captioning using Keyframe | International Conference on Women Researcher in Electronics and Computing | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1450 | PROF. (DR.) GHADEKAR PREMANAND PRALHAD | Enhanced Intracranial tumor strain prediction and detection using Transfer and Multilevel Ensemble Learning | International Conference on Women Researcher in Electronics and Computing | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1451 | VARSHA RAHUL DANGE | Cascade Face Classification Framework based Mask Detection of Real Time Images Using Deep Learning Approach | International conference on advances in physical sciences and materials | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1453 | PROF. GAIKWAD VIJAY DATTATRAY | Image Stegnography with AES encription | 8th International Conference on Nanoelectronics, Computational Intelligence and Communication Systems ( NCCS -2022) ( | 2022-23 | Yes | VLSI Design Group Department of Electronics | ||
1454 | Dr. SANGITA MAHESHWAR JAYBHAYE | Drone Detection using Yolo | AIS2C2-2022 | 2022-23 | Yes | International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Data Communication (IJEEDC) | ||
1456 | RAMKRISHNA SHANTILAL BHARSAKADE | CONCEPTUAL DESIGN OF AUTOMATIC SOLAR PANEL CLEANING SYSTEM | 7th International Conference on Production & Industrial Engineering (CPIE – 2023) | 2022-23 | Yes | CPIE | ||
1457 | RAMKRISHNA SHANTILAL BHARSAKADE | Educational Project Management System | Hinweis International Conference on Computer Science, Cyber Security and Information Technology (CCIT) |
2022-23 | Yes | CPIE | ||
1458 | RAMKRISHNA SHANTILAL BHARSAKADE | Productivity Improvement Using Systematic Layout Planning: A Cement Refractory Case Study | 3rd Biennial International Conference on Future Learning Aspects of Mechanical Engineering (FLAME - 2022) | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1459 | GAYATRI DEODATTA GAWANDE | Hydrodynamic Cavitation- A Promising Technology For Water Treatment | Advances in Water Treatment and Managemen | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1460 | MANGESH BHAURAO CHAUDHARI | Thermal Analysis and Structural Optimization of Bike Disc Brake | Proceedings of the 9th International and 49th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP) | 2022-23 | Yes | Springer Nature | ||
1461 | MANGESH BHAURAO CHAUDHARI | HEAT TRANSFER USING PASSIVE ENHANCEMENT TECHNIQUE | Proceedings of the 9th International and 49th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP) | 2022-23 | Yes | Springer Nature | ||
1462 | MANGESH BHAURAO CHAUDHARI | Thermal Optimization of Server Using Dielectric Fluid for Single Phase Immersion Cooling | Proceedings of the 9th International and 49th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP) | 2022-23 | Yes | CCIT Conference Proceedings | ||
1463 | MANGESH BHAURAO CHAUDHARI | A numerical investigation for heat transfer enhancement using convergent and divergent shape orifice geometry of synthetic jet | Proceedings of the 9th International and 49th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP) | 2022-23 | Yes | Springer Nature | ||
1464 | RAJESH JANKIRAM CHAUDHARI | To study the effect of Ni particles on microstructures and mechanical properties of Indium-Bismuth solder alloy" | Materials Today Proceedings | 2022-23 | Yes | Springer Nature | ||
1466 | RAJESH JANKIRAM CHAUDHARI | Hardness and microstructure analysis of rotary friction welded dissimilar joint of Cu and Ti-6Al-4V | Materials Science Forum | 2022-23 | Yes | Elsevier | ||
1467 | Dr. SANIKA SARANG PATANKAR | Determine elastic coefficient of mild steel plate using Welch periodogram | International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies (ICICT)2023 | 2022-23 | Yes | IEEE | ||
1468 | PROF. (DR.) DHORE MANIKRAO LAXMANRAO | Disease Prevention System using Prediction System based on Risk | International Conference on Machine Learning and Information Processing (ICMLIP-2023) Conference | 2022-23 | Yes | Expected in Springer | ||
1469 | MEDHA VISHWANATH WYAWAHARE | Twitter Sentiment analysis on Political Tweets | 3RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MACHINE LEARNING AND INFORMATION PROCESSING | 2022-23 | Yes | AIP Publishing | ||
1470 | MEDHA VISHWANATH WYAWAHARE | Surya Namaskar Pose Estimation and Correction Using Machine Learning | 3RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MACHINE LEARNING AND INFORMATION PROCESSING | 2022-23 | Yes | AIP Publishing | ||
1471 | SHINDE SUNIL SHYAM | Smart storage box for aligners" | Recent Developments in Computer and Communication Technologies | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1472 | SACHIN SHRIDHAR SAWANT | Simulation Study, Synthesis and Testing of Cell-Phone Protection Cover | Sardar Patel International Conference on “Industry 4.0 - Nascent Technologies and Sustainability for 'Make in India' Initiative” SPICON-2022. | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1473 | GIRISH NARAYAN KOTWAL | Design and manufacturing of portable cellphone charger | THIRD INTERNATIONAL VIRTUAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT ROBOTICS, MECHATRONICS AND AUTOMATION SYSTEMS(IRMAS 2023);May 04-05, 2023; | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1474 | Dr. GOPAL DADARAO UPADHYE | Traffic Light Simulation Using ALP | Second International conference on Machine Learning Deep Learning Computational intelligence for wireless communication | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1475 | KAPIL GANGABISAN MUNDADA | Smart Bus Real-Time Tracking System using GSM and GPS module | International Conference on Technology for Sustainable Development | 2022-23 | Yes | |||
1476 | PROF. (DR.) GHADEKAR PREMANAND PRALHAD | Neural Style Transfer - Parameter Optimization including Performance, Loss function and Security | International Conference on Data Analytics and Insights | 2022-23 | Yes |